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Colonialism. 9 th Grade World History. What is Colonialism. Colonialism: A policy in which a nation gains complete control over another foreign nation. Why did Colonialism Begin. Population growth in Europe More land needed for natural resources. Higher demand for goods.

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  1. Colonialism 9th Grade World History

  2. What is Colonialism • Colonialism: A policy in which a nation gains complete control over another foreign nation.

  3. Why did Colonialism Begin • Population growth in Europe • More land needed for natural resources. • Higher demand for goods. • Competition between countries for land.

  4. How did Colonialism Begin? • 1400’s: Explorers such as Columbus find new lands. • 1500’s: Countries become rich from goods from new lands. • Portugal and Spain gain a monopoly over trade in Americas and East Indies because of strong fleet of ships. • 1588: Spanish Armada is Defeated. England, France, and Denmark begin competing for colonies.

  5. What is a monopoly: • A Monopoly is when a person, business or country has complete or most control of a certain industry. • For Example: Portugal and Spain had a monopoly on trade in the Americas and the East Indies.

  6. Y.T.T.W • Determine why other European countries wanted land in the America’s. What are the positives and negatives of a monopoly?

  7. The East India Trading Company • Created in 1600s by France, Denmark and Britain to end Portuguese Monopoly. • Goal: Establish trading colonies for spices in India. • Very strict against pirates on the Atlantic Ocean.

  8. Trade in the Americas • North and South America, first colonized by Spanish after Columbus. • Americas were divided up between European countries. • Good resource for raw materials: Sugar, cotton, tobacco, lumber, etc. • Many wars occurred between European countries over colonies in the Americas.

  9. The Columbian Exchange • Spanish established colonies for sugar, tobacco, gold and silver in South America and Mexico/Florida region. • First tried to use Native Americans for labor. • Native Americans died of diseases such as smallpox and syphilis and also rebelled. • New source of labor was needed.

  10. The arrival of Africans • The Triangle Trade • Slaves from Africa were good source of labor. • Immune to many diseases, bought at cheap price. • Leaders of African tribes would sell their people to Europeans in exchange for man made goods like guns and liquor. • Slaves would go to the Americas to farm cotton, tobacco and other raw materials to go back to Europe. • Slavery begins.

  11. Th African Diaspora • Slave trade begins the African Diaspora: Mass migration of a people away from their native/home land.

  12. Mercantilism • Economic System used by European Colonists • Based on the idea that all business and colonies should be used to help/benefit the national economy. • Colonies should ONLY trade with their mother country. • Countries should get as much land as possible. • Goal was to sell goods for money that went to the government, NOT buy goods from other countries. • Large supply of good and silver=nations weatlth!

  13. Adam Smith • The Father of Economics, wrote “Wealth of Nations” in 1776. • Believed that mercantilism was bad because it did not allow for competition in the economy. • Believed in Laissez faire economy: Government should leave the economy alone, not interfere. No government restrictions on trade. • Prices would be lower and products would be better with competition.

  14. Y.T.T.W. • Tell me your thoughts on Mercantilism. Do you feel Adam Smith was correct or not about the idea of a Laissez faire economy.

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