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Parent Partnership Service

Parent Partnership Service. Parent Partnership Service Parent Partnership Officers: Julie Riley, Tesni Mason, Sue Waterman, Helen Alport Admin Officer: Elaine Fish. Aim of Presentation. To enable participants to gain an overview of the work of the Parent Partnership Service.

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Parent Partnership Service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parent Partnership Service Parent Partnership ServiceParent Partnership Officers:Julie Riley, Tesni Mason,Sue Waterman, Helen AlportAdmin Officer: Elaine Fish

  2. Aim of Presentation • To enable participants to gain an overview of the work of the Parent Partnership Service

  3. The services we provide • impartial information and support to parents/carers of children with special educational needs (SEN) in Hampshire • support for parents to ensure that they play an informed part in planning provision to meet the needs of their children

  4. What the legislation says • Local Authorities (LAs) have a statutory duty to provide a parent partnership service • The DFE and the Code of Practice recognise that partnership with parents plays a key role in developing co-operation between parents, schools and the LA. This is important to enable children with SEN to develop their potential • Schools must tell parents about the Parent Partnership Service when they first identify that a child has SEN

  5. How Parents hear about PPS • Statutory assessment • when a child is identified with SEN • support groups • leaflets in the community Parents often comment they wished they knew of us sooner!

  6. What help we give • A confidential helpline for parents / carers • information on special educational needs including voluntary organisations and support groups • help for parents/carers to express their views • support through the statutory assessment process

  7. What help we give - continued • explore options • practical help to complete forms and to understand documents and reports • advice on home/school contact • home visits and support at meetings • organisation of local information days • links to independent parental supporters

  8. Examples of why parents may contact us • To discuss their child’s special educational needs • advice to ensure that their child has the right level of support • information about the types of support: School Action, School Action Plus, Inclusion Partnership Agreement, Statutory Assessment • support in presenting their views to school • advice regarding exclusion • advice about placement

  9. Enquiries received by the Parent Partnership Service

  10. Other areas of work • Evaluate the work we do • Feedback parents’ views to senior management within SEN • developing a steering group • developing a well trained IPS service • network with colleagues in other services both regionally and nationally

  11. Other areas of work • training for professional staff • presentations to support groups • exploring ways of making the service more readily available to parents

  12. Parent Partnership Overall we aim to support parents in their discussions with school, Local Authority and other professionals so that the outcome for their child is positive.

  13. Parent Partnership Service Tel: 01962 845870 email: enquiries.pps@hants.gov.uk website: www.hants.gov.uk/parentpartnership

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