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Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary

Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary. Animals sorted by what they eat !. Carnivores —eat flesh. Herbivores— feed chiefly on plants. Animals sorted by when they are active!. Nocturnal— active at night. Diurnal — active during the day. Animals sorted by body structure!.

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Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary

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  1. Hot Desert Animal Vocabulary

  2. Animals sorted by what they eat! Carnivores—eat flesh Herbivores—feed chiefly on plants

  3. Animals sorted by when they are active! Nocturnal—active at night Diurnal—active during the day

  4. Animals sorted by body structure! Vertebrate—have a backbone Invertebrate—have no backbone

  5. -are warm-blooded-have hair or fur-females secrete milk Mammals

  6. —are cold-blooded—usually are air-breathing—are vertebrates Reptiles

  7. —are warm-blooded—are vertebrates—have feathers, wings, scaly legs, a beak and no teeth Birds

  8. —are cold-blooded—are vertebrates—return to water to reproduce Amphibians

  9. —are usually small—are air-breathing—body is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen Insects

  10. —areair-breathing—have eight legs with jointed feet Arachnids

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