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2000 Pilot time-use SURVEY

Learn about the 2000 Pilot Time-Use Survey conducted in the Philippines to analyze how Filipinos allocate their time, socio-economic characteristics, and factors influencing time use choices. The survey aimed to adapt the UNSD's Trial Classification for Time Use Activities, recommend data collection methods, and obtain data for valuation studies. The non-probability sampling design covered various types of barangays, with selected areas including Quezon City and Batangas. Household and individual questionnaires were used, along with personal interviews and diary methods for data collection. Insights and lessons learned highlighted the importance of interview dedication, combining interview and diary methods, and improving questionnaire design for better data processing efficiency.

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2000 Pilot time-use SURVEY

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  1. 2000 Pilot time-use SURVEY Philippines International Workshop on Social Statistics November 22-24, 2010 Beijing, China

  2. Introduction • 2000 Pilot Time Use Survey - first survey on time use conducted in the Philippines - tripartite agreement by NCRFW (now PCW), NSCB, and NSO - financial assistance from Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

  3. Objectives • Provide information on how Filipinos allocate their time to activities such as paid work, housework, and other non-market work and free time activities • Generate information on the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the members of household 10 years old and over • Gather and identify the factors that influence a person’s choice of time use among subgroups of population

  4. Specific Objectives Adapt and test the Trial Classification for Time Use Activities that has been proposed by the UNSD, Test and recommend alternative modes of data collection for national time use survey, Test and recommend alternative data capture instruments for national time use survey, and Obtain data that can serve as bases for valuation studies on paid and unpaid work

  5. Sampling Design Non-probability sample - 8 enumeration areas (EAs) covering 4 types of barangays: 1. barangay in highly urban area 2. barangay in urban area 3. rural barangay basically agricultural 4. other rural areas Selected areas: - Quezon City and Batangas

  6. Sampling Design Selection of households - 30 households selected in each selected barangay using purposive sampling Selection of respondents - if household with 3 members 10 years old and over, all 3 chosen as respondents - if household with more than 3 members 10 years old and over:

  7. Pretests Conducted 3 pretests to finalize survey instruments Open-ended type of questionnaire, and interview method and diary method were recommended for 2000 Pilot TUS

  8. Questionnaires TUS Form 1 (Household Questionnaire) Demographic characteristics - household composition, relationship to HH Head, sex, age, highest grade completed, civil status, and OFW indicator - household time saving devices

  9. Questionnaires TUS Form 2 (Individual Questionnaire) - activities done in 24-hour period which starts upon waking up - time that each activity started and the time that it ended - whether activity is paid or unpaid - place where activity was done - with whom activity was done

  10. Questionnaires TUS Form 2 (Individual Questionnaire) Socio-economic characteristics - occupation, kind of business or industry, class of worker, place of work, and nature of employment

  11. Data Collection Method Used 2 methods of data collection 1. personal interview – face to face - recall/relate all activities during a 24-hour period: from time woke up to time went to bed - interview about 1 weekday and 2 weekend days

  12. Data Collection Method 2. diary method - respondent enters activities during a 24-hour period (from time woke up to time went to bed) in a diary - diary about 1 weekday and 2 weekend days

  13. Data Collection Method Distribution of selected households - 30 sample households per EA divided into 2 clusters of 15 households: 1. Personal interview – 15 households 2. Diary method – 15 households - weekdays distributed evenly in 15 selected households

  14. Data Collection/Training Data collectors - regular staff of NSO Provincial Offices in Batangas and NCR District II (Quezon City) Training - task force training for data collectors and supervisors conducted on Feb.7-8, 2000

  15. Data Collection Data collection period - February 9-29, 2000 Team approach for each type of area Quezon City - 1 team leader, 2 data collectors Batangas - 1 team leader, 3 data collectors Total sample households - 240 Batangas – 180 Quezon City - 60

  16. Data Processing Manual processing - checking for completeness of selected households - general screening of questionnaires - coding - 240 TUS Form 1 - 1,960 TUS Form 2 Machine processing - data entry - validation of entries - used 2 computer programs in IMPS: 1 for TUS Form 1 and another for TUS Form 2

  17. Insights and Lessons Learned Conduct of interviews/data collection - 3 sets of interviews (1 weekday , 2 weekends) per respondent cause refusals - dedication of data collectors is very important

  18. Insights and Lessons Learned Methods of data collection - problems: 1. respondents who were not available during initial visits hardly recall their activities for the reference day 2. self-administered forms not accomplished - recommendation: use combination of both interview and diary methods

  19. Insights and Lessons Learned Type of questionnaires used - The open-ended type is respondent- and interviewer-friendly while the pre-coded type is data processor-friendly. - Integration of these features in one questionnaire should be studied. - Additional explanations about data items need to be incorporated in the questionnaires and manual

  20. Insights and Lessons Learned Manual processing - manual processing was laborious - classifying/coding of different activities took so much time especially on questionnaires with more detailed activities - manual processing was slow since processors were not familiar with the UN Trial Classification of TUS, 1994 PSIC, & 1992 PSOC

  21. Insights and Lessons Learned Machine processing - machine processing, particularly entering codes and time started and time finished for each activity require time and skill - updating of entries were done during verification of data - both manual and machine processing were relatively more difficult for TUS than for other surveys

  22. Recommendations An open-ended questionnaire is strongly recommended. Constant follow-up of the respondents is necessary. In cases wherein respondent prefers to fill out questionnaire, a combination of diary and interview methods should be employed. Instructions on how to fill out forms should have proper illustration as well as detailed examples. Age cut-off for respondents should be increased to 15 years old.

  23. Recommendations The UN Trial Time-Use Classification must be adapted to Philippine condition. The revision should consider Filipino activities. Interviewers must be provided with extensive training on the classification of activities to ensure that the correct entries in questionnaires and proper codes are reflected for processing purposes. Rare activities done in both urban and rural areas must be provided in a separate list to ensure these are not forgotten by interviewers and respondents.

  24. Recoding of Pilot TUS using Revised ICATUS UN Revised (Proposed) version of ICATUS - incorporated recommendation to adapt to local situation and incorporate other country suggestions - tested through UNDP-NSO Project; recoding of 2000 Pilot TUS using revised/proposed version

  25. Recoding of Pilot TUS using Proposed ICATUS

  26. Recoding of Pilot TUS using Proposed ICATUS

  27. Findings – Revised ICATUS Difficulty in classifying activities. Description of activities was not specific. The Trial Classification provides easy identification of variables whether activity is paid or unpaid, volunteer work, child care (receiving care), etc. Proposed ICATUS classified variables including ancillary activities.

  28. Recommendations – Revised ICATUS If the proposed ICATUS will be used in national TUS, questions that will identify main activity against secondary activity and total time spent for each activity should be included for consistency and verification purposes. There should be separate training for familiarization of coding scheme or classification system to all interviewers and processors particularly on the contents or the list of detailed classification, description and definition of every division or grouping.

  29. Recommendations – Revised ICATUS Specific instructions and examples should likewise be incorporated in self-administered questionnaire or leave behind diaries. The Philippine version of ICATUS should be prepared by TWG following UNDP ICATUS and should include all possible activities of men and women in the country.

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