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MCR World has launched its new magazine. This magazine details about the latest events and News. It also contains recommendations including various scripts which can be profitable in the short term. The magazine is a one stop solution for Stock market and Commodity Traders in India.<br>http://www.mcrworld.com/<br>
Union and Railway BUDGET, 2016 W O R L D Facts and Figures related to GROWTH OF INDIAN E C O N O M Y INVESTMENT J O U R N A L Stock M A R K E T COMMODITY FOREX MCR World info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com
Forecasts on Indian ECONOMY ECONOMY I N C O M I N G Y E A R S W O R L D info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com
CONTENTS at a Glance W O R L D A quick glimpse at Union Budget, 2016 07 Page‐04 How to trade the cash futures arbitrage Page‐12 01 Railway Budget 2016 paving track with good intentions 08 An insight on candlesticks analysis Page‐13 Page‐06 02 09 Flourishing new job opportunities in IT sector Page‐16 Facts and Figures related to growth of Indian Economy Page‐08 10 03 Race for top rankings in search engines (specific for retail fashion sector) Page‐09 Forecasts on Indian Economy in coming years Page‐17 04 Futures Recommendations Page‐19 11 Page‐10 Different categories of stocks in Stock Market (small, mid and large cap) Cash Recommendations Page‐23 12 05 Page‐11 Bird's eye view on GST bill Page‐28 13 The basics of fundamental and Technical Analysis Make in India project at a glance Page‐30 06 14 info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 01
W O R L D FROM THE Director's Desk MCR world the current news Our magazine provides and stories. The the latest news and trends on all the events taking events of national and international place in the importance and affairs related to stock country as well as market. MCR world is a one stop source Mr. DEEPAK MISHRA in the outer world, effects the price for the latest stock market news and movements in the stock market. information on Technical Analysis. We provide valuable By having proper updates with recommendations from the help of MCR world, one which the traders and can gain good knowledge in investors can benefit. stock markets, commodity markets and the forex markets. In stock market trading t h e n a t i o n a l a n d MCR world has established a brand image international news plays a very in the market and we are looking to be a important role on the price movements leader in the national and International of the stocks. To trade in the stock market markets as an established financial and to gain a good profit from the stock periodical. market, one should have a proper eye on info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 02
In This Issue Futures RECOMMENDATIONS Cash RECOMMENDATIONS W O R L D info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 03
A QUICK GLIMPSE AT UNION BUDGET, 2016 W O R L D Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely has furnished a perfectly progressive Union budget 2016 in New Delhi. M e e t i n g t h e g r e a t expectations of the ordinary people, the Union Budget was presented by the government led by Narendra Modi. There are several ways to evaluate a budget since there is no common set of expectations, it is i m p o s s i b l e t o categorize a budget as unanimously great or poor in most circumstances. Let us try to look at this budget with respect to a few important parameters. Previously, as it was predicted that in the present financial year, economy would grow by 7.6%, Jaitely recapped the same in his speech while presenting the budget. According to the Finance Minister, his motive is to widely spread the benefits among the 1.3 billion people. However, markets and many sectors were not stimulated by the budget and lost several points during its announcement. Minister peeping into the matter of providing the gas subsidies to below poverty line, recited that the new scheme will be brought cylinders surrendered by them would be transferred to the poor who use wood for cooking. If one crore people give up their LPG subsidy, one crore poor people will be benefited, as they will be given new LPG cylinders instead. F i n a n c e minister allotted Rs 35,984 crores for agricultural sector. Under the Krishi Vikas Yojana in upcoming three years, five lakh acres of land will be taken under organic farming. Former UPA g o v e r n m e n t proposed a job scheme earlier named MANREGA. Minister has allotted Rs 38,500 crore, which is the highest amount ever devoted to this scheme until date. While UPA Government was active, this s c h e m e disappointment and was called 'living monument of the failures of UPA' by PMO. A QUICK GLIMPSE AT UNION A QUICK GLIMPSE AT UNION A QUICK GLIMPSE AT UNION B D U G T E 2016 into consideration. Under this scheme, the government decided to supply cooking‐ gas to BPL families with the help of respective state governments. Last year, PM Mr. Narendra Modi coined a new slogan ‐ "give it up" ‐ to exhort the better off sections of society to forego their LPG subsidy that can be utilized in providing subsidized LPG connections to the poor. Urging to give up their LPG subsidy, he explained gas w a s a info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 04
A QUICK GLIMPSE AT UNION BUDGET, 2016 W O R L D The Minister also allotted Rs 97,000crore for i m p r o v e m e n t a n d development of roads including rural roads.? The ceiling of tax rebate for taxpayers with up to Rs 5 lakh annual income will be raised to Rs 5000 from Rs 2000 at present. The deduction for rent paid will be raised from Rs 20,000 to Rs 60,000 as a benefit for tenants. Overall, there are no changes in personal income tax slabs. The companies will get 100% tax exemption for forthcoming three years in order to enhance the start‐up culture, except from MAT, which will apply from April 2016‐ 2019 for creation of jobs. Startup India campaign is based on an action plan aimed at promoting bank financing for start‐up ventures to boost entrepreneurship and encourage start‐ups with jobs creation. For the renovation of 160 airports and airstrips, the amount of Rs 50‐100 crores was declared in the budget. It has been declared that domestic black money holders will come clean by paying tax and penalty of 45 per cent. The government plans to open the compliance window under the Income Tax Disclosure Scheme from 1 June 2016 to 30 September 2016 with an option to pay amount due within 2 months of declaration. st th Lastly, the Finance minister declared that, as part of improvements in the m o n e t a r y s e c t o r a bankruptcy code would be practised. With an increase of excise duty by 10‐15%, Cigarettes and tobacco products will become costlier. In the earlier union budget too, there was hike on prices of same products. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 05
