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Positive Punishment: Punishment by Stimulus Presentation

Explore the different types of punishment, its discriminative effects, recovery processes, and factors influencing effectiveness. Learn about conditioned and unconditioned punishers, and why severity, immediacy, and certainty play crucial roles in punishment outcomes.

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Positive Punishment: Punishment by Stimulus Presentation

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  1. Positive Punishment:Punishment by Stimulus Presentation

  2. Introduction • Punishment is: • Poorly understood • Frequently misapplied • Controversial Many recommendations for punishment are derived from basic research conducted more than 40 years ago. Azrin and Holz, Campbell and Church, See Van Houten

  3. Introduction As a principle of behavior, punishment is not about punishing the person. Punishment is a: response consequence contingency suppresses the future frequency of a behavior or response.

  4. Punishment • Is a procedure • Occurs when a response is followed by a stimulus that decreases the future frequency of similar responses • Is not defined by the actions of the delivery device or person • Is not defined by the nature of the consequence. • A decrease in the behavior must be observed before a consequence-based intervention qualifies as punishment

  5. Two Types of Punishment • Positive: Presentation of a stimulus (or an increase in the intensity of an already present stimulus) immediately following a response that results in a decrease in the frequency of the response behavior. Negative: The termination/ removal of an stimulus (or a decrease in the intensity of an already present stimulus) immediately following a response that results in a decrease in the future frequency of the behavior.

  6. Definitions & Nature of Punishment Discriminative Effects of Punishment The 3 term contingency for punishment (1) In a particular stimulus situation (S), (2) some kinds of behavior (R), when followed immediately by (3) certain stimulus changes (SP), show a decreased future frequency of occurrence in the same or in similar situations.

  7. Definitions & Nature of Punishment Discriminative Effects of Punishment If punishment occurs only in some stimulus conditions and not in others, the suppressive effects of punishment will be most prevalent under those conditions. Discriminative stimulus for punishment is SDp.

  8. Recovery from Punishment Two options: • Suppression under punishment conditions When punishment is discontinued responding returns Response rate may briefly exceed the level at which it was occurring prior to punishment • Total suppression Permanent of the response.

  9. Definitions & Nature of Punishment Unconditioned and Conditioned Punishers A punisher is a stimulus change that immediately follows the occurrence of a behavior and reduces the future frequency of that type of behavior.

  10. Definitions & Nature of Punishment Unconditioned and Conditioned Punishers An unconditioned punisher is a stimulus whose presentation functions as punishment without having been paired with any other punishers. Product of the evolutionary history of a species (phylogeny); all biologically intact members of a species are more or less susceptible to punishment by the same unconditioned punishers.

  11. Definitions & Nature of Punishment Factors That Influence the Effectiveness of Punishment Severity or Intensity of punishment Manner of Introduction Certainty Schedule Availability of reinforcement for the target behavior Availability of reinforcement for an alternative behavior.

  12. Severity or Intensity of the Stimulus • Intensity refers to the physical parameters of the stimulus. • Severity refers to the degree of suppression achieved. • Very intense punisher that produces minimal suppression is a mild punisher. • Low intensity stimuli that produce complete suppression are severe punishers.

  13. Manner of Introduction • Sudden introduction of punishment produces much greater response suppression than if the punishment intensity is gradually increased. • Don’t begin with mild punishers and make more intense. • If use gradual small punishers and increase the intensity, it takes a more intense punisher to suppress the unwanted behavior than if had given the full amount immediately. • Is problematic for Human Rights Organizations and Criminal Justice System.

  14. Manner of Introduction • If you give intense punisher first, often times milder punishers that had no effect before now become effective. • Gradual low intensity punishers lead to temporary suppression. • Moderate intensity punishers lead to partial suppression. • Intense punishers lead to total suppression.

  15. Intensity can differ amongst individuals • E.g., $200 ticket for speeding Bill Gates You It will impact you more. • Public Whipping, May affect you both the same.

  16. Immediacy of Punishment • In general, the longer the delay between the response and the punisher, the less effective the punisher becomes. • Immediate punishment is no more effective than stimulus delivery within the first hour. • After the first hour, effectiveness continues to decrease.

  17. Punishment Certainty • Can have high intensity. • Can have good immediacy. • But will be ineffective if there is low certainty. • The greater the certainty of receiving the punishing stimulus, the greater the response suppression.

  18. Example • If have high intensity but low certainty of apprehension, you will usually perform the behavior. • Rob a Bank get 10 million dollars. • Get caught you get executed. • 1/10 million chance of apprehension. • Vs 1/1000 chance of apprehension.

  19. Relates to Concept of Deterrence • What is the probability of being caught if I do a behavior. • The higher the odds of success, the more likely the probability of engaging in the behavior. Occurs even when severity is high.

  20. Two Types of Deterrence • General Deterrence • Prevents you from engaging in the act in the first place. • Specific Deterrence • Relates to preventing you from repeating the behavior after being caught.

  21. Availability of Unpunished Responses • Even low intensity punishers can be effective when an alternative unpunished behavior is available that produces reinforcement. • With no alternatives, need higher intensity.

  22. How Often is the Punished Behavior Reinforced? • Punishers are more effective when punished behavior is no longer reinforced. • The more reinforcement for the behavior, the less effective the punisher becomes. Also, depends on the intensity.

  23. Examples • Kid in class shoots a spit wad. • Teacher – Stand in the corner • Kid gets lots of attention from other kids • Behavior increases • Drug selling behavior by juveniles • Get caught – slap on the wrist • Also, kid gets lots of attention.

