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What Caused the Russian Revolution?

The 1905 Russian Revolution. What Caused the Russian Revolution?. ROAD TO REVOLUTION: Conditions BEFORE & LEADING to the Revolution. ALEXANDER III: Autocratic Rule: holding independent arbitrary powers. Harsh leadership: Cracked down on anyone who threatened his government Censorship

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What Caused the Russian Revolution?

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  1. The1905Russian Revolution What Caused the Russian Revolution?

  2. ROAD TO REVOLUTION: Conditions BEFORE & LEADING to the Revolution ALEXANDER III: Autocratic Rule:holding independent arbitrary powers • Harsh leadership: Cracked down on anyone who threatened his government • Censorship • Mistreated all minorities (non-Russians)… especially Jews. • POGOMS: organized violence against Jews • Resistance to any change • Inflamed the masses

  3. Pre-Revolutionary RussiaNicholas II: the LAST ROMANOV CZAR • Nicholas II became Czar in 1894 • Despite buildup of Russia’s industry, the economy was suffering • The political system is rigid, archaic, & corrupt • Russo-Japanese War (1904) lead the country into international embarrassment

  4. 1. Early 20c: Russian Social Hierarchy

  5. 2. Industrialization & Economic GrowthLeads to UNREST • Poor working conditions • Child labor • Low wages • Growing gap between the RICH & POOR

  6. 2. Weak Economy Economy: system of producing & consuming 1905 Russian Rubles

  7. 2a. First Stages of Industrialization An Early Russian Factory

  8. 2b. Extensive Foreign Investments & Influence Imperialism lead to Building the Trans-Siberian RR[Economic benefits only in a few regions.]

  9. 3. Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905] The “Yellow Peril”

  10. Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905]

  11. Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905]

  12. Treaty of Portsmouth [NH] - 1905 President Theodore Roosevelt Acts as the Peacemaker [He gets the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.]

  13. Russo Japanese War • CAUSE: Russia & Japan competing to IMPERIALIZE Japan declared war on Russia • EFFECTS: • Japan defeated Russia • Loss of National Morale • Loss of Confidence in the Czar’s government • UNREST develops

  14. Russia Is Humiliated

  15. 4. Social Unrest Among the Peasants & Urban Working Poor Father Georgi Gapon:Leader of the People? or Government informer? He informed government officials of the uprising. They were ready for them!

  16. The Revolution of 1905- Bloody Sunday • Gap between rich & poor was enormous (Industrialization) • Working class grew angry (Industrialization) • Revolutionary groups formed to overthrow the government (UNREST) • BOLSHEVIKS: one group of revolutionaries led by Lenin

  17. Bloody Sunday (1905) • 200,000 workers (proletariate) went to the czar’s palace at St Petersburg to ask for better working conditions • Army were ordered to fire at the crowd… killing 1,000 unarmed people • People are outraged & push the Czar to put in some REFORMS • What do they Want • DUMA (Russian Legislature is created) under duress

  18. The Revolution Spreads

  19. The Czar’s October Manifesto October 30, 1905

  20. The Opening of the Duma:Possible Reforms? 1906 • The first two tries were too radical. • The third duma was elected by the richest people in Russia in 1907.

  21. Conservatism Continues: 1905-17Conservative: support traditional ways & values; want to AVOID CHANGE • DUMA: Russia’s 1st Parliament • Czar paid no attention to the Duma • The Duma harassed & political parties suppressed • Nicholas was personally a very weak man • Alexandra = the real power behind the throne

  22. Czar Cracks Back DOWN: The Russian Constitution of 1906 • Known as the Fundamental Laws[April 23, 1906]. • The AUTOCRACY of the Russian Czar was declared. • The Czar was supreme over the law, the church, and the Duma. • It confirmed the basic human rights granted by the October Manifesto, BUT made them subordinate to the supremacy of the law.

  23. Jewish Refugees Come to America in 1906 Due to Czar’s continued POGROMS

  24. Connect: 1905 to The Path to October, 1917 THE Russian Revolution

  25. IMMEDIATE CAUSES ofThe Russian Revolution

  26. 1. World War I: “The Last Straw” • War revealed the country’s weakness in leadership & severe lack of development • Poorly supplied troops • Millions of Russian men were dead • Soldiers refused to continue to fight • Unrest building -1:45 • Rasputin_Undermines_Nicholas__Authority.asf

  27. 2. Rasputin • Strange Monk/Mystic who influenced Alexandra • Relieved her sons pain • Spread corruption throughout the government • Scandals surrounding Rasputin served to discredit the monarchy 1:45- end • Rasputin_Undermines_Nicholas__Authority.asf

  28. 3. The Collapse of the Imperial Government • Nicholas leaves for the Front—September, 1915 • Alexandra & Rasputin throw the government into chaos • Alexandra & other high government officials accused of treason

  29. The Collapse of the Imperial Government (cont) • Rasputin assassinated in December of 1916 -1:33 • Nicholas_Forced_to_Abdicate.asf • Czar forced to step down (abdicate) in 1917 (March Revolution) • Nicholas_Abdicates_the_Throne_.asf • Provisional Govt. established

  30. The Two Revolutions of 1917 • The March Revolution –SOVIETS established: local councils who were often more powerful than the government & who had forced the Czar from power established the • PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT led by Alexander Kerensky stayed in WWI • Meanwhile Lenin returns to Russia W/ help from Germany AND… • WHAT TO DO WITH THE CZAR? • The November Revolution - Lenin’s “Peace, Land, & Bread” slogan stirs the people to support the Bolsheviks (1:33-END) • Armed workers (Proletariat) take over the government • Bolsheviks take over • Czar & family are executed in 1918 • Nicholas_Forced_to_Abdicate.asf

  31. Founder of Bolshevism:Vladimir Lenin • Committed to Class Struggle and Revolution • Key role of the Party in the revolution -- “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”

  32. Lenin Steps Into Power • Lenin gives farmers back their land • Workers were given control of factories • Bolshevik Party renamed Communist Party in March of 1918 • Lenin agreed to a peace treaty (Brest-Litovsk Treaty) with Germany, ending Russia’s involvement in WWI and conceding land to Germany

  33. Civil Warbetween the RED & WHITE armies • Humiliating Treaty angered many Russians and turned them against the Bolsheviks • Civil War fought between 1917-1920 -- “Reds” versus “Whites” • 15 million Russians died from war & famine • Lenin’s Red Army eventually wins • White = Czar supporters & backed by Western Powers • Reds = Bolsheviks/Communists

  34. Romanovs succumb to CommunismRomanov_Dynasty_Succumbs_to_Communism.asf

  35. Lenin Restores Order after years of World War, Revolution and Civil War • Organized Russian into Republics; unifying the country • Lenin allowed some private ownership of property (NEP) • Formed a new nation: The Soviet Union • Lenin sets out to rebuild the new USSR & its economy • Established SOVIETS to rule locally

  36. Who influenced Lenin Karl Marx: • Ideas formed the basis of Lenin’s revolutionary idea • Wrote the book, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO • Put for the idea of a class struggle the would lead to a take over by the proletariat and then the establishment of a “classless” society (COMMUNISM) • Inspired proletariats around the world • Vision of a lasting & prosperous society • An economic & social system that advocated a single political party & state ownership of property.

  37. Lenin’s “right hand man” • Leon Trotsky • Fellow Bolshevik • Intellectual • Negotiated the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to end WWI • Commanded the Red Army during the Civil War

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