Railway Budget 2016 PAVING TRACK WITH GOOD INTENTIONS W O R L D Union Minister Suresh Prabhu has refined the task of presenting the annual rail budget with many engines in the economic growth. Unlike all his predecessors, he did not talk of passenger fares, freight traffics and new trains. of two to four Deen Dayalu coaches in the distant route for unreserved travel is also provided in view of the capacity for the masses. The coaches will have the facilities for potable drinking water, and mobile charging points in higher numbers. He introduced three selected trains, Humsafar, Tejas and UDAY for the reserved passengers, out of accountability, transparency and customer satisfaction. S u r e s h P r a b h u expressed that Railways will commence overnight double‐decker, Utkrisht D o u b l e D e c ke r A i r ‐ conditioned Yatri (UDAY) Express on the hectic routes, through which he claimed that the trains will have carrying capacity increased by almost 40% Suresh Prabhu spared passengers 'scot‐free' with no 'punishment' in fare hike not only for passengers, but also in Goods, which is good. Railway is planning to envisage design and layout of coaches so that higher carrying c a p a c i t y a n d provision of new amenities are ensured. The components in the new amenities area enlisted are:‐ automatic doors, bar‐code readers, bio‐ vacuum toilets, water‐level indicators, accessible dustbins, ergonomic seating, improved aesthetics, v e n d i n g m a c h i n e s , entertainment screens, LED lit boards for advertising, PA system and more. Suresh Prabhu touched the common man's b a s i c n e e d s a n d expectations considerably. No hike in fares but improvement in ticketing facilities for unreserved travel which will aim to e n h a n c e c u s t o m e r experience. Let us have a look at the scenery of his budget:‐ Proposals to introduce Antyodaya Express, train which serves a long‐distance journey, to be operated on dense route. The Provision which Humsafar will be fully air‐ conditioned third AC Service with an optional service for meals. Tejas, operating at speeds of above 130 kmph, will showcase the future of train travel in India. Its service includes onboard s e r v i c e s s u c h a s entertainment local cuisine, Wi‐Fi through single service p ro v i d e r t o e n s u r e info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 06
Railway Budget 2016 PAVING TRACK WITH GOOD INTENTIONS S to start sale of ticket through hand held terminals looking to the advantage of suburban and short distance travelers, which will set up multiple 'Points of Sale' with minimal infrastructure condition. He further proposed sale of platform tickets through ticket vending machines, which would be made compatible by way of cash, credit card/debit card. In 3 months, the e‐ticketing facility will be opened to foreign debit/credit cards, foreign tourist and NRIs. In order to tackle the nuisance of ticketless travel and ensure hassle free travel for passengers, the Bar coded tickets, scanners and access control will be triggered off on a pilot basis. Digital solutions for ticketing, grievance redressal and other issues will be re‐designed by integrating all such facilities into two mobile applications. One application will deal with ticketing issues and the other one will entertain the W O R L D redressal of complaints and suggestions surrounding the services. Tatkaal menace will be dealt properly by ensuring CCTV coverage at tatkaal counters. Suresh Prabhu further focused his attention on the installation of information boards in trains displaying GPS (Global Positioning System) based digital system inside the coaches to provide real time information in the upcoming halts. Also, Railways is looking at introducing FM radio stations for providing train borne entertainment by installing a PA (Public Address) system, which is an e l e c t r o n i c s o u n d amplification. He introduced 'Clean my Coach' service where passengers can request c l e a n i n g o f t h e i r coach/toilets on demand through SMS. It requires Installation of additional 30,000 bio‐toilets in the next financial year. Railway will look into the IRCTC services & food availability extending e‐ catering services to a wider extent. Besides, Railways will look at pilot availability of children's menu items on trains. Baby foods, hot milk and hot water would be made available on stations. The Railway is working with insurance companies to offer optional Safe travel insurance for rail journeys at the time of booking. R a i l w a y s h a s introduced Sarathi Seva in Konkan Railway to help the old and disabled passengers who may require assistance at stations. Railways plans to ensure that all stations under r e d e v e l o p m e n t a r e accessible by 'Divyang'. At least one Divyang friendly toilet at each platform in A1 class stations will be provided during the next financial year. uresh Prabhu expressed that Railways intend info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 07
Facts and Figures related to Growth of Indian ECONOMY W O R L D released last month screams that the Indian economy grew by 9.4% in year 2006‐2007. As the manufacturing and some other sectors have proven themselves by giving higher output growth, it can be possible that this figure eventually will be revised up to 9.5% ‐ 9.6%. The Indian economy grew at 9% and a b o v e i n previous three years. According to experts, prediction for this year is that the growth will be close to 9%, if not little higher. In the last three years the non‐farm sectors have observed a drastic acceleration from under 6% to an average of over 10% while it was 11% last year. It is observed that service sectors have been doing The preliminary data well for some time, even at the elevation growth rates, for the past three years the industry has begun to keep close pace with it. The expansion of economic growth activity was due to consumption. Fixed capital formation is investment is observed from rise in the investment rate, i.e. the ratio of total investment to GDP. Records of past few years in 1970s prove that investment rate was constant in the low to mid‐20s. The investment rate rose to a peak of 26.9% after the reforms of 1991 but then eventually came down in 1995‐96. However, in year 1996‐97 and in 2002‐03 it was between 23% a n d 2 5 % . Momentum of investment e x p a n s i o n gathered pace in year 2003‐04, when the investment rate went up to 28.0%. In year 2004‐05, 2005‐06 and 2006‐07 fluctuation of rate was observed from 31.5% to 33.8% and then to 35.1% respectively. This way order of change in the orientation of investment is extensive. also responsible for economic growth. The average annual growth for fixed capital formation was nearby 14% whereas real final consumption was 6.4%. This is a drastic growth from 2% of the first two years. The strength of info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 08
