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REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DISEASES. By Jeannie Stall, R.V.T. Credits: 1. Common Diseases of Companion Animals by Alleice Summers 2. Livestock Disease Prevention by Joe Harper Clip Art Candi Davis photo. Female Reproductive System . Two ovaries Oviducts Uterus Cervix Vagina Vulva.
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DISEASES By Jeannie Stall, R.V.T. Credits: 1. Common Diseases of Companion Animals by Alleice Summers 2. Livestock Disease Prevention by Joe Harper Clip Art Candi Davis photo
Female Reproductive System • Two ovaries • Oviducts • Uterus • Cervix • Vagina • Vulva
Vaginal Diseases • Juvenile Vaginitis: Common issue in young puppies Clinical signs: vulvar discharge Trt: Rx Systemic antibiotics • Adult Vaginitis: Causes: Viral, bacterial, anatomical issues, injury, contact irritants (chemical)
Pseudopregnancy Due to exaggerated changes in normal hormones of a non-pregnant female ( Progesterone & Prolactin) Clinical signs: ~ 6-12 wks. post-estrus, wt. gain, enlarged mammary glands (even to the point of producing milk), & vaginal discharge, carry stuffed toys around, nesting, “mothering behavior”, ~ 1-3 wks. Duration Cure: OHE sx.
Pyometra • Bacterial infection in the uterus • ~ Within 60 days of heat cycle Can be “Open” or “Closed” “Closed”- Cervix narrows d/t infection & inflammation, pus builds up/uterus can rupture “Open”- Infection drains via cervix Signs: Dehydration, Neutrophilic left shift, elev. ALK,BUN,TP Best Treatment : OHE sx. (dehydrated/azotemia concerns)
Pregnancy Disorders Abortion- During gestation- Brucellosis - ZOONOTIC Fetal Reabsorption- During gestation/viral Fetal death- During gestation Dystocia- K9/cats:> 4 hr. labor w/o birth, difficult delivery/presentation (breech)/ > normal size, uterine fatigue, narrow birth canal….. Mastitis- Mammary gland inflam./infection Puerperal tetany- Eclampsia
Inappropriate Maternal Behavior Aggressive (towards newborns)- Kill/cannibalize Indifference- No licking/caring/warm snuggle “Clutz” ( steps or lays on newborns) • Do not continue to breed this female “Cure” /Trt: OHE sx.
Lactation Issues Agalactia- No milk production Galactostasis- Milk stasis (swollen mamm. glands) Mastitis- Most common issue, septic inflammation of mamm. glands, single or multiple gland involvement Trt:Agalactia- Oxytocin Mastitis-Rx antibiotics, warm compresses, milk out glands
Male Reproductive System Two testicles (Hopefully descended) If not= Cryptorchid/ Exploratory Sx. Duct system: Urethra, prostate gland, penis Scrotum Prepuce
Prostate Gland Issues Only accessory sex gland in dog- Produces fluid to carry & protect sperm Prostate Dz. more common in dog than cat Hyperplasia issues seen intact males / Hormones amplify issue- Advise neuter sx. Prostatitis- Bacterial infection of gland Trt: Long-term Rx of antibiotics Best option: Neuter to decrease hormone levels
Tumors Males: Testicular- More common in dogs Cryptorchids & inguinal hernia cases more susceptible Trt: Neuter sx. Penile- Rare in cats and dogs, however…… Transmissible Venereal Tumor is seen in K9 Females: Ovarian, Uterine, Cervical, Vaginal & Vulvar Trt: Surgical removal along with OHE sx. Mammary- K9 & cats / In K9, risk increases with each heat Trt: Surgical removal along with OHE sx.
