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CV System Diseases

Learn about common cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and strokes. Understand their causes, symptoms, and how to prevent them through a healthy lifestyle.

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CV System Diseases

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  1. CV System Diseases

  2. 1. Atherosclerosis • Inner lining of arteries become lined with plaque • Plaque – buildup of fatty substances • Think of water pipes freezing…Water is not able to get to where it needs to go!

  3. Lets see what this looks like! • Atherosclerosis

  4. Draw a picture depicting what atherosclerosis looks like….

  5. How does this occur? • Poor Diet • Sedentary Lifestyle!

  6. 2. Coronary Artery Disease (Heart Disease) • Greatest killer of all CV diseases! Leads to heart attack! • How a heart attack happens: • 1. In order to function, the heart has to have oxygen, thus it needs blood! • 2. Blood (and O2) are delivered to the heart via coronary arteries • 3. When these arteries become clogged, O2 cannot reach the heart and a heart attack may occur!

  7. Coronary Heart Disease… • Think of it like this… • Coronary arteries are like the power cords to the heart. When the power is interrupted, the heart does not function properly

  8. Signs of a Heart Attack • Chest discomfort • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body • Shortness of breath • Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

  9. CHD • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAqI-P6ig9Q

  10. 3. Congestive Heart Failure • Your heart is a big muscle (cardiac muscle) • CHF occurs when your muscle becomes overworked, and lacks strength

  11. Congestive Heart Failure • Heart is not strong enough to pump blood to the rest of the body. • Blood pools and causes body/heart tissues to swell! This causes the congestion!

  12. Think of it like this… • A sump pump! If that pump doesn’t get the water out from your basement, it will pool, creating a mess!

  13. Congestive Heart Failure • CHF

  14. 4. Stroke • Your brain needs O2 also!!! • Stroke occurs when blood flow is interrupted to the brain (clot in blood vessel) • When O2 does not reach the brain, brain cells die

  15. Strokes • Mild strokes may cause dizziness, weakness, or numbness. • However serious strokes causes speech impairments, memory problems, and loss of motor control.

  16. Stroke • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwwuVZORiMc

  17. PROBLEMS • 5. VERICOSE VEINS - Swollen and enlarged veins caused by weak valves

  18. Problems 6. Anemia: decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. 7. Hemophilia- blood does not clot

  19. So… How do we avoid all these diseases!? • Avoid Tobacco! • Cut back on Saturated Fats and Cholesterol! • Maintain Healthy Weight! • Exercise Regularly!*** • Manage Stress! • Aren’t you glad you have Health and PE!?!?!?!?

  20. Congenital Heart Disease • Heart disease can be hereditary • If your parents/grandparents had heart disease, you may be more likely to get it. • Heart problems you are born with are called congenital heart disease

  21. How can exercise help the heart? • Exercise makes the heart more efficient! • Exercise increases stroke volume – the amount of blood your heart pumps per contraction • Exercises decreases resting heart rate – amount of times your heart beats per minute while resting. • Exercise makes your heart’s life easier!!!

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