Forecasts on Indian Economy I N C O M I N G Y E A R S B taken by the government, the Indian society is reviving and is growing at a fast pace. Also the low world fuel prices have given a positive move to it. In order to continue this trend of growth, India should revamp the cycle of investment and increase the speed of the structural changes and reforms. In the global scenario the Indian economy is a bright spot and is seen as fastest growing economy in the world. It is one of the fastest emerging market economies of the world. Growth numbers for the country is better and has increased due to the low imports of the gold and also the lower fuel costs. New projects and investment in to them have been started in the fields of Transport and power sectors. Also the tremendous growth of the financial sectors including banks is going to give even much more support to the growing economy. On the domestic view the weak balance sheets of the corporate world especially W O R L D due to increased leverage in the last few years is a point to worry. This could affect the economy with a negative impact. Based on the new GDP data, the growth was 7.2 Percent in 2014/2015 and will increase to 7.5 percent in 2015/2016 due to better investment policies and i m p r o v e d b u s i n e s s environment. Inflation rates have been reduced in the recent years. After moving near to a rate of 10 percent the rates have been reduced to the half and reached near 5 percent. The government moves to target the Inflation a n d t h e positive steps taken by the government in this direction are clearly visible. The government has laid a more solid fiscal foundation which has led the economy in a stronger situation. In the next 15 years India will have the largest and youngest workforce in the world. The country's biggest challenge will be to provide Jobs and employment to this growing task force. Beside this the country will have to face the following challenges. 1) Debottlenecking in the Energy and power sectors. 2) Increasing Investments to fill theInfrastructural gaps in the country. ased on the positive policies and actions 3) 4) Improvement in the agricultural system for development of the economy. Fast response and decisions for new projects in the country. Thus if India is able to meet the above stated challenges, it is going to have a brighter economic picture. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 09
Different Categories of Stocks in Stock Market (Small, Mid and Large Cap) I should take sufficient knowledge about the Stock Market and once they are confident, only then they should start trading with real investments. The investor or trader should understand about the basic categories the stocks are divided into. Also the traders s h o u l d understand about the major indices available a n d t h e i r significance. The Indian market is traded on various exchanges and the major are BSE and NSE. BSE stands for Bombay Stock Exchange and NSE stands for National Stock Exchange. The stocks of major and reputed companies are listed on the Stock Exchange. The major index of BSE is SENSEX and W O R L D that of NSE is Nifty. The indices mentioned above indicate the current level of Indian market and the levels of indices indicate whether market is trading in the Bullish sentiment or Bearish sentiment. When the pressure of buyers is more than the sellers, the market is considered bullish and when the sellers are m o r e market capitalization and the value of the company. The large cap stocks are companies with high market capitalization or high values. The mid cap stocks have medium values and the small cap shares have small values. There are separate indices also available for these different categories of Stocks. For the trader who are new and are beginning their career in field of Stock Market, they should take the help of financial advisory firms for trading. The advisory firms which are reputed and are SEBI registered like Money Classic Research can be consulted for Stock market tips and other equity tips as well as intraday trading tips. The traders are advised to trade with strict stop loss. t is advised to new traders t h a t t h e y t h a n buyers, the market is in bearish sentiment. The Stocks in the stock market are classified in the broad categories of large Cap Shares, Mid Cap Shares and Small Cap Shares. The classification is based on info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 10
The Basics Of Fundamental and Technical Analysis W O R L D Different people follow different ways to trade in the stock market. Some traders use the technical analysis and other use the fundamental analysis to make the trading decisions. The traders and the investors, who want to invest for a long term, generally use the fundamental analysis. On the other hand the traders who are involved in the short term trading and Intraday trading generally use the technical analysis as the basis of their trades. In fundamental a n a l y s i s t h e fundamentals of the companies are studied. The fundamentals include the current worth of the company including its value, its total assets, the profits made by the company over the years and so on. The fundamental analysis enables the investor to determine whether it is worth to invest in the company and whether the company will give good returns in the future. There are many indicators and ratios studied in the fundamental analysis. The P/E ratio is one such ratio. The fundamental analysis is mostly effective for the long term investment which ranges in years. In case of technical a n a l y s i s t h e p r i c e period of the moving average. The moving averages can be calculated for any period. In case of exponential moving averages the prices are multiplied by the exponential scalar factor. The exponential moving averages gives better results than the simple moving averages as they have a fast response as compared to simple moving averages. T h e o t h e r indicators used in the technical analysis are R S I , M A C D , a n d Bollinger Band. The RSI stands for relative strength indicator and the MACD stands for m o v i n g a v e r a g e c o n v e r g i n g a n d diverging indicator. RSI is used to show the overbought and oversold levels and the MACD shows the crossovers for two moving averages, one with a smaller period and one with a bigger period. The technical analysis and fundamental analysis are extensively used by the technical analysts in the advisory firms to generate profitable stock market tips. Money Classic Research is one such reputed advisory firm which provides accurate calls in all major segments. m o v e m e n t s a n d i t s fluctuations are studied. The price and the volume are the two basic entities which are studied in the technical analysis. There are dozens of indicators which are studied in the technical analysis. The most common among them are moving averages. There are two main types of moving averages namely the simple moving average and exponential moving average. In simple moving average the average of n price values is taken. Here n indicates the info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 11
