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Medical and school externships

Learn about medical and school externships where students gain practical experience in varied settings. Understand the process, locations, and steps involved in these enriching placements.

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Medical and school externships

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  1. Medical and school externships

  2. What are externships?

  3. Overview • Students complete 3 externships • September Experience, approximately 4 weeks full-time in a school • School externship • Medical externship

  4. September experience • Purpose of September Experience is to see how a school SLP gets up and running • Scheduling, screenings, team meetings, planning for therapy • Unique experience that many programs don't provide • Start date will vary based on assigned district. May be as early as mid-August. • This placement does NOT usually result in many hours and that's ok! It's more about the experience.

  5. School Externships • 10 weeks, full-time placement in a school setting • Elementary schools, secondary schools, education service districts, early intervention, alternative education programs • Graduate students gradually take over the caseload until they assume 100% of the responsibility. • Think about the population you are interested in... • Caseloads with AAC service, older students, elementary, autism, etc

  6. Medical externships • 10 weeks, full time  • Variety of site options: • Hospital  • Rehab • Outpatient clinic or private practice • Think about the population you're interested in... Caseloads heavy on assessment or dysphagia, emphasis on rehab, caseloads that see the lifespan, pediatric focus

  7. Where can I do them?

  8. Location • Local area • Defined as approximately 1 hour radius from Eugene • Greater Portland area • Other areas of Oregon • Out of state

  9. Location When you're thinking about where to go.... 1. Consider where you might want to end up working 2. Consider the type of work experience you'd like to have 3. Consider living arrangements, cost of living, transportation 4. Consider the schedule (first day of school, breaks, last day) 5. Consider proximity to other graduate programs

  10. Contract list Existing Contracts list is on InfoCDS 1. Student task... review the existing contract list and bring questions 2. Do not contact any sites yet! Contacting these sites without going through the proper channels can impact their willingness to take a student.

  11. What are the steps?

  12. Externship dates • September Experience • Dates will vary based on district • You must start when the teachers return to work • You must complete four weeks by September 27, 2019

  13. Externship dates EXTERNSHIP DATES 2020 Winter term – 1/6/20-3/13/20 Spring term - 3/30/20-6/5/20 Summer term - 6/22/20-8/28/20 Fall term - 9/29/20-12/4/20

  14. Externship interest form Return completed form (master is on InfoCDS) to Sara & Elise by the end of practicum class on January 7. You must include a 1st and 2nd choice for geographic area. Rank order preferences for both medical and schools.  Note any preferences or special interests.

  15. Contract form Do an internet search in the geographic area that you are looking. Identify several options. It may take a few calls to find a site. Keep in mind time differences when you are calling. Before you place calls, look over the information about medical and school externships on InfoCDS so you can explain to prospective sites what kind of externship experience you are in search of.

  16. Contract form For medical, search for the name of the rehab director, head SLP or student placement coordinator. If you can't find any names, you can call Human Resources to see if they can assist you. For school placements, search for the name of the special education director, assistant special education director, head SLP or student teaching coordinator. If you can't find any names, you can call Human Resources to see if they can assist you. September Experience is a term specific to Oregon. If you are contacting out of state districts, you will need to describe it as a "4-week full-time practicum placement." You will be expected to start when the host district begins. Please keep the end date for summer term in mind and make sure you can honor the district start date.

  17. Contract form Once you have found a contact name, ask if they are willing to host you for winter or spring 2019. You must have a firm "yes" to move forward. Contacting them via email is helpful because it starts a paper trail. Once you have a yes, let them know that an affiliation contract will need to be in place. Sara and Elise will need the following information to start the process: name of the person you spoke to, contact person's email, name & address of the site/facility/district, name of the contracts manager, email address & phone number for contracts manager For September Experience, ask for the first day of school

  18. Timelines 1. Over break, research site options and finalize both your resume and cover letter 2. January 7, 2019- turn in externship interest form and contract form (if applicable) to Sara & Elise by the end of practicum class 3. January 2019- Sara & Elise will begin individual check-ins 4. January 2019 – Upload resume and cover letter to One Drive before individual meeting 4. Mid-May 2019 – September Experience placements finalized 5. By end of October 2019- Medical and school externships finalized

  19. TimeLine • Winter term- individual check-ins with each student • Sara, Elise and Lindsay reach out to initiate new contracts ( student is informed of progress, timeline varies greatly) • Sara and Elise in communication with community partners • Portland Medical application date is first Friday of April. ( We will be prepared well before this date)

  20. Process for placements Note: geographic area may be determined earlier but specific site information not yet confirmed. • September Experience • Placements made by mid-May • School placements • Placements confirmed by end of October 2019 • Medical placements • Placements confirmed by end of October 2019

  21. IMPORTANT! Last day to initiate new contracts is February 1st! No exceptions. Contracts take a long time to process. Patience is required. No more than two new contracts will be initiated per person.

  22. IMPORTANT: The request you submit is what we will expect you to follow through on. Please think ahead and put thought into this decision. Last minute changes generally cannot be accommodated

  23. IMPORTANT: Please remember that this is a process. We require your active participation in it so that we can successfully place you in an externship. We pride ourselves in matching students to sites/supervisors/locations that are a good fit. 

  24. ImPortant: • Anticipate some changes • Approach these with a positive attitude and a growth mindset • Be respectful to each other and your coordinators throughout process

  25. Application RequIREMENTS: • Process dictated by hosting agency • May change over time • Often request Cover Letter/Resume • Some require interview or in person meeting

  26. ONBOArDINGReQUIREMENTS: • Onboarding requirements change and vary per site • You may have an additional expense for background checks or fingerprinting etc • Externship sites may may require new drug screening and marijuana is often screened for • It is your responsibility to complete onboarding documents and requests in a timely manner

  27. OPPORTUNITY • Start now • Developing professional relationships • Thinking about how to professionally give and receive feedback • Think about getting the most out of each opportunity and setting personal goals

  28. Questions?

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