  24. Is the Punisher Delivered Before the Reinforcer • Punishment is more effective when it is delivered before the behavior is reinforced. • Early studies found it was more effective. • Today it is not so clear cut.

  25. Self Control / Self Management • Relates to immediacy vs. delayed consequences for a behavior. • Several Types

  26. Self Control / Self Management • Small Immed. Pos Delayed Lg. Neg • Smoke Cig Cancer, Death • Small Immed. Neg Delayed Lg. Neg • See Dentist Get Root Canal • Small Immed. Pos Delayed Lg. Pos • Save Money Buy a boat or car • Small Immed. Neg Delayed Lg. Pos • Meet new People Fall in love • Generally, immediate consequences have a greater impact than delayed consequences.

  27. Schedule The greater the proportion of responses that are followed by the punisher is the greater the response reduction. Continuous Punishment (FR-1) Schedule = Gives maximal response suppression, but allows for rapid recovery when the punishment contingency is removed.

  28. Classic Mistakes /Inappropriate use of Punishment • Ignore behaviors that should be punished. • Puts persons on a random schedule • Don’t start early. • Usually wait until misbehavior persists or becomes more severe • Delay. • Wait until class is over before sending to principal’s office • Don’t reinforce alternative “good” behavior.

  29. Side Effects of Punishment • May be a general decrease in all behavior • Kids who are punished may not talk as much – can become withdrawn. • May cause emotional outbursts. Yelling, acting out, fear • May generate hostility toward the source or the person giving the punisher. • Escape and Avoidance • Increased rate of the problem behavior under nonpunishment • Modeling undesirable behavior • Not teaching the learner what to do

  30. More Side Effects • Physical punishment is highly correlated with aggressive behavior in kids. • Lots of physical punishment increases aggression in kids. • Negative Reinforcement of the Punishing Agent’s Behavior • Punishment tends to terminate the punished behavior quickly. The deliver’s behavior is negatively reinforced by the immediate cessation of the punished behavior.

  31. Some Techniques • Reprimands • Response Blocking • Contingent Exercise • Overcorrection • Electrical Stimulation

  32. Reprimands The delivery of verbal reprimands following the occurrence of misbehavior is an example of attempted positive punishment. Reprimands given repeatedly may lead to the subject habituating to the stimulus

  33. Social Reprimands • Are expressions of disapproval. • Does not include body language or intensity. • Is a problem for teachers. • Usually give more reprimands (usually ineffectively as well) than reinforcers.

  34. White • Examined students in grades 1-12. • Found, • After grade two, in every class, reprimands excluded praise. • Teachers gave at least one reprimand every two minutes. • Often teachers gave more reprimands to students in “low ability classes” than “high ability classes.”

  35. Factors that Influence Reprimands • Verbal and non-verbal behavior • Verbal content • Proximity • Immediacy • Intensity • Firmness of voice • Backup punishers • Praise for alternative behaviors.

  36. Verbal and Non-Verbal Behavior • Verbal content can have an effect. • Using eye contact grasping the arm or shoulder markedly increases the effectiveness. • Depends on the setting and age of the person • School • Home • Don’t need to yell – use your normal voice.

  37. Studies • Using verbal alone takes 4-7 times for a behavior change. • Verbal + non-verbal only takes 1-2 times for behavior change.

  38. Verbal Content • Specifically Define the Target Behavior. • Johnny or Susie stop that = poor. • Johnny or Susie stop talking = better. • Johnny or Susie stop talking and work on your math = best.

  39. Proximity • Closer you are when giving the reprimand, the greater the decrease in the behavior. • 1 yard vs. 10 yards.

  40. Immediacy • The faster the reprimand is given following the response, the greater the response suppression. • Problem • If reprimanding all the time – organisms go on extinction.

  41. Intensity • More intense the reprimand (loudness), the more effective the suppression. • Note: Reprimands do not need to be loud to be effective.

  42. Firmness of Voice • Use a “I Mean Business” tone. • Firmness is very important.

  43. Backup Punishers • When paired with backup punishers, reprimands can be very effective.

  44. Praise for Alternative Behaviors • When you use praise for alternative behaviors, reprimands become more effective.

  45. Response Blocking • Physically intervening as soon as the person begins to emit the problem behavior to prevent or “block” the completion of the response • Has been show to be effective in reducing the frequency of some problem behaviors. • Suppressive effects of response blocking may be due to punishment or to extinction. • Must be approached with great care. • Can get side effects such as aggression and resistance

  46. Contingent Exercise An intervention in which a person is required to perform a response that is not topographically related to the problem behavior.

  47. Overcorrection • The learner is required to engage in effortful behavior that is directly or logically related to the problem. 2 Forms: Restitutional Positive Practice

  48. Restitutional Overcorrection • The learner is required to repair or return the environment to its original state • Then to engage in additional behavior to bring the environment to a condition vastly better than it was in prior to the misbehavior.

  49. Positive Practice Overcorrection The learner is required to repeat a correct form of the behavior, or a behavior incompatible with the problem, a specified number of times.

  50. Contingent Electric Stimulation 46 studies have demonstrated that contingent electric stimulation can be a safe and highly effective method for suppressing chronic and life- threatening self-injurious behavior (SIB). Self-Injurious Behavior Inhibiting System (SIBIS) One of the most rigorously researched and carefully applied procedures for implementing punishment by electric stimulation for self-inflicted blows to the head or face.

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