HOW TO TRADE THE W O R L D CASH FUTURES ARBITRAGE trading the Stocks are bought and sold at a future date. The prices in context are also future prices. The trader is compelled to square up his position at the end of the contract. In the Cash Futures Arbitrage generally the Stock is bought in the Cash market and sold in the Futures market. Generally the price of the futures There are many different ways to minimize the risks involved in trading in Stock market. Some people devise the accurate strategies to trade effectively in the Stock when the price fluctuates and when the gap or spread decreases, the trader can square up his open positions and can lock in the profits. The trader can also square up the positions when the contract expires. On the expiry, the price of the cash market and the futures market converges and thus can lead a definite profit. The above strategies along with many other strategies are used by the technical analysts in the advisory firm. M o n e y C l a s s i c Research is one such advisory firm which provides accurate market and others use the tips from the financial advisory on various segments of Stock market. In this article we discuss a risk free method of trading, that is Cash Futures Arbitrage. The Cash Futures arbitrage is practiced by buying and selling the same entity on cash and futures market. In the Cash market the trader or the investor pays for the current price of the stocks while buying and selling. In case of the futures market is more than that of cash market. Thus when the trader buys in the Cash market and sells in the future market, he will lock a definite profit. The difference between the futures price and cash market price is known as spread of the trade. Thus stock market tips in the form of equity tips or Intraday trading tips. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 12
An Insight on Candlesticks Analysis W O R L D lower is the lower shadow. In case the candle is either apparent or white it is implied t h a t t h e opening was lesser than the high and the stock went up. If the candle is colored, the stock went down. T h e c o m m o n people may not be so familiar in terms of “Candlesticks”. This article focuses on Candlesticks applications in the stock investment field. Candlestick is one of the most powerful technical analytical bar charts in the trader's or investor's toolkit. It is a mode of charting for technical analysis. It is a leading indicator, which gives an advance signal on market activities. Depending on the style of trading the trader holds, he can act on the anticipatory signal. If the investor prefers to be cautious and wait for little m o r e e v i d e n c e , candlesticks can expect a change in trend and can put you on the alert. furnished hereunder is an example for study. There The specimen figure Specimen OF CANDLESTICKS are real body and upper shadows indication, w h e re re a l b o d y indicates the difference between the open and close. The stock amount go higher away from the real It is generally found t h a t a m a t e u r s dominate the opening of the trading day whereas the professional traders dominate the close. , Bar Chart High Candlestick Chart High Upper Shadow Close Real Body Lower Shadow Close Pen Open Low Up period Down Period body, is termed the upper shadow. The amount went info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 13
An Insight on Candlesticks Analysis W O R L D Different types of Candlesticks: Engulfing Pattern two candles. The first day is a narrow range candle that closes down in the day. The next day is a broad range candle, which surrounds the body of the first candle and closes near the summit of the range. Buyers are ready to take control of this stock. This pattern comprises of There are many candlestick patterns but, a few are actually worth knowing.The main patterns are titled 'Engulfing', 'Hammer', 'Harami', 'Piercing', 'Doji' which have bullish as well as bearish variants. A brief definition and illustrations are given under: Piercing Doji Engulfing Hammer Harami Hammer Pattern Harami some point took some control on the stock and pushed it a bit lower. At the end day, the buyers won and had enough force to close the stock. The Hammer can expand later when a cluster of stop loss orders are hit. It is at this point when the professional traders come in to grab shares at a lower price. When the stock opened the sellers at This pattern indicates the momentum preceding. On the first day, you see a wide range candle that shuts close to the foot of the range. The traders are under control of their stock. On the next day, it is only a slim range candle which closes up for the day. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 14
An Insight on Candlesticks Analysis W O R L D Piercing Pattern Candle V/s Bar chart Candlestick charts are more visual than bar charts. Once you get accustomed to the Candle chart, it is far easy to estimate what has happened for a particular period. It displays the reading in day/week/hour and minute basis. With the Bar chart application, the price action needs to be filled in. The indications of ticks opened or closed is to be specified. In candlesticks, trends can be spotted more speedily by identifying the candles, clear or colored. Through this application, it can be recognized that the volume of stock, which was done by the investor in a particular period. Candles are of the essence for marking reversals. In brief, candlesticks are capable in precisely picking up the changes in trend. C a n d l e st i c ks ex p l i c i t l y demonstrate the equilibrium between supply and demand. The person's ability to make out the indicates that the first day you see a wide range candle that closes next to thefootrange, when sellers are under control, and on following day a wide range candle can be seen, that has to close at least halfway into the prior candle. This two‐candle reversal pattern Doji Pattern The doji pattern may perhaps be the most popular. When thestocks are open up and go down throughout the dayand closeseitherexactor in close proximity to the opening price. It simply represents indecision and causes traders to question the up to date movement. Candlestick is important and it leads trading benefits. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 15
Flourishing New Job Opportunities in IT Sector W O R L D Due to the upward surge of digitalization, the Information Technology sector tends to create 2.5 lakhs new openings throughout 2016, as per the aerial view of the Experts. According to the Team lease Services, the growing entrepreneur activity in union with shift in business gives a focal point to solution provider and is anticipated to give IT sector a boost. While there has been 12% of hiring in IT space in last year, this year it reflects an expected witness of 14‐ 16% growth in recruitment. This is expected with reference to the technology digitization of companies. These openings are accessible on inclusion of Digital Marketing along with devised strategies of the candidates. Online traffic and conversations on the company website will become an associate part in this scenario. B u s i n e s s a n a l y s t s , information security analysts, Architects, Data s c i e n t i s t s , c o n t e n t management system (CMS) and much more. The scenario of new job opportunities in the sector is bullish and it is expected to increase to 22 percent by 2020. Hurrah! The new sunrise in the job outlook for this sector is buoyant and it keeps crown and glory in employment sector, which will hold equilibrium among the educated people. profile is anticipated to witness above 70,000 job openings, which carries many profile niches like User Interface Designers, web developers, product development engineers, The Digital Marketing info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 16
