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Animal Farm & The Russian Revolution

Explore how "Animal Farm" allegorically reflects the Russian Revolution with characters symbolizing Tzar Nicholas II, Stalin, and Marx. Analyze parallels such as leadership dynamics and power struggles to understand historical events.

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Animal Farm & The Russian Revolution

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  1. Animal Farm & The Russian Revolution

  2. Animal Farm is a satirical allegory that is based on events in Russian history.When the Russians revolted in 1917, their Tsar was killed for communist rule. This eventually evolved into the totalitarian regime of Josef Stalin.

  3. In your think book, answer the following questions:1. Which characters in the novel represent Tzar Nicholas II and Stalin?2. What events in the novel correlate with the killing of the Tzar and Stalin’s rise to power?

  4. Tsar Nicholas II (Farmer Jones ) Monarch of Russia – he was completely in charge A poor leader – sometimes cruel Murdered in the Revolution

  5. Josef Stalin (Napoleon) • not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky (Snowball) • didn't follow Marx's ideas • cared for power, killed all that opposed him • used KGB, church, and propaganda to suit his agenda

  6. 3. Which pig represents Marx and how do the events connected with this character reflect what happened to Marx?

  7. Karl Marx (Old Major) • The founder of communism • Famous for saying, “workers of the world unite ; you have nothing to loose but your chains.” • Died before the Russian Revolution

  8. Leon Trotsky (Snowball) • other leader to immerge after the Russian Revolution • pure communist, followed Marx • Wanted make committees to improve life for all in Russia • chased away by KGB (the secret police)

  9. Trotsky and Snowball 4. How are Trotsky and Snowball similar, both in terms of behavior and characteristics?

  10. Vyacheslav Molotov (Squealer) Stalin’s public speaker Responsible for promoting Stalin’s public image through propaganda

  11. 5. Which character represents Vyacheslav Molotov? How?

  12. KGB (The Dogs) • not really police, but forced support for Stalin • used force, often killing entire families for disobedience • totally loyal

  13. 6. Which characters are represented by the KGB? Predict what will happen.

  14. Religion (Moses) • used to make people accept the situation and do their work • Stalin knew religion would discourage violent revolutions: used it for political ends as opposed to spiritual ones

  15. Upper Class (Molly) • benefited from the Tsar’s rule • no gain from Communist change • vain, selfish, could afford to leave

  16. Middle Class (Muriel) Educated but did not attempt to prevent the destruction of Communist principles by Stalin’s regime

  17. Working Class (Boxer) Ignorant & Dedicated • Supported Communism • Supported Stalin long after his true nature became clear • Betrayed by Stalin

  18. Working Class (Benjamin) Intelligent & Sceptical • People who in theory would benefit from upheaval but knew it probably wouldn’t work

  19. 7. In what way are the pigs beginning to act like the very oppressive humans they helped to overthrow? Give three examples.

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