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National Center for Higher Education Management Systems P.O. Box 9752 Boulder, Colorado 80301-9752 (303) 497-0301. An Overview of Poverty in Louisiana. Dennis P. Jones Presented to the Governor’s Solutions to Poverty Conference Monroe, Louisiana December 6, 2004. Purposes.
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems P.O. Box 9752 Boulder, Colorado 80301-9752 (303) 497-0301 An Overview of Poverty in Louisiana Dennis P. Jones Presented to the Governor’s Solutions to Poverty Conference Monroe, Louisiana December 6, 2004
Purposes • To Present Information About the Incidence of Poverty in Louisiana • To Make the Connection Between Poverty and Other Conditions that Suggest Solutions • Education • Employment
16.0 15.8 9.2 4.3 Ohio Utah Iowa Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Louisiana Nebraska New York Oklahoma Wisconsin Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island North Dakota West Virginia Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent of Families Living in Poverty—Louisiana, 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
7 .6% to 10 .8% 10 .8% to 15 .7% 15 .7% to 20 .1% 20 .1% to 24 .2% 24 .2% to 32 .6% Percent of Families Living in Poverty—Louisiana, 1999 Louisiana = 15.8% Source: U.S. Census Bureau
27.4 26.9 16.7 7.8 Ohio Iowa Utah Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Louisiana Nebraska New York Oklahoma Wisconsin Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico West Virginia Rhode Island North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent of Children Living in Poverty—Louisiana, 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
11 .9% to 20 .1% 20 .1% to 25 .6% 25 .6% to 30 .9% 30 .9% to 40 .1% 40 .1% to 54 .7% Percent of Children Living in Poverty—Louisiana, 1999 Louisiana = 26.9% Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Allen Winn Grant Iberia Union Caddo Acadia Sabine Lincoln Vernon Tensas Bossier Iberville Orleans Franklin De Soto La Salle Rapides Jackson St. Mary Bienville Webster Caldwell Madison Richland Ouachita Jefferson Lafayette Vermilion Cameron Avoyelles St. Martin Claiborne Calcasieu Red River Lafourche Livingston St. James St. Landry Concordia Catahoula Ascension St. Helena Evangeline St. Charles Morehouse St. Bernard Terrebonne Assumption Beauregard East Carroll Washington Tangipahoa West Carroll Natchitoches Plaquemines St. Tammany East Feliciana West Feliciana Pointe Coupee Jefferson Davis East Baton Rouge West Baton Rouge St. John the Baptist 26,988 Number of Families Living in Poverty By Parish, 1999 247 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
28,766 21,587 16,912 15,853 Ohio Iowa Utah Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas Delaware California Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island North Dakota West Virginia Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Per Capita Personal Income, 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Per Capita Personal Income as a Percent of U.S. Average—Louisiana, 1960-2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau; Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2003
$17,858 to $22,514 $15,445 to $17,858 $13,424 to $15,445 $12,146 to $13,424 $9,629 to $12,146 Per Capita Personal Income, 1999 Louisiana = $16,912 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census
Louisiana Income Distribution by Race for Population Age 18-64 Who Work at Least 35 Hours per Week, 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census 5% PUMS Files
Average Earnings by Race/Ethnicity and Degree-Level (Working at Least 35 Hours per Week)
Utah Iowa Ohio Idaho Maine Illinois Hawaii Alaska Oregon Kansas Virginia Arizona Vermont Montana Michigan Colorado Wyoming California Nebraska New York Wisconsin Minnesota New Jersey Washington Connecticut North Dakota Rhode Island Pennsylvania South Dakota Massachusetts New Hampshire South Carolina North Carolina West Virginia New Mexico Tennessee Mississippi Oklahoma Louisiana Delaware Arkansas Kentucky Maryland Alabama Missouri Georgia Nevada Indiana Florida Texas State Health Rankings, 2004 Source: United Health Foundation
128 to 198 198 to 237 237 to 311 311 to 397 397 to 444 Number of Deaths Due to Heart Disease Per 100,000 Population, 2002 Correlation with Per Capita Personal Income: -0.5 Louisiana = 248 Source: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals
Louisiana F C D Performance Business Vitality DevelopmentCapacity Employment F Earnings and Job Quality D Equity F Quality of Life F Resource Efficiency D Competitiveness of Existing Bus. C Entrepreneurial Energy C Human Resources F Financial Resources C Infrastructure Resources C Amenity Resources C Innovation Assets F Strengths (Top 10 Rank) RankMeasure 3 Manufacturing Investment 4 Change in Average Annual Pay 7 Voting Rate 9 Sewage Treatment Needs 10 Air Quality Development Report Card for the States, 2003 Weaknesses (Bottom 10 Rank) RankMeasure 41 PhD Scientists and Engineers 41 Teen Pregnancy 41 Toxic Release Inventory 42 Basic Educational Skills Proficiency—Reading 43 Electronic Public Services 43 Health Professional Shortage Areas 43 Uninsured Low Income Children 44 Rural/Urban Disparity 44 High School Attainment 44 Patents Issued 44 Involuntary Part-Time Employment 45 High School Completion 45 SBIR Grants 45 Personal Income from Dividends, Rent & Interest 46 Infant Mortality 46 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 46 Net Migration 47 Employment Growth: Short Term 47 College Attainment 47 Crime Rate 47 Private R&D 47 Poverty Rate 48 Employer Health Coverage 48 Income Distribution 48 Technology Industry Employment 48 Households with Computers 48 Employment Growth: Long Term 49 Per Capita Energy Consumption 50 Federal R&D Source: Corporation for Enterprise Development
$30,000 CT R2 = 0.80 NJ MA MD $25,000 CO VA NH Personal IncomePer Capita, 1999 NY MN DE IL WA CA AK MI NV RI US FL HI WI GA OH OR PA VT KS IN NC AZ $20,000 MO IA NE ME TX TN WY SC AL UT KY ND ID OK SD NM MT LA AR WV MS $15,000 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Percent of Population with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher, 2000 Association Between Percentage of Population Age 25-64 with a Bachelor’s Degree and Personal Income Per Capita 17
30 MN R2 = 0.69 NH VT 20 UT HI MA ND WI CT ME IA NE CO RI 10 WA KS NJ State Health Index, 2004 SD VA ID OR PA CA AZ AK OH MT WY IL 0 NY IN MI DE MD TX MO NV NM KY OK NC FL -10 WV AL GA AR SC TN -20 MS LA -30 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Percent of Population with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher, 2000 Association Between Percentage of Population Age 25-64 with a Bachelor’s Degree and State Health Index 18
Age 18-24 withHigh School Diploma Age 25-64 withHigh School Diploma Age 25-64 withAssociate Degree Age 25-64 withBachelor’s Degree or Higher Age 25-64 withGraduate or Prof. Degree 41st 72.3 47th 79.2 50th 4.0 45th 20.1 44th 6.8 50 30 40 20 10 0 Educational Attainment and Rank Among States—Louisiana, 2000 (Percent) Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Percent Educational Attainment of Population Age 25-64 By Race/Ethnicity—Louisiana, 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census
22.4 20.8 16.1 7.6 Ohio Utah Iowa Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Virginia Oregon Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Arkansas Wyoming California Delaware Louisiana Nebraska New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico West Virginia Rhode Island North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent of Population Age 25-64 with Less than a High School Diploma, 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000
970 to 1,620 1,620 to 2,895 2,895 to 7,132 7,132 to 15,284 15,284 to 51,394 Number of Residents Age 25-64 with Less than a High School Diploma, 2000 Louisiana = 467,474 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census
33.3 27.7 25.3 14.2 Ohio Utah Iowa Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Kansas Virginia Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Louisiana Nebraska New York Oklahoma Wisconsin Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico West Virginia Rhode Island North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent of Population Age 18-24 with No High School Diploma Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000
220 to 478 478 to 713 713 to 1,760 1,760 to 4,355 4,355 to 14,078 Number of Residents Age 18-24 with Less than a High School Diploma, 2000 Louisiana = 131,520 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census
140.7 39.6 31.4 5.8 Utah Iowa Ohio Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Kansas Virginia Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas Delaware California Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island North Dakota West Virginia Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire GEDs Awarded to Population Age 18-24 per 1,000 Residents Age 18-24 with Less than a High School Diploma, 2000 Louisiana Awarded 4,128 GEDs to 131,520 Residents Age 18-24 with Less than a High School Diploma Source: GED Testing Service, U.S. Census Bureau
Key Transition Points in the Education Pipeline • Complete High School • Enter College • Finish College • Enter the Workplace
Student Pipeline Of 100 9th Graders, How Many… Source: NCES, IPEDS 2000 Graduation Rates and Fall 2000 Enrollments. U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census. ACT Institutional Survey 2001. Mortenson High School Graduation Rates and College Going Rates.