Race For Top Rankings In Search Engines (specific For Retail Fashion Sector) W O R L D With the rise of online fashion spending in the Western Countries, competition in the Search Engine Result Page (SERPs) continues to go up. In this scenario, marketers want to be conscientious in their strategies of search to avoid simply paying more for clicks. This description looks at prevailing search engine trends in fashion level vertically. to achieve an effective balance between paid and organic search exposure, which results in missing out of the benefits of diversified traffic sources. Many brands are still MAKES India India C L E A N C L E A N A leading Provider of Green Technology related products and Services investing in PPC to work against their relatively low visibility in the organic search results. Many brands are We deal in InSinkerators, Water Treatment Plants, Bio Gas Plants, Organic Fertilizers and Solar technology. a y u q t s e b e h t e r u s n e e W lit a t a ff Many brands have the prospect to revamp their PPC bidding strategies a c r o s s t h e k e y w o r d s analyzed. The a n a l y s t s observed that the retailers are running out of budget on halfway, which has marked a clear gap in their keyword strategy. o r d a b l e p r i c e s. Sector highlights (Retail Fashion Sector) I n t h e F a s h i o n Sector, search queries have risen across the board. The overall queries last year saw a rise of 15%. been the motivating force in this with a 48% rise yearly. On the other hand a 5% downward trend was seen in the desktop queries in the same year. Mobile queries have MAKES INDIA CLEAN GF 36, Mansarovar Tower, Opp. Habibganj Station, Bhopal (M.P.) For more details or your needs Contact us on info@makesindiaclean.com info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 17
W O R L D IN THIS ISSUE Make in India Project At A Glance info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 18
FUTURES RECOMMENDATIONS BUY ADANIPORT FUT AROUND 195‐200 TGT 220/240 SL 180 W O R L D Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. ADANI PORTS & SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LTD ‐ KEY FUNDAMENTALS Adani Ports is the India's largest private port which comes under special economic zone. It is a corporation specializing in the business of developing, operating and maintaining the Mundra Port and Port based related infrastructure facilities, together with Multi product Special Economic Zone. In year 1998, Adani Ports And Special Economic Zone Ltd were integrated as Gujarat Adani Port Ltd (GAPL) in order to build up a private port at Mundra, on the west coast of India. The company initiated commercial operations in year 2001 in October. For the management of Crude Oil at Mundra, the company signed a treaty with Guru Govind Singh Refineries Ltd (GGSRL) in May 2002. For creation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) Facility and Crude Oil management at Mundra, company signed an agreement with Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) in October 2002. In November 2002, an agreement with Indian Railways was signed by the company for incorporation of Mundra‐Adipur railway line with the national rail network. At present the company is in the process of setting up coal cargo terminals at Murmugao Port, Goa. PARAMETER VALUES MARKET CAP ( CR) 41,688 EPS ‐ TTM ( ) [*C] 12.62 P/E RATIO (X) [*C] 15.95 FACE VALUE ( ) 2 LATEST DIVIDEND (%) 55.00 LATEST DIVIDEND DATE 22 MAY 2015 DIVIDEND YIELD (%) 0.56 BOOK VALUE / SHARE ( ) [*C] 51.98 P/B RATIO ( ) [*C] 3.87 [*C] Consolidated [*S] Standalone ADANI PORTS & SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LTD ‐ FINANCIAL RESULTS ADANI PORTS & SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LTD ‐ SHAREHOLDING PATTERN PARTICULARS( CR) DEC 2015 DEC 2014 % CHG CATEGORY SHARE (%) NET SALES 1717.86 1548.46 10.94 PROMOTERS 56.26 BANKS/FIS 0.21 OTHER INCOME 177.89 155.25 14.58 FIIS 31.66 TOTAL INCOME 1895.75 1703.71 11.27 INSURANCE 3.29 TOTAL EXPENSES 647 613.33 5.49 MUTUAL FUNDS 2.88 OPERATING PROFIT 1248.75 1090.38 14.52 INDIAN PUBLIC 3.27 NET PROFIT 638.1 511.97 24.64 CUSTODIANS 0.00 EQUITY CAPITAL ‐ 414.01 414.01 OTHER 2.39 ADANI PORTS & SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LTD ‐ RETURNS NIFTY 0.42% ‐5.51% ‐10.25% ‐8.30% ‐19.80% 24.82% BSE NSE ‐1.49% ‐9.02% ‐23.59% ‐41.23% ‐39.18% 43.58% SENSEX 0.41% ‐5.32% ‐10.18% ‐8.53% ‐19.95% 24.24% PERIOD 1 WEEK 1 MONTH 3 MONTH 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 3 YEAR ‐1.28% ‐8.71% ‐23.65% ‐41.16% ‐39.09% 43.94% info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 19
FUTURES RECOMMENDATIONS Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. BUY ADANIPORT FUT AROUND 195‐200 TGT 220/240 SL 180 W O R L D week. The NIFTY is also supporting at the same levels for a buy call. So we are bullish on ADANIPORT at these levels. MACD and RSI also indicate the buy scenario in it. ADANIPORT made a probable low of 169.70 in the last BUY APOLLOHOSPT FUT AT 1400 TGT 1500/ 1700 SL 1300 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. APOLLO HOSPITALS ENTERPRISE LTD ‐ KEY FUNDAMENTALS Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited is the leadingsuper specialty private hospital chainin Asia. Since over two decades, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited has been providing quality healthcare to the people for their diverse medical needs. In the year 1979, the hospital was integrated as a Public Limited Company. Under the astute leadership and strong management, a comprehensive 250‐bed hospital in over fifty departments at Chennai was incorporated, encouraged by Dr. Prathap C Reddy. The addition of 46 more beds were done in the year 1985. It was declared as the first group of hospitals that pioneered the concept of corporate healthcare delivery, all over India. Constantly pushing horizons to excellence, AHEL owns over 26 hospitals of which 14 are client hospitals, managed by professionals deputed from Apollo. Work of Apollo hospital has always been guided by the needs of patients, delivered by perfectly combined revolutionary technology, best medical expertise, and advanced procedures. AHEL possess and directs an area of expertise, a chain of Pharmacy retail outlets across the country because of the strong relationships built with patients over the years. AHEL provides Consultancy Services for commissioning and managing the Specialty Hospitals. AHEL's hospitals are in cities like Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Pune, Chenganur, Coimbatore, Jaipur, Madurai, Anantpur, Nellore, Kurnool, Bhopal, Ranchi, Bilaspur and Bacheli. Clinics are also located in Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Delhi and Chennai. Apart from this, AHEL contributes in International operations including Sri‐lanka, Muscat, Dubai, India, Nepal, Tanzania, and Bangladesh. PARAMETER VALUES MARKET CAP ( CR) 20,645 EPS ‐ TTM ( ) [*S] 28.93 P/E RATIO (X) [*S] 51.30 FACE VALUE ( ) 5 LATEST DIVIDEND (%) 115.00 LATEST DIVIDEND DATE 30 JUL 2015 DIVIDEND YIELD (%) 0.39 BOOK VALUE / SHARE ( ) [*S] 227.22 P/B RATIO ( ) [*S] 6.53 [*C] Consolidated [*S] Standalone APOLLO HOSPITALS ENTERPRISE LTD ‐ FINANCIAL RESULTS APOLLO HOSPITALS ENTERPRISE LTD ‐ SHAREHOLDING PATTERN PARTICULARS( CR) DEC 2015 DEC 2014 % CHG CATEGORY SHARE (%) NET SALES 1380.52 1182.53 16.74 34.35 PROMOTERS 0.01 BANKS/FIS OTHER INCOME 54.95 25.8 112.98 44.83 FIIS TOTAL INCOME 1435.47 1208.33 18.8 1.03 INSURANCE TOTAL EXPENSES 1223.62 1023.04 19.61 0.09 MUTUAL FUNDS OPERATING PROFIT 211.85 185.29 14.33 5.21 INDIAN PUBLIC NET PROFIT 109.23 95.01 14.97 0.00 CUSTODIANS EQUITY CAPITAL 69.56 69.56 ‐ 14.25 OTHER info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 20
