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Results-Based Accountability Master Class for Fiscal Policy Studies

Join our master class to learn new concepts, meet experts, share knowledge, and ask questions in a supportive environment. Dive into performance measures, success stories, and data development to enhance accountability in your organization.

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Results-Based Accountability Master Class for Fiscal Policy Studies

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  1. RBA TM Results-Based Accountability MASTER CLASS The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute resultsaccountability.com raguide.org Book - DVD Orders amazon.com resultsleadership.org


  3. RBA is a Conversation. Work in Pairs Work as Tables

  4. NOTES Write down: 1. What do you want to get out of this workshop? 2. What is your "How do we….?" question? (on cards)

  5. Another View of the Agenda o Welcome & Introductions o Selecting Performance Measures o 3 RBA Success Stories o How do we…? Questions Round 1 o LUNCH o Open Space – Tough Questions o Performance Turn the Curve Exercise o How do we…? Questions Round 2 o Next Steps & Closing


  7. RBA in a Nutshell 2 – 3 - 7 2 - kinds of accountability Population accountability Performance accountability plus language discipline Results & Indicators Performance measures 3 - kinds of performance measures. How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? 7 - questions from ends to means in less than an hour. Baselines & Turning the Curve

  8. The Simplest Way TO IMPLEMENT RBA POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Pick an important indicator curve 2. Run the Population Turn the Curve Exercise 3. Take action Repeat PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Pick an important performance measure curve 2. Run the Performance Turn the Curve Exercise 3. Take action Repeat

  9. How to choose Performance Measures

  10. Select 3 to 5 Performance Measures ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE ORG CHART 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5

  11. Performance Accountability Types of Measures found in each Quadrant How well did we do it? How much did we do? % Common measures e.g. client staff ratio, workload ratio, staff turnover rate, staff morale, % staff fully trained, % clients seen in their own language, worker safety, unit cost % Activity-specific measures e.g. % timely, % clients completing activity, % correct and complete, % meeting standard # Clients/customers served # Activities (by type of activity) Is anyone better off? % Skills / Knowledge (e.g. parenting skills) % Attitude / Opinion (e.g. toward drugs) % Behavior (e.g.school attendance) % Circumstance (e.g. working, in stable housing) # Point in Time vs. 2 Point Comparison # # % # #

  12. Choosing Headline Measures and the Data Development Agenda Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? #3 DDA # Measure 1 ---------------------------- % Measure 8 ---------------------------- # Measure 2 ---------------------------- % Measure 9 ----------------------------- # Measure 3 ---------------------------- % Measure 10 --------------------------- Effect Effort # Measure 4 ---------------------------- % Measure 11 --------------------------- #2 Headline # Measure 5 ---------------------------- % Measure 12 --------------------------- # Measure 6 ---------------------------- % Measure 13 --------------------------- # Measure 7 ---------------------------- % Measure 14 --------------------------- Is anyone better off? #2 DDA # Measure 15 ---------------------------- % Measure 15 ---------------------------- # Measure 16 ---------------------------- % Measure 16 ---------------------------- #3 Headline # Measure 17 ---------------------------- % Measure 17 ---------------------------- # Measure 18 ---------------------------- % Measure 18 ---------------------------- #1 Headline # Measure 19 ---------------------------- % Measure 19 ---------------------------- # Measure 20 ---------------------------- % Measure 20 ---------------------------- #1 DDA # Measure 21 ---------------------------- % Measure 21 ----------------------------

  13. Three Part List of Performance Measures Part 1: Primary Measures ● 3 to 5 “Headline” Indicators ● How to explain this service's performance Part 2: Secondary Measures ● Everything else that’s any good (Nothing is wasted.) ● Used later in the Story behind the Curve Part 3: Data Development Agenda ● New data ● Data in need of repair (quality,timeliness etc.)

