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Author 1, Author 2, et al. Paper Title. Published where, on which pages, at what date.

Author 1, Author 2, et al. Paper Title. Published where, on which pages, at what date. Your name goes here. Outline. Put a brief outline of your presentation here. ”Main body of presentation”. Put your ”presentation slides” here

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Author 1, Author 2, et al. Paper Title. Published where, on which pages, at what date.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Author 1, Author 2, et al. Paper Title. Published where, on which pages, at what date. Your name goes here Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices

  2. Outline • Put a brief outline of your presentation here Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices

  3. ”Main body of presentation” • Put your ”presentation slides” here • Should include (at least) an overview of the paper, presentation of important details, pointers to interestingt papers for further reading, a discussion about how it may influence our project. Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices

  4. Summary • Make your own summary of the paper contents Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices

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