Percent of Whites and African-Americans at Each Stage of the Education Pipeline, 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census. NCES Common Core Data. NCES, IPEDS Fall 2000 Enrollments and 2000 Completions
0-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ Projected Change in Louisiana Population by Age and Race/Ethnicity, 2000-20 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Louisiana Public High School Graduate Projections to 2018 by Race/Ethnicity Source: WICHE High School Graduate Projections
Parishes Where 80% of Louisiana’s Black Population Resides, 2000 Orleans 22.4% East Baton Rouge 11.4% Caddo 7.8% Jefferson Davis 7.2% Ouachita 3.4% La Salle 3.1% Calcasieu 3.0% Rapides 2.7% St. Landry 2.5% Tangipahoa 2.0% All Others < 2.0% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census
86.1 67.1 56.2 51.0 Utah Iowa Ohio Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Virginia Oregon Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Louisiana Nebraska New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico West Virginia Rhode Island North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire High School Graduation Rates—Public High School Graduates as a Percent of 9th Graders Four Years Earlier, 2000 Source: Tom Mortenson, Postsecondary Opportunity
91.6 70.1 51.2 Iowa Utah Ohio Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Oregon Kansas Virginia Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island North Dakota West Virginia Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent of 7th–12th Graders Taught by Teachers with a Major in Their Subject, 1999-2000 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
92 .9% to 97 .9% 86 .9% to 92 .9% 79 .0% to 86 .9% 71 .2% to 79 .0% 52 .6% to 71 .2% Percent of Core Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers, 2002-03 Louisiana = 85.6% Note: Core classes include English, math, science, social studies, foreign languages and the arts. Source: Louisiana Department of Education
69.4 59.2 56.7 38.1 Iowa Ohio Utah Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Virginia Oregon Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Arkansas Wyoming Delaware California Louisiana Nebraska New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island West Virginia North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire College Going Rates—First-Time Freshmen Directly Out of High School as a Percent of Recent High School Graduates, 2000 Source: Tom Mortenson, Postsecondary Opportunity
64 .4% to 82 .8% 58 .8% to 64 .4% 53 .5% to 58 .8% 45 .6% to 53 .5% 32 .2% to 45 .6% Public First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen as a Percent of High School Graduates, Fall 2002 (All Institutions) Louisiana = 51.5% Note: Numbers for LTC are for population age 18-20, full- or part-time, Fall 2002. Source: Louisiana Board of Regents
22 .6% to 29 .0% 29 .0% to 37 .5% 37 .5% to 53 .0% 53 .0% to 63 .1% 63 .1% to 75 .0% Percent of First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen Taking Developmental Courses, 2002-03 Louisiana = 39.5% Source: Louisiana Department of Education
85.3 73.6 70.8 65.2 Iowa Ohio Utah Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas Delaware California Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island West Virginia North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Retention Rates of First-Time College Freshmen Returning Their Second Year, 2002 Source: National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, ACT “Institutional Data Questionnaire” 2002
73.1 56.6 43.5 39.4 Iowa Ohio Utah Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico West Virginia North Dakota Rhode Island Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Six-Year Graduation Rates at Public Research Institutions, 2001 (Percent) Source: NCES, IPEDS 2001 Graduation Rate File
66.5 40.3 26.1 25.4 Iowa Utah Ohio Idaho Maine Texas Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Arkansas California Delaware Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico New Mexico Rhode Island West Virginia North Dakota Rhode Island Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Six-Year Graduation Rates at Public Bachelor’s and Masters Institutions, 2001 (Percent) Source: NCES, IPEDS 2001 Graduation Rate File
60.6 25.7 29.2 12.1 Iowa Utah Ohio Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Kansas Virginia Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Wyoming Kentucky Arkansas California Delaware Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico North Dakota West Virginia Rhode Island Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Three-Year Graduation Rates at Public Two-Year Colleges (Percent) Source: NCES, IPEDS 2001 Graduation Rate File
10.8 6.2 3.8 3.3 Utah Iowa Ohio Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Louisiana Nebraska New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee Washington New Jersey Connecticut New Mexico Rhode Island West Virginia North Dakota Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Part-Time Undergraduate Enrollment as a Percent of Population Age 25-44, 2000 Source: NCES-IPEDS, U.S. Census Bureau
10 .0% to 13 .6% 7 .0% to 10 .0% 6 .0% to 7 .0% 4 .0% to 6 .0% 3 .2% to 4 .0% Poverty Rates Among Full-Time Employed Workers By Census 5% Public Use Microdata Areas, 1999 Louisiana = 6.7% Map based on employed persons 16+ years of age working 35+ hours per week using Census 2000 5% PUMS data. Source: Steven Ruggles, Matthew Sobek, Trent Alexander, Catherine A. Fitch, Ronald Goeken, Patricia Kelly Hall, Miriam King, and Chad Ronnander. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series Version 3.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center [producer and distributor], 2004. www.ipums.org
71.3 62.3 56.9 51.3 Iowa Utah Ohio Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Hawaii Alaska Florida Indiana Oregon Kansas Virginia Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Wyoming Maryland Kentucky Arkansas Delaware California Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico North Dakota West Virginia Rhode Island Pennsylvania South Dakota United States North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent of Civilian Population (Age 16 and Older) Participating in the Workforce, 2003 Source: U.S. Bureau of Statistics
Percent of Total Gross State Product by Industry and Comparison to U.S. Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, www.bea.doc.gov
41.3 33.6 29.9 25.7 Utah Iowa Ohio Idaho Texas Maine Illinois Alaska Hawaii Florida Indiana Oregon Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Georgia Missouri Vermont Montana Alabama Michigan Colorado Maryland Kentucky Wyoming Arkansas California Delaware Nebraska Louisiana New York Wisconsin Oklahoma Minnesota Mississippi Tennessee New Jersey Washington Connecticut New Mexico North Dakota Rhode Island West Virginia Pennsylvania United States South Dakota North Carolina South Carolina Massachusetts New Hampshire Percent Employment in Managerial and Professional Occupations Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Employment by Job Type—16 and Older, 2000 Source: Tony Carnevale and Donna Desrochers, ETS (PUMS 2000 5% Sample, source data extracted from www.ipums.org at the University of Minnesota)