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Introduction to Library Automation

Learn about the history, importance, objectives, requirements, advantages, and process of library automation. Explore the basic necessities, software, and benefits in this comprehensive guide.

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Introduction to Library Automation

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  2. Contents • What is Library Automation? • When Library Automation begins? • Why it is needed? • What are the objectives of Library Automation? • What are the Basic Requirements for Library Automation? • What are the Advantages of Library Automation? • Is there any disadvantages of Library Automation? • Process of Library Automation • Library Management System Software • Suggestions for Library Automation • Reference

  3. What is Library Automation? The word “automation” has been derived form Greek word “automose” means something, which has power of spontaneous motion or self-movement. The term “automation” was first introduced by D.S. Harder in 1936, who was then with General Motor Company in the U.S. He used the term automation to mean automatic handling of parts between progressive production processes. According to Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, “automation is the technology concerned with the design and development of process and system that minimize the necessity of human intervention in operation”. (Kent,1977) Thus,Library Automation refers to that stage where all the Library function and management tasks are performed by using IT tools and minimizing human efforts in Library.

  4. When LIBRARY AUTOMATION begins? YEARS OF DEVELOPMENTS • 1940-1949Semi-mechanical applications including edge-notched cards, opticalcoincidence, peek-a-boo cards. • 1950-1959Use of punched cards, data processing equipments, early computers andmicro image searching systems. • 1960-1969Application of general purpose digital computers, feasibility studies ofonline interactive and advance micro image systems, experiments inlibrary networking. • 1970-1979Design of online systems and conversion of batch systems into onlinemode, growth of library network and databases. • 1980-1989Intensive use of online systems, networks, mini and microcomputers,optical disks, CD-ROMs, FAX etc. • 1990sUse of internet and library networks aims towards higher levels ofcomputer application such as recording through electronic media,artificial intelligence etc.

  5. Why it is needed? There are several reasons for automation. A considerable saving in efforts,Time and resources involved in manual processing can be achieved. The other reasonsare: 1) To improve control over collection. 2) To have an entries control over the entire operation. 3) To improve the existing services as well as introduce new services. 4) To avoid duplicate of work. 5) To use services of the existing staff effectively.

  6. From the library point of view automation in library is also necessary because: 1) Largely textual in nature. 2) Bibliographic record is of variable length. 3) A field in a record may repeat many times. 4) File size is usually vary large. 5) Updating of files is done almost every day. 6) To record the date accurately, special devices are required.

  7. What are the objectives of Library Automation? 1.To maintain bibliographical records of all the materials, in a computerized form. 2.To provide bibliographical details through a single enumerate access point of holdings of a library. 3.To reduce the repetition in the technical processes of housekeeping operations. 4.To provide access to information at a faster rate. 5.To share the resources through library networking. 6.To implement new IT processes to provide high quality information.

  8. What are the Advantages of Library Automation? 1) Professional staff need not spend much time to do the routine library work. 2) Eliminates human errors while performing routine library works. 3) Improved control covers library collection. 4) Increased computer awareness among users. 5) Cataloguing is faster, instant access to non records. 6) Excellent control over circulation.

  9. Is there any disadvantage of Library Automation? There are some limitations of Library Automation which may be overcome in future • Time consuming. • Expensive process. • Totally depends on electricity. • Contenious training of staff is required. • Contenious user guidence is required.

  10. What are the Basic Requirements for Library Automation? The following are the basic requirements for the automation of libraries throughthe computer: 1) Adequate collection 2) Financial assistance 3)Computer system o Recommended: CPU—Intel Celeron D336 or Intel Pentium 506 (2.66)LGA 775 or higher Memory—512 MB PC400 DDR Hard Drive—WD 40GB 7200RPM CD-ROM/DVD drive (52x CD-ROM combo drive or 52 DVD combo drive) Monitor—15-17” CRT or LG EZ 17” Flatron Modem—56 k or DSL or Cable AVR—500 w Printer—Laser o Minimum

  11. Pentium IV Processor 128 MB RAM • Operating system software ( Windows 98 with all the updates or Windows XP Service Pack2/XP Professional) • Application software MS Office 2000 • Other applications (Acrobat Reader, Multimedia Flash Reader) • Internet access o If dial-up: modem card, phone and Internet Service provider. o If DSL: integrated LAN card and Internet Service provider. o Internet Cafes and other service centers. 4) Library software 5) Training of the staff 6) Maintenance & development

  12. Process of Library Automation • Study of the nature and needs of the Library. • Creating objectives to be achieved by automating the Library. • Selecting the sources of Data Statistics Staff profile Patron profile Policies and procedures Functional specifications to evaluate the present status of the Library.

  13. Comparing the actual status with the objectives. • Determining the system requirement for filling the gap. • A report is generated which answers whether in the proposed resources the predetermined objectives can be achieved or not? • A written document is prepared which have following details: – Vision, Goals and Objectives – Components of the project in terms of needs to achieve the vision – Specifications for your system requirements, – Financial estimates, – Action plan and – Time table for the project.