FUTURES RECOMMENDATIONS Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. APOLLO HOSPITALS ENTERPRISE LTD ‐ RETURNS W O R L D NIFTY 0.49% ‐5.44% ‐10.19% ‐8.24% ‐19.74% 24.91% BSE 3.28% ‐0.95% 10.40% 13.52% 12.77% 80.24% NSE 3.25% ‐0.96% 10.71% 13.21% 12.92% 79.81% SENSEX 0.47% ‐5.25% ‐10.12% ‐8.47% ‐19.89% 24.32% PERIOD 1 WEEK 1 MONTH 3 MONTH 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 3 YEAR BUY APOLLOHOSPT FUT AT 1400 TGT 1500/ 1700 SL 1300 APOLLOHOSPT is in an uptrend and also treading in a range. The recent budget also supports the Pharma and hospital sector, thus we are bullish on APOLOHOSPT. You can buy APOLLOHOSPT at 1400 with the ultimate target of 1700. BUY AUROPHARMA FUT AROUND 625‐650 TGT 710/ 760 SL 590 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Limited (APL) is one of the world's promising top manufacturers of semi synthetic penicillin. Aurobindo Pharma Limited was brought into survival on 26 December 1986 as private limited company, founded by Mr. P.V.Ramaprasad Reddy, Mr. K.Nityananda Reddy and a small, highly dedicated group of professionals. This Pharma industry promotes the sustainable development in the vital field of pharmaceutical ingredients by boosting the quality producers. In the course of this transition, sector expanded to global scope of 6 major product areas encompassing (Antibiotics, Anti‐Retro Virals, CVS, CNS, Gastroenterologicals, and Anti‐Allergics) with around 65 APIs in the non‐antibiotics and over 55 APIs in the antibiotic segment and the World Health Organization (WHO). Geneva has also approved Aurobindo's products. Aurobindo Pharma, by raising its current prominence has identified international operations. It is far and wide spread over 100 countries, while is running with 14 manufacturing plants across the world conforming to GMP / ISO regulations. AUROBINDO PHARMA LTD ‐ KEY FUNDAMENTALS PARAMETER VALUES MARKET CAP ( CR) 38,918 EPS ‐ TTM ( ) [*C] 31.17 P/E RATIO (X) [*C] 21.35 FACE VALUE ( ) 1 LATEST DIVIDEND (%) 70.00 LATEST DIVIDEND DATE 18 FEB 2015 DIVIDEND YIELD (%) 0.34 BOOK VALUE / SHARE ( ) [*C] 88.16 P/B RATIO ( ) [*C] 7.55 [*C] Consolidated [*S] Standalone info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 21
FUTURES RECOMMENDATIONS W O R L D Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. AUROBINDO PHARMA LTD ‐ FINANCIAL RESULTS AUROBINDO PHARMA LTD ‐ SHAREHOLDING PATTERN PARTICULARS( CR) DEC 2015 DEC 2014 % CHG CATEGORY SHARE (%) NET SALES 3495.5 3166.16 10.4 53.90 PROMOTERS 0.07 BANKS/FIS OTHER INCOME 6.87 35.92 ‐80.87 28.78 FIIS TOTAL INCOME 3502.37 3202.08 9.38 0.03 INSURANCE TOTAL EXPENSES 2672.49 2553.99 4.64 6.36 MUTUAL FUNDS OPERATING PROFIT 829.88 648.09 28.05 8.46 INDIAN PUBLIC NET PROFIT 534.65 382.4 39.81 0.00 CUSTODIANS EQUITY CAPITAL 29.15 58.4 ‐ 2.40 OTHER AUROBINDO PHARMA LTD ‐ RETURNS NIFTY 0.52% ‐5.42% ‐10.17% ‐8.21% ‐19.72% 24.94% BSE 1.60% ‐16.90% ‐19.36% ‐9.66% 22.82% 729.80% NSE 1.80% ‐16.90% ‐19.47% ‐9.77% 22.87% 729.68% SENSEX 0.46% ‐5.26% ‐10.13% ‐8.48% ‐19.90% 24.31% PERIOD 1 WEEK 1 MONTH 3 MONTH 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 3 YEAR BUY AUROPHARMA FUT AROUND 625‐650 TGT 710/ 760 SL 590 AUROPHARMA is giving a breakout from range bound condition and the recent budget also supports the Pharma and hospital sector. Technical Indicators also support a bullish view on AUROPHARMA. One can buy around the levels of 625 to anticipate a target of 710 in short term. STOCK MARKET info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 22
CASH RECOMMENDATIONS BUY JUBLFOOD AROUND 1000‐1025 TGT 1125/1225 SL 900 W O R L D JUBILANT FOODWORKS LTD. Jubilant Foodworks Ltd is one of the major food service companies in India. It is a Jubilant Bhartia Group Company, which has a Master Franchise Agreement with Domino's International. It serves a wide range of quality pizza and other side dishes and experiments with new products, discontinuing less successful ones. It has elite right to develop and operate Domino's pizza delivery stores and the associated trademarks in the operation of stores in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It prides itself on the quality and convenience of its product range for over decades. It has been making healthier versions of pizza and other dishes. DP Lanka is sub‐franchisee, operating the pizza stores in Sri Lanka. In Colombo, Sri Lanka, there are overall five Domino's stores. Jubilant Foodworks Ltd strives to be a company making good, simple food in an increasingly sustainable way, while meeting business objectives. The company was the largest pizza chain in India and one of the fastest growing multi‐ national fast food chains, in terms of number of stores, between 2006‐2007 and 2008‐2009. Jubilant Foodworks Ltd also operates pizza stores in food courts of several malls and in institutional campuses. JUBILANT FOODWORKS LTD ‐ KEY FUNDAMENTALS PARAMETER VALUES MARKET CAP ( CR) 7,266 EPS ‐ TTM ( ) [*S] 17.74 P/E RATIO (X) [*S] 62.29 FACE VALUE ( ) 10 LATEST DIVIDEND (%) 25.00 LATEST DIVIDEND DATE 26 AUG 2015 DIVIDEND YIELD (%) 0.20 BOOK VALUE / SHARE ( ) [*S] 102.09 P/B RATIO ( ) [*S] 10.82 [*C] Consolidated [*S] Standalone JUBILANT FOODWORKS LTD ‐ FINANCIAL RESULTS JUBILANT FOODWORKS LTD ‐ SHAREHOLDING PATTERN PARTICULARS( CR) DEC 2015 DEC 2014 % CHG CATEGORY SHARE (%) NET SALES 633.94 554.37 14.35 48.70 PROMOTERS 0.03 BANKS/FIS OTHER INCOME 1.17 1.49 ‐21.48 36.26 FIIS TOTAL INCOME 635.11 555.86 14.26 0.00 INSURANCE TOTAL EXPENSES 558.01 481.86 15.85 7.11 MUTUAL FUNDS OPERATING PROFIT 77.1 74.2 3.91 1.97 INDIAN PUBLIC NET PROFIT 31.75 35.01 ‐9.31 0.00 CUSTODIANS EQUITY CAPITAL 65.76 65.56 ‐ 5.94 OTHER JUBILANT FOODWORKS LTD ‐ RETURNS NIFTY 4.64% ‐1.49% ‐7.40% ‐4.83% ‐18.00% 28.41% BSE NSE SENSEX 4.71% ‐1.48% ‐7.43% ‐5.02% ‐17.93% 27.79% PERIOD 1 WEEK 1 MONTH 3 MONTH 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 3 YEAR 11.59% ‐9.26% ‐27.18% ‐32.80% ‐33.46% 3.80% 11.98% ‐9.49% ‐27.26% ‐33.02% ‐33.70% 3.63% info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 23
