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Physical development The aggregate of morphological, functional and psychic features, characterizing the level and dynamics of growth of the organism, as well as its capabilities to adapt to the changing living conditions
Physical growth indicators Anthropometric (related to measuring structure/anatomy): height, weight, chest measurement, length of limbs, etc.; Physiometric (related to measuring physiological processes): vital capacity, muscular strength, reactivity and accuracy of the movement; Somatoscopic (related to assessing external manifestations): build, muscular development, chest and legs shaping, level of development of the male genitals, secondary sexual characteristics, time of onset of puberty.
Main physical growth indicators • Height – the most stable indicator, characterizing the rate of plastic processes in the organism and to some extent its maturity. • Weight – contrary to height a very responsive indicator, quick to react to a variety of stimuli of exogenous and endogenous nature. Weight reflects the level of development of the skeletal and muscular systems, inner organs and subcutaneous fatty cells. • Head measurement • Chest measurement – an important indicator, reflecting the level of development of the chest, muscular apparatus, the subcutaneous fatty layer of the chest, all of which closely correlate to the functional indicators of the pulmonary system. • Body surface – one of the important physical growth indicators as well. It helps to assess not only the morphological, but also functional state of the organism. • Sexual maturity
Indicators for assessing sexual maturity – secondary sexual characteristics • Hairiness of the pubis • Armpit hairiness • Chest development • Facial hairiness in boys • Voice timbre • Adam’s apple cartilage enlargement
Methods of anthropometric studies • Two-dimensional percentile scales – „height – weight”, „ height – chest measurement”, allow judgments about the presence of a harmonious development • Usually to characterize the sample the 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90thand97thpercentile are used • During the individual assessment of physical growth indicators the characteristic level of expression is evaluated according to the position of the value in one of these 7 percentile corridors
Harmonious physical development the weight and chest measurement correspond to height, i.e.they fall in the 4th – 5th percentile corridor (25th – 75th percentile)
Unharmonious physical growth Weight and chest measurement fall behind normal (3rd corridor, 10th – 25th percentile) or are higher than normal (6th corridor, 75th – 90th percentile) due to obesity.
Sequence in assessing physical growth • Correspondence of calendar age to biological development • Assessment of the morphological state of the organism • Assessment of somatoscopic indicators
ACCELERATION Acceleration (from Latin: аcceleratio) is the accelerated development of the human organism, manifesting in early sexual maturation, increased height and weight, as well as changes in other anthropometric and physiometric indicators. The term “acceleration” has been proposed by the German physician Koch in 1935.
The main signs of acceleration 1.Body length and weight of children at birth are higher than during previous years. 2.Accelerated development of babies. 3. Accelerated gains in height during school age. 4.Earlier finish of growing.
Hypotheses about acceleration(Y.P. Lisitsin, 1973) А. Physicochemical: • Heliogenic (the influence of solar radiation) • Radio-wave, magnetic (influence of magnetic fields) • Outer space radiation • Increased concentration of carbohydrates, as a result of increased production and environmental pollution Б. Theories, related to living conditions : • Alimentary • Nutritional • Informational (increased information) В. Genetic: • Cyclic biological changes; • heterosis (populations mixing) Г. Theories, referring to complex influences from living conditions: • urbanization • The complex of socio-biological factors