  14. The proposed project is requested for approval from the Administration. • After approval ,the Hardware and software requirements are fulfiled. • According to the proposed project,the Library Management Software is selected and installed.

  15. Library Management Software Library software has become themostpowerful toolfor changing the scenario oflibrariesfrom traditionalto automated, from automated to electronic, fromelectronic to digital, and from digital to virtual. • Evergreen, a highly-scalable software for libraries that helps library patrons find library materials, and helps libraries manage, catalog, and circulate those materials, no matter how large or complex the libraries. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL. • Koha, the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. • OpenBiblio is an easy to use, open source, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality. The purpose of this project is to provide a cost effective library automation solution for private collections, clubs, churches, schools, or public libraries.

  16. NewGenLib (NGL) is an outcome of collaboration between Verus and Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge management. NGL is developed and maintained by Verus Solutions and Kesavan Institute has provided the domain expertise. It provides many basic ILS functions as well as having several social media functions buit in. • SOPAC (Social Online Public Access Catalog) is a module for the Drupal CMS that provides true integration of your library catalog system with the power of the Drupal content management system while allowing users to tag, rate, and review your holdings. User input is then incorporated into the discovery index so that SOPAC becomes a truly community-driven catalog system.

  17. Softwares developed in India • Granthalaya-It is a complete library automation packagedesigned and developed in Foxpro by theIndian National Scientific DocumentationCentre (INSDOC), New Delhi". This package isavailable in MS-DOS. • Delsis-the networking software, is anintegrated modular package developed onBasisplus by DELNET to undertake complexcataloguing and union cataloguing functions inthe libraries, library networks and informationcentres. • Libsys-libsys is an integrated library management software package designed and developed byL ibsys Corporation, New Delhi". It was initiallydeveloped in Cobol language but nowconverted into C language: and covers all theactivi!ies of library related to acquisition,circulation, catalogu!ng, serials con!rd, articieindexing and abstracting pius online publlcaccess inrerfxe. Libsys follows internationalstandards such as CCF, MARC, etc., libsys hasbeen installed at about 70 libraries in thecountry.

  18. Maitrayee-The package has been developed by CMC, Calcutta for Calcutta Libraries Network (CALIBNW with the support of NISSAT, New Delhi. The package have been developed on INGKES as the underlying framework and works in UNlX environment. • Sanjay-Sanjay is a library autornation software package which has been designed and developed by DESIDOC, Delhi, with the support of NISSAT, by augmenting CDS/ISIS (ver 2.3) to cater to the need of library management. • SOUL Software for University Libraries (SOUL)- is an state-of-the-art integrated library management software designed and developed by the INFLIBNET Centre based on requirements of college and university libraries. It is a user-friendly software developed to work under client-server environment. The software is compliant to international standards for bibliographic formats, networking and circulation protocols. After a comprehensive study, discussions and deliberations with the senior professionals of the country, the software was designed to automate all house keeping operations in library. The software is suitable not only for the academic libraries, but also for all types and sizes of libraries, even school libraries. The first version of software i.e. SOUL 1.0 was released during CALIBER 2000.

  19. The latest version of the software i.e. SOUL 2.0 was released in January 2009. The database for new version of SOUL is designed for latest versions of MS-SQL and MySQL (or any other popular RDBMS). SOUL 2.0 is compliant to international standards such as MARC 21 bibliographic format, Unicode based Universal Character Sets for multilingual bibliographic records and NCIP 2.0 and SIP 2 based protocols for electronic surveillance and control.

  20. Library Management Software(LMS):Implementation • After installing the LMS,Staff training is required for better functioning of the project. • Allocating role to Library staff according to their ability and knowledge. • For creating Database for the automation,the collection record and patron record are converted in to machine readable record by standardization of record according to MARC-II or the Bibliographical need of the LMS. • After creating Database for all the Library Resources barcodes are generated for Patrons and Library Resources and barcodes are stick on the issuable material. • Barcode based Icards are alloted for Patrons. • User orientation program for introducing the OPAC and the automated Library.

  21. LIBRARY AUTOMATION Patrons OPAC (LAN) OPAC (LAN) OPAC (LAN) Client Computer (Acquisition) Data Transfer OPC (WAN) OPAC (WAN) Client Computer (Classification) OPAC (WAN) OPAC (WAN) SERVER COMPUTER(DATABASE) Patrons Client Computer (Cataloguing) Client Computer (Circulation) Client Computer (Serial Management)

  22. Suggestions for Library Automation • Funds and support should be provided by the Local,State or Central Government. • Trained and qualified staff should be appointed. • Automation should be implemented after proper research on the needs and nature of the Library and its users.

  23. References • http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/soul/ • http://creativelibrarian.com/library-oss/ • http://desidoc.drdo.gov.in/ojs/index.php/djlit/article/viewFile/3409/1840 • http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/5661/9/09_chapter%204.pdf

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