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Explore the concepts of projection models, orthographic, isometric, dimetric, trimetric projections, and more in 3D graphics. Learn about parallel and perspective projections, viewplanes, foreshortening ratios, and vanishing points. Discover how to differentiate between various projection types and create perspective images.
Modelview Matrix Viewing Transform Model Transform world coordinates Pipeline Review Focus of this lecture
Parallel Projection Projection (R2) viewline viewpoint
Projection (R3) See handout for proof!
Example Vertices (0,0,0), (2,0,0), (2,3,0), (0,3,0) (1,1,1), (1,2,1) Parallel projection: onto z = 0 plane v = (0,0,1,0)T, n = (0,0,1,0)T
Vertices (0,0,0), (2,0,0), (2,3,0), (0,3,0) (1,1,1), (1,2,1) Perspective projection: onto z = 0 plane from viewpoint (1,5,3) v = (1,5,3,1)T, n = (0,0,1,0)T
Viewplane Coordinate Mapping p” p’ O
K4×3 Determine Viewplane Transform by Homogeneous Transformation
L L L: left inverse of K
Viewplane origin (1,2,0) u-axis (3,4,0) v-axis (-4,3,0) Example
Orthographic Projection • Def: direction of projection viewplane … is a parallel projection n v
Direction cosine (ref) Foreshortening ratio = (length of projected segment)/(length of original segment) Definitions
If the direction cosines of the plane normal (in world coordinate system) are n1, n2, and n3, the foreshortening ratios in the x-, y-, and z- directions are (n22 + n32)1/2, (n12 + n32)1/2, and (n12 + n22)1/2, respectively. Front, side, top views: n = (1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), or (0,0,1,0) as in engineering drawings Theorem
Types of Orthographic Projections • Axonometric projections: attempts to portray general 3D shape • Isometric projection: all foreshortening ratio are the same • Dimetric projection: exactly two are the same • Trimetric projection: all foreshortening ratio are different
Axonometric Projections Isometric Dimetric Trimetric f: foreshortening ratios
Oblique Projection • A particular parallel projection where direction of projection is not perpendicular to viewplane n Oblique projection not available in OpenGL v
Cavalier Projection p/4 n v viewplane Properties: Lines viewplane have f = 1 Planar faces viewplane appear thicker
Cabinet Projection n f = arccot(2) v Properties: To overcome ‘thickness’ problem, choose f viewplane to be 1/2
A perspective projection maps parallel lines in the space to parallel lines in the viewplane IFF the lines are parallel to the viewplane. Perspective Projection
Vanishing Point • Suppose (xi, yi, zi) i =1,2,3 are a set of mutually perpendicular vectors. The viewplane normal (n1, n2, n3) of a perspective projection can be perpendicular to (a) none (b) one (c) two of the vectors. n n (a) (b) (c) n
Vanishing Point • If a perspective projection maps a point-at-infinity (x,y,z,0) to a finite point (x’,y’,z’,1) on the viewplane, the lines in the direction (x,y,z) appear as lines converging to point on the (Cartesian) viewplane. The point (x’,y’,z’) is called the vanishing point in the direction (x,y,z).
Three-point perspective Vanishing point Two-point perspective One-point perspective
IMAGE FORMATION – Perspective Imaging “The Scholar of Athens,” Raphael, 1518 Image courtesy of C. Taylor
Example • Determine (and verify it is indeed so) the vanishing point of an OpenGL setting. Eye = [15,0,0] Eye = [15,0,15]
Numeric Example Viewpoint (15,0,15,1) Viewplane: x + z + 1 = 0 How about (1,0,1,0)?
Projection Parallel projection Perspective projection Parallel projection Orthographic Isometric Dimetric Trimetric Oblique Cavalier Cabinet Perspective projection Three-point perspective Two-point perspective One-point perspective Summary Understand how they are differentiated
Fig. 8. Constructing a perspective image of a house. (a) Drawing the floor plan and defining the viewing conditions (observer position and image plane). (b) Constructing a perspective view of the floor. (c) A reference height (in this case the height of an external wall) is drawn from the ground line and the first wall is constructed in perspective by joining the reference end points to the horizontal vanishing point v2. (d) All four external walls are constructed. (e) The elevations of all other objects (the door, windows and roofs) are first defined on the reference segment and then constructed in the rendered perspective view.
Exercise • Hand sketch a perspective drawing of a house • Use Maxima to compute 2-point perspective projection, setting viewplane coordinate system
Cross ratio is preserved in projective geometry (ratio is NOT preserved) Cross Ratio The cross-ratio of every set of four collinear points shown in this figure has the same value z2 z3 z4 z1