  14. Select 3 to 5 Performance Measures ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE ORG CHART 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5

  15. BREAK

  16. SUCCESS STORIES What has changed? Lessons learned? Questions & Comments

  17. How do we…? Questions Round 1

  18. LUNCH

  19. OPEN SPACE Small Groups Large Group Lessons & Questions

  20. OPEN SPACE Small Groups Large Group Lessons & Questions

  21. BREAK

  22. Performance Turn the Curve Exercise

  23. The Simplest Way TO IMPLEMENT RBA POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Pick an important indicator curve 2. Run the Population Turn the Curve Exercise 3. Take action Repeat PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Pick an important performance measure curve 2. Run the Performance Turn the Curve Exercise 3. Take action Repeat

  24. Creating a Working Baseline from Group Knowledge Indicator or Performance Measure Not OK? 65% Now

  25. Turn the Curve Exercise: Program Performance 5 min: Starting Points - timekeeper and reporter - identify a program to work on - two hats (yours plus partner’s) 10 min: Performance measure baseline - choose 1 measure to work on – from the lower right quadrant - forecast (to 2017) – OK or not OK? 15 min: Story behind the baseline - causes/forces at work - information & research agenda part 1 - causes 15 min: What works? (What would it take?) - what could work to do better? - each partners contribution - no-cost / low-cost ideas - information & research agenda part 2 – what works 10 min: Report convert notes to one page Two pointers to action

  26. 4. --------- Off the Wall ONE PAGE Turn the Curve Report: Performance Program: _______________ Performance Measure (Lay definition) Performance Measure Baseline Story behind the baseline --------------------------- --------------------------- (List as many as needed) Partners --------------------------- --------------------------- (List as many as needed) Three Best Ideas – What Works 1. --------------------------- 2. --------------------------- 3. ---------No-cost / low-cost 4. --------- Off the Wall Sharp Edges

  27. Turn the Curve Exercise – Lessons Talk to Action in an hour 1. How was this different from other processes? What worked and what didn’t work? 2. Why did we ask for: a. Results before indicators? b. Forecast? c. Story? d. No cost / low cost? e. Two hats? f. Crazy idea? g. Only 3 best ideas? 3. Do you think a lay audience could understand the reports? 4. How many think you could lead this exercise with a small group? (2+ curves at the same time)

  28. How do we…? Questions Round 2

  29. Next Steps Evaluation & Closing

  30. THANK YOU ! Book - DVD Orders amazon.com resultsleadership.org

  31. Supplementary Slides

  32. Self Assessment Questionnaire Write score anonymously on cards.

  33. Two lessons One Question Put your score (anonymously) on a card and hand it in. We'll show you a distribution of scores later.

  34. If we have time: PERFORMANCE 20-MINUTE EXERCISE

  35. 20 Minute Exercise 2 customers 1 measure 1 measure Discuss how we’re doing 2 partners 2 what works ideas (1 nc/lc) Discuss how to implement 40

  36. Next Generation Contracting 1. Pick one (or more) provisions 2. Discuss how it should be implemented 3. LESSONS & QUESTIONS

  37. Next Generation Contracting Contract Provisions Provision 1. Specify the 3 to 5 most important performance measures (from the How well did we do it? and Is anyone better off? categories). Provision 2. Specify that the contractor will use a continuous improvement process (the RBA 7 Questions). Provision 3. Specify how the funder and contractor will work in partnership to maximize LR customer results (quarterly meetings using the 7 questions as the agenda). Provision 4. Specify that the funder will work with the funding community to simplify and standardize contracting and performance reporting.

  38. Next Generation Contracting Contract Provisions Provision 5: : Clear articulation of role in population/community well-being using the language of contribution not attribution. Provision 6: 10% for quality management and administration. Provision 7: Multi-year funding using 3 year rolling contracts Provision 8: Use of targets that are fair and useful. Provision 9: Fund flexibility and virtual funding pool: transfer of up to 10% across line items and program lines. Provision 10: Request for Results: Getting past the sometimes negative effects of competitive RFP contracting or tendering.



  41. THE VERMONT ACCOUNTABILITY COMPACT - Read the Compact - Would you sign an AU or NZ version of this? - How would you change it? - Do you think it would help?

  42. Service: __________________________________ School Hospital Job Training Fire Department How well did we do it? How much did we do? Primary customers # students patients persons trained Primary activity # hours of instruction responded to Unit cost Workload ratio % of ___x___ that happen on time diagnostic tests job courses alarms Is anyone better off? If your service works really well, how are your customer's better off? # students who graduate recover of origin jobs patients who fully fires kept to room % persons who get

  43. RBA/OBA Least Harm Cutback Exercise 2: PERFORMANCE Least harm to CUSTOMERS' quality of life (Performance Accountability) 1. Identify one service. 2. Identify the primary customer group. 3. What are you doing that is most effective in improving the lives of your customers? 4. What is least effective? (Least harm cut candidates) 5. How could you change the way you do your work so as to make the same, or close to the same, contribution with less resources? (Least harm cut candidates) - Time: 5 minutes for each question - Record answers for each question. - Report 3 best ideas and reasoning

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