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POLICYMAKER LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE. Comprehensive Sexual health education. PTA historical background. 1897

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  1. POLICYMAKER LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Comprehensive Sexual health education

  2. PTA historical background • 1897 • The National Congress of Mothers, irrespective of creed, color, or condition, stands for all parenthood, childhood, homehood. Its platform is the universe, its organization, the human race.

  3. What do you know about Pta? • School lunch program • Juvenile justice system • Child labor laws • Taking Charge of Your TV • United Nations

  4. Pta and Health • Sex education • National Health Bureau • Food and Drug Act • Summer Round-Up of the Children • Drug and alcohol education • HIV/AIDS

  5. Pta programs • Tuberculosis focus • Sheppard-Towner Act • Salk polio vaccine • Comprehensive School/Community Health Education Programs • Healthy Children, Successful Students

  6. Pta 2010 • PTA understands the importance of good health (nutritional, physical, mental, psychological and social well-being) to a child’s quality of life and believes it is necessary for the optimum physical, behavioral and intellectual development of each individual. PTA believes the home, school and community each bear responsibility for the health of all children and youth.

  7. handout • Family Life Education/Family Planning • HIV/AIDS Prevention Education • Sexual Abuse • Comprehensive Health Education • Prevention of Teen Pregnancy • School Based/Linked Health Centers

  8. Minor Consent • Condom Availability Through the Schools • Access at www.capta.org in the Toolkit Advocacy Chapter.

  9. Parent engagement • Research on engagement • Recognition of parent role • Additional skill sets

  10. Governance team role • Expectations for student learning • Curriculum and development process • Review process

  11. Communications • Instructional role

  12. Sexual health curriculum • Develop champions • Integrate the curriculum • Inform and involve everyone • Present an united front • Earn the trust and support you need

  13. Evaluate and assess • Governance team evaluation • Process evaluation • Program accountability • Student achievement • Acceptance by community as a whole

  14. “It is wonderful when the people believe in their leader: but it is more wonderful when the leader believes in the people.”

  15. Contact information • Jo A.S. Loss • president@capta.org • www.capta.org • www.pta.org

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