CASH RECOMMENDATIONS JUBILANT FOODWORKS LTD. BUY JUBLFOOD AROUND 1000‐1025 TGT 1125/1225 SL 900 W O R L D JUBLFOOD is making the pattern of ascending triangle in the daily chart. The pattern strongly indicates that it will give a breakout in the upward direction and technical indicators also confirm the same. One can trade in the JUBLFOOD, keeping an ultimate target of 1225. BUY GATI AROUND 100‐105 TGT 115/120 SL 85 GATI LTD. In the sector of Express Distribution and Supply Chain Solutions, no other corporation can beat Gati Ltd. The company took the initiative of launching several courses of actions in logistics segment. Gati Ltd was integrated on April 25, 1995 as Gati Corporation Ltd. Its management concept is to serve, surpass and share. Corporation spirit is flexible, diverse, and innovative whereas, its goal is to establish a reliable, professional and efficient shipping forwarder. The company initiated their operations from May 5, 1995. Gati Desk to Desk Cargo and Shipping division of Transport Corporation of India Ltd were transferred to Gati Corporation Ltd, which was brought into consequence since April 1, 1996. From October 24, 2000 the name of company was revolutionized to Gati Ltd from Gati Corporation. GATI LTD ‐ KEY FUNDAMENTALS PARAMETER VALUES MARKET CAP ( CR) 962 EPS ‐ TTM ( ) [*C] 3.72 P/E RATIO (X) [*C] 29.49 FACE VALUE ( ) 2 LATEST DIVIDEND (%) 40.00 LATEST DIVIDEND DATE 21 JUL 2015 DIVIDEND YIELD (%) 1.30 BOOK VALUE / SHARE ( ) [*C] 61.87 P/B RATIO ( ) [*C] 1.77 [*C] Consolidated [*S] Standalone GATI LTD ‐ FINANCIAL RESULTS GATI LTD ‐ SHAREHOLDING PATTERN PARTICULARS( CR) DEC 2015 DEC 2014 % CHG CATEGORY SHARE (%) NET SALES 417.8 423.31 ‐13 41.32 PROMOTERS 0.31 BANKS/FIS OTHER INCOME 2.67 4.67 ‐42.83 11.10 FIIS TOTAL INCOME 420.47 427.98 ‐1.75 0.00 INSURANCE TOTAL EXPENSES 383.93 391.61 ‐1.96 0.10 MUTUAL FUNDS OPERATING PROFIT 36.54 36.37 0.47 31.60 INDIAN PUBLIC NET PROFIT 11.07 14 ‐20.93 0.00 CUSTODIANS EQUITY CAPITAL 17.5 17.45 ‐ 10.61 OTHER info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 24
CASH RECOMMENDATIONS GATI LTD. W O R L D GATI LTD ‐ RETURNS NIFTY 4.81% ‐1.33% ‐7.25% ‐4.67% ‐17.87% 28.61% BSE 5.13% ‐5.96% ‐33.17% ‐22.88% ‐54.98% 284.24% NSE 5.04% ‐6.26% ‐33.48% ‐22.85% ‐55.05% 283.86% SENSEX 4.78% ‐1.41% ‐7.37% ‐4.95% ‐17.87% 27.88% PERIOD 1 WEEK 1 MONTH 3 MONTH 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 3 YEAR BUY GATI AROUND 100‐105 TGT 115/120 SL 85 In the daily chart GATI is trading on an Oversold Zone and indicators like MACD and RSI are also showing that GATI is on a good BUY CALL. Increasing open interest is one of the strong reasons to give it a BUY CALL. BUY GODFRYPHLP AROUND 1000‐1010 TGT 1100/1200 SL 900 GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA LTD. In 1936, Godfrey Philips sponsored Godfrey Philips India (GPIL). Indiais exporting tobaccotoday in 80 nations, which is highest among all the continents in the world. After China, Indiais the second largest producer and supplier. Godfrey Philips India is one of India'shighest ranked privately owned companies and has its hands in manufacturing and marketing of Cigarettes and branded tea. The company is now a fragment of KK Modi Group of companies. Phillips Morris, a major cigarette producer in the world has acquired full ownership in GPIL through its wholly owned subsidiary Phillips Morris International Financial Corporation (PMIFC). At present, Phillips Morris holds 35.93% stake in GPIL. PMIFC by the side of five other Non‐resident Foreign Shareholders, summarized their shareholding in GPIL to a level not more than 40%, in the year 1979. International Tobacco Company Ltd, Chase Investments Ltd, City Leasing and Finance Company Ltd, Manhattan Credity and Finance Ltd, Kashyap Metal and Allied Industries Ltd, Unique Space Developers Ltd are the subordinates of the company. GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA LTD ‐ KEY FUNDAMENTALS PARAMETER VALUES MARKET CAP ( CR) 6,191 EPS ‐ TTM ( ) [*S] 34.04 P/E RATIO (X) [*S] 34.98 FACE VALUE ( ) 2 LATEST DIVIDEND (%) 400.00 LATEST DIVIDEND DATE 21 SEP 2015 DIVIDEND YIELD (%) 0.68 BOOK VALUE / SHARE ( ) [*S] 248.58 P/B RATIO ( ) [*S] 4.79 [*C] Consolidated [*S] Standalone info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 25
CASH RECOMMENDATIONS W O R L D GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA LTD. GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA LTD ‐ FINANCIAL RESULTS GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA LTD ‐ SHAREHOLDING PATTERN PARTICULARS( CR) DEC 2015 DEC 2014 % CHG CATEGORY SHARE (%) NET SALES 533.91 536.13 ‐0.41 72.06 PROMOTERS 0.13 BANKS/FIS OTHER INCOME 8.7 4.02 116.42 9.93 FIIS TOTAL INCOME 542.61 540.15 0.46 0.00 INSURANCE TOTAL EXPENSES 498.54 494.51 0.81 0.53 MUTUAL FUNDS OPERATING PROFIT 44.07 45.64 ‐3.44 13.75 INDIAN PUBLIC NET PROFIT 13.77 10.64 29.42 0.00 CUSTODIANS EQUITY CAPITAL 10.4 10.4 ‐ 3.55 OTHER GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA LTD ‐ RETURNS NIFTY 4.73% ‐1.41% ‐7.32% ‐4.75% ‐17.93% 28.51% BSE 8.65% ‐3.76% ‐24.14% 114.82% 157.05% 96.57% NSE 8.60% ‐4.10% ‐24.28% 113.56% 155.22% 95.69% SENSEX 4.65% ‐1.54% ‐7.49% ‐5.08% ‐17.98% 27.71% PERIOD 1 WEEK 1 MONTH 3 MONTH 6 MONTH 1 YEAR 3 YEAR BUY GODFRYPHLP AROUND 1000‐1010 TGT 1100/1200 SL 900 GODFRYPHLP is working on a downward channel from last three weeks and the RSI indicator also shows an upward surge. So we have a prediction that GODFRYPHLP will give a breakout from the channel in the upward direction and will show a good reversal. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 26
W O R L D MCR WORLD MCR WORLD keeps one updated with latest events as well as political and financial affairs. It is a sure shot road map to success for investors and traders. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 27
Bird's?Eye? VIEW ON GST BILL W O R L D The very basic concept of GST is time immemorial. But it was first conceived in 2006 and t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n Amendment Bill was primarily focused in 2011, however, UPA government could not bring a harmonious approach with states. Nevertheless, the GST bill would be a significant step in the transformation of the taxation in India. The core utility of the Bill is to change India into a n i d e n t i c a l marketplace, on goods and services throughout the country. The GST is an unit, which has a twofold structure having two components, viz. the Central GST and the State GST. Both of them have individual authority to excise their own power. The unit carries Excise duty, Service tax, Central tax, Value added Tax and entry tax etc. over co m i n g the bottlenecks between states, whereby it (GST) will make easier the taxation The major concerns behind the functioning of GST are:‐ Whether the tax payers will be in union with the Bill? Will there be any significant impact on the Government's revenue? How will it affect the segments of manufacturing, trading and the consumers at large? Will GST lend a hand on small traders and entrepreneurs? Bird's Eye VIEW ON Gst Bill info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 28
