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ELECTIONS 2014. Welcome!. Video. WHY ARE YOU HERE?. Introduction People Themes of the election Campaigning Currently at UEL… Manifestos The Rules General Q&A. John Cox . The Returning Officer.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ELECTIONS 2014

  2. Welcome! Video

  3. WHY ARE YOU HERE? • Introduction • People • Themes of the election • Campaigning • Currently at UEL… • Manifestos • The Rules • General Q&A

  4. John Cox

  5. The Returning Officer • For these elections, our Returning Officer will be Emma Powell, a member of staff from NUS. • Impartial – not personally or directly involved with UELSU

  6. Returning officer continued: • Ensures Election is run fairly and smoothly • Can appoint deputies and officials • Rules on complaints and disputes • Interprets election rules and regulations and may make rulings along the way

  7. Themes of the election candidate welfare

  8. Themes of the election Negative campaigning – covered by the law, democracy and not working.

  9. Candidate Do’s and Don’ts Video

  10. Campaigning Candidates or their supporters cannot campaign in the following areas: • Inside the UEL Libraries on all campuses. • The lobby areas before the turnstyles are fine though. • The area of the Computer Conference Centre with computers at Stratford, the only area where candidates may campaign in this building is on the ground floor. • Any other areas with UEL-provided computer labs. • Campaigning is not allowed outside of University Premises. • Inside USS (sorry!) • But infront of the building (up to the silver bollards) is fine.

  11. CAMPAIGNS - PERSONAL The best social media is still talking one to one.



  14. Posters • Posters should be attached to surfaces using Blu-Tac, rather than glue or tape. • Posters should be attached to notice boards using drawing pins. • Use of university department notice boards must be agreed with the department who owns the notice board. • Do not post stickers or sticky labels. • Do not cover any part of any other poster. • Do not affix posters to glass surfaces, wood, or painted walls.

  15. Printing • Monday 3rd Mar, 9am – If you’d like printing ready for collection on Monday, email it to uelsuprinting@gmail.com • After Monday morning, if you email your printing request by 9am, it should be done by 1pm that day. If you email it to us after 9am, it should be ready by 1pm the next day. • Print request form following this meeting.

  16. Budgets • £30 per person if you’re standing as an independent candidate • If you’re standing as part of a slate, the slate receives £30 for your first candidate, plus an additional £10 for each additional candidate. • For example, a slate consisting of 5 candidates will receive £30 + 10 + 10 +10 +10 = £70

  17. Budgets • Everything you spend money on for your campaign must, in total, not exceed your budget. • Printing must be down through UELSU. Any printing from us will be deducted from your budget. All campaigning materials must be stamped by UELSU. • Anything else you choose to spend money on will have to be stamped by reception and receipted. This also comes out of your budget. You will be reimbursed any expenses from your budget after the election. All receipts must be received by the close of voting, 5pm on Friday 14thMarch

  18. Student Experience Survey 2013

  19. MANIFESTOS Shorter is better Experience Politics Commitments

  20. Manifestos

  21. Manifestos Deadline • Online deadline – 8am, Monday 10th March, must be uploaded to your nomination on www.uelunion.org • If you’re running for more than one position, you can submit a manifesto for each position. • By submitting a manifesto, you agree to the rules. • You need to submit a manifesto in order to confirm candidacy.

  22. The RULES • Available online – www.uelunion.org • Keep to budget. • Equal opportunities. • University rules and the law still apply (!) • By submitting a manifesto, you agree to the rules. • You need to submit a manifesto in order to confirm candidacy. • Any complaints to be made to the D.R.O. j.cox@uel.ac.uk

  23. Videos • You can sign up to make a 60 second speech that we will film, edit and upload to YouTube and your manifesto page. Example • If you’re running for more than one position, you can record one video for each. • Tuesday 4th 9:30-12:30 (Docklands SU) • Wednesday 5th 9:30-12:30 (Stratford SU) • Thursday 6th11:30-14:30 (Docklands SU) • Friday 7th 13:00 – 17:00 (Stratford SU)

  24. Voting • All voting takes place at www.uelunion.org • Voting is open from 10am on Monday 10th March, closes 5pm on Friday 14th March • Students must login using their UEL student account details. • Students must select which positions apply to them. • Results! Any candidate can come to observe the count from 5pm onwards.

  25. Voting methodology Video

  26. RESULTS! THERE WILL BE A PARTY THIS YEAR AND YOU ARE ALL INVITED! Results declared from 6pm SU Lounge Docklands Friday 14th March

  27. Thanks for coming – GOOD LUCK!

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