Equine Reproduction Heat cycle every 21 days w/ 5-7 day estrus Ovulate 24 – 48 hours before end of estrus Only has a 60 – 75 % Reproductive efficiency Cystic ovary = Colic-like symptoms Trt: Banamine
Equine Abortions Causes: Bacterial or Viral Bacterial: E. coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Actinobacillus Clin. Signs: Abortion, discharge, premature milk let-down, Mare returns to estrus Trt: Uterine Flush w/antibiotics Rx Systemic antibiotics
Viral Abortions Most common cause: Equine Herpesvirus type-1 ( EHV-1 ) Most occur in last trimester (Day 224-336) Involves multiple mares on same farm Diagnosis- Isolate virus from aborted fetal tissues/placenta WEAR GLOVES !!!! Killed vx. administered to preg. mares @ 5, 7 & 9 mo. of gestation
Contagious Equine Metritis Cause: Gram - bacteria : Talorellaequigenitalis Passed from Stallion to mare at breeding Clin. Signs: Lg. vol. discharge 10 to 14 days post breeding Diagnosis: Bacterial C/S samples (Stud & Mare) Trt: Chlorhexidine flush SID x 7 days-Stud/Mare Antibiotics not greatly effective
Dystocia Difficult labor & birth- Usually w/ 1st foal 2nd stage of labor (rupture of amniotic sac to foal delivery) - should be < 20 min., as placenta breaks from maternal blood supply early in labor process Causes: Large foal for mare’s size , Twins Malpresentation (Breech,Twisted) Trt: Re-position foal/ Fetotomy/ C-section > Risk of loosing mare & foal
Edometritis 4 classifications: the classification number = barren risk Causes: Freq. breedings / chronic infections ie: E.coli, Streptococcus zooepidemicus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Anatomical vulva issues/ STD’s / Old age tissue changes Clinical signs: +/- vulvar discharge, Failure to conceive Fluid accumulation in uterus Trt: Uterine lavage w/ antibiotics , Rx Oxytocin, Sx. correction of anatomical issues (Caslick’s operation)
Retained Placenta Placenta (afterbirth) should pass 3 – 6 hours post foaling Retained due to dystocia, torn placenta, ineffective contractions Clin. signs: Vaginal discharge, Placental membranes extending from vulva > 3 hrs. post foaling, Laminitis > 48 hours post foaling, systemic illness Trt: Oxytocin to stimulate uterine contractions , lavage, systemic antibiotics, Banamine to bind endotoxins
Ovarian Tumors Clin. signs: Granulosa cell = Constant estrus Thecal cell = Aggressive behavior Anestrus Very Painful - Use caution when working w/ mare !!!! Trt: Sx. to excise ovary
Uterine issues Uterine Artery Rupture: Rare but life threatening Causes: Friable tissues in older mare, straining during foaling, fetal pressure Trt: Sedation, dark & quiet stall, Guarded Prognosis d/t potential “bleed out” Uterine Prolapse: Seen after rough delivery - mare continues to strain Trt: Apply Hypertonic saline to moisten & “shrink” tissue to facilitate re-insertion of uterus Rx Oxytocin , Sedation/anesth. , Systemic Ab.
Rectal Tear Graded on I - IV scale ( IV most severe ) Causes: Foaling injury or rectal palpation injury (most often) • ALWAYS Discuss rectal palpation procedure’s risk factor with horse’s owner PRIOR TO Rectal exam!! Clin. signs: Blood on palpation sleeve, colic symptoms, septicemia Trt: Emergency surgical repair of tear / Rx Banamine, +/- IV fluids / Feed soft, wet diet
Fescue Toxicosis Ingestion of endophyte-infested tall fescue grasses (Ergovaline) Creates vasoconstriction & prolactin inhibition Clin. signs: Extended gestation (up to 13 months), dysmature foals ( sm. for gestestional age), thickened placentas, agalactia, weak foals d/t lack of colostrum Trt: Take mares off fescue pastures 60-90 days before foaling, Assist mare w/foaling, Tube feed foal, Provide colostrum to foal, Domperidone (Dopamine antaganist)
Stallion Reproductive Issues Cryptorchid: One/both testes not descended into scrotum by 6 mo. - 2 yrs. of age Just as in other species, DO NOT use this male for breeding Castration required. MUST remove retained testicle, also. Penile tumors: Likely squamous cell carcinoma / sarcoid Penile paralysis: Non-retractable penis Causes: Rx Acepromazine, Sacral nerve injury (3rd-4th), Trauma Rabies / EHV-1
Sheep ,Goats & Cattle Dystocia - No progression of labor within 30 minutes Due to: Malpresentation, Uterine fatigue caused by large fetus or multiple births, Undilated cervix (“ringwomb”), Prolapses-Uterine & vaginal > common in sheep than goats. * Hypocalcemia a factor in uterine prolapses * Nutritional issues a factor in vaginal prolapses Trt: Hyperosmotic solution to shrink tissue for replacement, purse-string suture or similar device
Abortion ******** ZOONOTIC ISSUES ********* Campylobacter (Vibriosis): Route of transmission = ingested Still births, late-term abortions, weak lambs Trt: Penicillin, Streptomycin, Tetracycline Chlamydia psittaci(Chlamydia): Transmitted via uterine fluids Pigeons & sparrows are reservoirs. Trt: Tetracycline (esp. in late gestation) Brucella sp. (Brucellosis): A.K.A. “Bang’s Dz.” in cattle Transmitted via ingestion, localizes in tissues & can pass in sperm Trt: NONE -- Cull infected animals from flock or herd !!! **ALL 3 OF THESE DISEASES ARE ZOONOTIC !!! **
Mastitis Udder inflammation : Infectious :(E.coli, Klebsiella, Mycoplasma or Pseudomonas) or Non-Infectious Clin. signs: Swollen, red, warm udder / Septicemia Thick, discolored milk/ Gangrenous udder Trt: C/S results for best Ab. choice Intramammary infusions Systemic Ab. Severe cases = Sx. amputation