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Alexander the Great (356–323 BC)

Discover the enduring impact of Euclid's Elements and the contributions of mathematicians like Gauss, Bolyai, and Lobachevsky to the field of geometry. From ancient to modern times, their work on postulates, parallels, and hyperbolic planes reshaped mathematical thinking. Unravel the intertwined stories and discoveries that shaped geometric principles as we know them today.

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Alexander the Great (356–323 BC)

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  1. Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) • Born in Macedonia, son of Philip II • At 13, Aristotle became his tutor • At 16, as regent in his father’s absence he put down an insurgency

  2. Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) • 336 BC, Philip II is assassinated • Alexander is king at 20, puts down revolts, secures northern borders, defeats or co-opts other Greek States • 334 BC, he crosses to Asia Minor with an army of 40,000 • 331 BC, conquers Egypt and founds Alexandria

  3. Alexander conquers the Persian Empire • 336–323 BC, King of Macedon • 332–323 BC, King of Egypt • 330–323 BC, Great King of Persia • 323 BC, Alexander dies in Babylon

  4. After Alexander’s Death • Ptolemy Soter, king of Egypt 323–283 BC • Founds the great library of Alexandria • First chief librarian, Demetrios Phalerus (c.350–283), exiled and poisoned by a snake

  5. Summoned from the Void Euclid • Birth: place and date unknown • Death: circumstances and date unknown • “Oh, King, for travelling the country there are royal roads and roads for common citizens, but in geometry there is but one road for all”.

  6. The Elements • composed by Euclid in 13 books • starts with 23 definitions and 5 postulates for plane geometry • written using Lemmas, Theorems and proofs

  7. Transmission of the Elements • 6th century, Boethius translates parts into Latin • 800, translation into Arabic • 1120 translation from Arabic to Latin • 1260 new edition in Latin, cited by Doctor Mirabilis (a.k.a. Roger Bacon) • 1505 translation from Greek directly to Latin • 1570 English edition

  8. Euclid’s Five Postulates • There is a line between any two points • Any finite line can be infinitely extended • There is a circle with any centre and radius • All right angles are equal • If a line crosses two lines, and the sum of the interior angles on the same side is less than 180˚, then the two lines intersect on that side

  9. If a line crosses two lines, and the sum of the interior angles on the same side is less than 180˚, then the two lines intersect on that side

  10. Al-Haytham (965 Basra–c.1040 Cairo) • Famous work on optics, 1011–21 • used motion to prove Euclid’s Fifth • his work led to a connection between the parallel postulate and the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral

  11. Omar Khayyam (1048-1131, Persia) • Refuted earlier work on parallels • There are many things wrong [with Al-Haytham’s proof] • How could a line move, remaining normal to a given line? • How could a proof be based on this idea? • How could geometry and motion be connected?

  12. Girolamo Saccheri (1667–1733) • Thought he had proved Euclid’s Fifth • His methods used three cases for the sum of angles in a triangle: • (1) less than 180˚ • (2) exactly 180˚ • (3) greater than 180˚

  13. Any three points lie on a straight line or a circle

  14. Any three points lie on a straight line or a circle

  15. Any three points lie on a straight line or a circle

  16. Proof that L and M intersect

  17. Proof that L and M intersect

  18. Proof that L and M intersect

  19. Proof that L and M intersect

  20. Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–77) • Proved  is not a fraction a/b • Introduced hyperbolic functions • Showed that in the area of a triangle in the hyperbolic plane is proportional to 180˚– the sum of its angles • Saw the promised land, but never entered it

  21. Ferdinand Karl Schweikart (1780–1857) • Letter to Gauss, 1818. This being assumed we can prove rigorously: • a) that the sum of the angles in a triangle is less than 180˚ • b) that the sum becomes less as the area of the triangle becomes greater • c) that the altitude of a right-angled isosceles triangle continually grows as the sides increase, but it can never become greater than a certain length, which I call the constant

  22. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) • with Archimedes and Newton one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time • discovered the hyperbolic plane but did not publish anything about it

  23. Farkas Bolyai (1775–1856) • Hungarian, fellow student of Gauss at Göttingen; they became lifelong friends • poorly paid, wrote and published dramas, … • Worked on his mathematical masterpiece • Tried to dissuade his son Janos from wasting his life on the parallel postulate

  24. Janos Bolyai (1802–1860) • 1820 studied in Vienna • 3 Nov 1823 wrote to his father, … [I have] created a new, another world out of nothing … • In 1832 he published a 24-page appendix to his father’s book • Gauss, “I regard this young geometer Bolyai as a genius of the first order”. • Never published again, but left 20,000 manuscript pages

  25. Nikolai Lobachevsky (1792–1856) • strongly influenced by Martin Bartels at Kazan, previously Gauss’s tutor in Braunschweig • 1827 Rector of Kazan University • 1829 work on the hyperbolic plane published in the Kazan Messenger, rejected by St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences • 1846 retired (dismissed) • After 1846 his health deteriorates

  26. Back to Saccheri’s Triangles

  27. The fault in my ‘proof’

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