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Navajo Reservoir Operations CRFS Technical Committee November 16, 2010 Fall Technical Meeting. San Juan River. Critical Habitat. Gaging Stations. Review of Water Year 2010 Operations. Chasing the Target Baseflow. Base releases remained at 500 cfs until June 24 th
Navajo Reservoir Operations CRFS Technical Committee November 16, 2010 Fall Technical Meeting
San Juan River Critical Habitat Gaging Stations
Review of Water Year 2010 Operations
Chasing the Target Baseflow • Base releases remained at 500 cfs until June 24th • Tributary inflow + Navajo Releases keep the river within Target Base Flow range • Increased release to 850 cfs on June 24th, up to 1100 cfs on July 16th • Release returned to 500 cfs on October 19th, and should remain unchanged until next spring
Elevation = 6063.2 (102% of Average) Storage = 1,388,376 af (82% Full) Inflow = 250 cfs Release = 500 cfs NIIP = Not Diverting San Juan-Chama Diversion = Not Diverting Navajo Current Conditions(as of 11/9/2010)
Water Year 2011 Proposed Operations
2011 Forecasted April-July Inflow& Spring Peak Release Most Probable (50% Ex.) - 685,000 af (91% of Avg) Peak Release = 172,000 af (2 weeks@ 5000 cfs) Minimum Probable (90% Ex.) - 233,170 af (31% of Avg) Peak Release = 118,000 af (1 week@5000 cfs – if perturbation yr) Maximum Probable (10% Ex.) - 1,171,470 af (155% Avg) Peak Release = 926,000 af (Full Hydrograph+ – 73 days @ 5000 cfs, 33 days @ 4000 cfs) Peak Release centered over Animas at Farmington peak Base release of 500 cfs for remainder of water year (~362K af)
Put Hydrographs and downstream flow projection data here from 2011 Navajo Release Scenarios
WY2011 Estimated Inflows into Lake Powell from the San Juan(based on SJ @ Bluff modeled flows) Most Probable (50% Ex.) - 1,022,000 acre-feet (73% of Average WY1981-2010) Minimum Probable (90% Ex.) - 520,000 acre-feet (37% of Average WY1981-2010) Maximum Probable (10% Ex.) - 2,845,654 acre-feet (202% of Average WY1981-2010)
Western Colorado Area Office Contacts:Pat Page970-385-6560, ppage@usbr.govRyan Christianson970-385-6590, rchristianson@usbr.gov