The significance and benefits of the GST Bill: W O R L D As per vision of the Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley, the GST will be productive in bringing out 2% possible growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India. Since the GST has the power to break the Indirect Tax structure by merging them in to one single tax configuration, the GST coming up can be treated as a solution provider to the multinationals. By the implementation of GST, more tangible employment opportunities may be created thereby more and more experts can be promoted. Also it will segregate the burden of tax between services and manufacturing. Looking through the peephole of 'Individual benefit point', it can be stated that with the implementation of GST, the Individuals will be benefited and prices are likely to come down. Consequently, there will be more consumption, more production, more individual output and an overall growth of the companies. The Congress' standpoint over GST in the past is also worth mentionable: T h e C o n g r e s s government had a concern that additional tax of 1% needs to be charged, since goods move across states. The UPA had maintained that the government is paying no attention over their concerns on the legislation. with a variety of past cascading taxes. But GST is s u p p o s e d t o m a ke business simpler when it comes in full scale with proper definitions. It is not the last word that GST bringing up is a tangible one. Since lot o f i s s u e s a r e s t i l l surrounding, it needs to be r e f i n e d b e f o r e i t s implementation in order to get complete applause. Curative measures would be adopted in order to make it more beneficial for the Indian people. The Finance Minister might have given a well thought on it, so as to make it completely p r a i s e w o r t h y w i t h economic point of view. T h e r a t i o n a l e behind the role of opposition, the Congress, is understandable. The opposition demanded a reformation in the key areas of the Bill. Primarily, the GST Bill during UPA government was different f r o m G S T B i l l presented in NDA Govt. Till the last discussion of GST u n d e r U P A i n November 2013, the state s h a d s o m e specific demands. The demands focused on keeping the petroleum, Alcohol, and entry taxes out of the GST ambit. Congress claimed that the Bill is not properly cooked in the oven and it might put an end to the welfare created in the past info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 29
India PROJECT AT A GLANCE Make in W O R L D 'Make in India' is a project of Government of India, launched by the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, to persuade domestic and multinational companies to manufacture their products in India. The Prime Minister introduced it in a function at Vigyan Bhavan on 25 September 2014 focusing the foreign direct investment to have a wider scope. The campaign was designed by Wieden and Kennedy, an independent American advertising agency. As a part of the campaign, the Centre sanctioned about 50% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the defense sector and 100% allocation in railway infrastructure. The logo of Make in India is a striding lion made of cogs which symbolizes the strength and national pride. The major objective behind the initiative is to create job ladder and skill development in the economic sector. It also aims at excellence standards and minimizing the environment impacts. Obviously, it attracts capital and technological investment in India to a great extent. About 25 key sectors of the economy are assigned in the project, comprising of automobiles, biotechnology, a v i a t i o n , d e f e n s e manufacturing, electrical machinery, food processing, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals etc. The major challenges consist of creating healthy business background, exclusion of unsuitable features, more focus on small and medium enterprises and lack of world‐class research. MAKES C L E A N A leading Provider of Green Technology related products and Services SERVICES OFFERED InSinkerators Sewage Treatment Plants InSinkerators Sewage Treatment Plants Water Treatment Plants Bio Gas Plants Water Treatment Plants Bio Gas Plants Water Harvesting Plants Organic Fertilizers Water Harvesting Plants Organic Fertilizers MAKES INDIA CLEAN For more details : Contact us on info@makesindiaclean.com GF 36, Mansarovar Tower, Opp. Habibganj Station, Bhopal (M.P.) info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 30
Proposals (Responses) from various Sectors: India PROJECT AT A GLANCE Make in W O R L D In January 2015, by signing MoU between U.P Governments and the Spice Group, it was proposed to set up a mobile phone production unit in U.P with an investment of 5 billion. In January 2015, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Samsung, Hyun Chil Hong, met Union MSME minister Kalraj Mishra with a proposal to establish the MSME‐ Samsung technical schools in India. In February 2015, Huawei started a new research and development campus in Bangalore, investing USD 170 million to establish the development centre. Moreover, the Marine Products Export Development Authority said that it was interested in supplying shrimp eggs to the shrimp farmers in India. In June 2015, France based LH aviation, signed their MoU with OIS advanced technologies and proposed to setup a manufacturing plant in India, in the field of drones manufacturing. On 18 August 2015, Lenovo declared that they had begun manufacturing Motorola smart phones at a plant in Chennai. The plant has different manufacturing strides for Lenovo and Motorola including quality assurance, and testing. On 16 October 2015, Boeing Chairman James McNerney stated that the company could assemble fighter planes in India. The company is also desirous of manufacturing the F/A‐18 Super Hornet in India. In November 2015, Taiwan's Wistron Corp, which makes devices such as Blackberry, HTC and Motorola, stated that it would begin manufacturing the devices at a new factory in Noida (U.P.) On 30 November 2015, the ministry of railways signed formal agreements with Alstom and GE Transport worth Rs 40,000 crore to set up l o c o m o t i v e manufacturing factories in Bihar. In December 2015, Qualcomm stated in their proposal that in Design India programme it will mentor up to 10 Indian hardware companies to come up with innovative solutions. In December 2015, Micromax proposed their new manufacturing units in Rajasthan, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. In December 2015, proposal was given by Japan to set upMake in India allied projects. In late December, Vivo Mobile India started manufacturing smart phones in Greater Noida, facilitating above 2000 employees. The Make in India program certainly keeps a mind‐boggling outlook, as it includes many new initiatives related to designs in investment, innovation, m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d infrastructure. info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 31
W O R L D Railway BUDGET 2016 IN THIS ISSUE info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com 32
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Analysis In‐depth On Different Segments SE N B E S E X NIFTY F C M X O R E X MCR World provides important updates, Latest News, New Trading Strategies and covers all the above financial segments. Address : 202‐203, Modi Mension, E B 250 Sch No. 94, Ring Road, Indore (M.P.) Contact : +91‐731‐650‐0105 W O R L D E‐mail : info@mcrworld.com editor@mcrworld.com