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Punishment. Justin Daigle, MA , BCBA, LBA Program Director. Punishment. Any consequence to a behavior that decreases the future frequency of a behavior. Positive vs. Negative. Positive – something added to the environment Negative – something taken away from the environment. Examples.

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  1. Punishment Justin Daigle, MA, BCBA, LBA Program Director

  2. Punishment • Any consequence to a behavior that decreases the future frequency of a behavior

  3. Positive vs. Negative • Positive – something added to the environment • Negative – something taken away from the environment

  4. Examples • Positive – slip, loud sound, electric shock, etc. • Negative – taking away video games, taking away food, etc.

  5. “Blanket Effect” • When using punishment, there are a number of stimuli present • All of those stimuli can become associated with the effects of punishment

  6. Pairing • Pairing can and will occur between the person providing the punishment and the punisher. Prepare for that in a clinical setting.

  7. Unconditioned • Occur naturally • Pain • Certain odors and tastes • Physical restraint • Loss of bodily support • Extreme muscular effort

  8. Conditioned • Do not occur naturally • Scolding • Removal of a token • Disapproving look • “Grounding”

  9. Factors that Influence • Same as reinforcement • Immediacy • Intensity/Magnitude • Schedule of Punishment • SR+ of Alternative Rs

  10. Side Effects • Emotional Reaction • Aggression • Escape/Avoidance • Behavioral Contrast • Undesirable Modeling • SR+ of the instructor

  11. SP+ Interventions • Reprimands • Response Blocking • Contingent Exercise • Overcorrection (more later) • Contingent Electric Stimulation

  12. Overcorrection • Overcorrection • Restitutional Overcorrection • Overcorrection with Positive Practice

  13. Ethics • Is the use of punishment ethical? • Is the use of punishment useful? • When should we use punishment?

  14. Ethics • Select Effective and Appropriate Punishers • You want a fast, strong punisher to “nip it in the bud” • Using ineffective punishers will require more time spent in a punishment procedure.

  15. Ethics • Use varied punishers • Deliver Immediately • Punish each instance of the behavior

  16. Ethics • A punishment procedure should always include training on appropriate behavior

  17. Ethics • You should only use punishment when all other options have been exhausted and you have informed consent

  18. Ethics • Be prepared for negative side effects • Record accurate data • Least restrictive alternative • Right to Effective Treatment

  19. Ideology • “Punishment is a natural and necessary role in learning and should be recognized as such.”

  20. Removal of a Stimulus • Two types of punishment procedures that use the removal of a stimulus: • Time-Out • Response Cost

  21. Time Out • “Not ya momma’s time out” • Time out from the availability of SR+ • “Because you hit me, you cannot play with any toys for 5 seconds.”

  22. Time Out • Must receive a time out during every instance of the behavior • Time out should be short (10-30seconds)

  23. Why Time Out? • Easy • Effective • Socially Acceptable

  24. Response Cost Examples • Fines • Bonus Response Cost • We all have a party for 15 minutes • You lose 5 minutes every time you hit me

  25. Response Cost Examples • Ensure you have good “back-up reinforcers” when the proper behaviors occur.

  26. Response Cost Limitations • Increases aggression • Pairing • “Blanket Effect” • Call attention to behavior • Unpredictability

  27. Questions? • Thanks for your time!

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