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The Jesus Model

The Jesus Model. Church Planting and Church Growth based upon Jesus’ example. Jesus - Church Planter ?. Yes , Jesus was the first and foremost church planter !. „I will build my Church !“. Why can we assert that Jesus was a church planter ?. Based upon his expressed goal :

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The Jesus Model

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  1. The Jesus Model Church Planting and Church Growth based upon Jesus’ example

  2. Jesus - Church Planter?

  3. Yes, Jesus was the first and foremostchurchplanter! „I will buildmyChurch!“

  4. Whycanweassertthat Jesus was a churchplanter? • Based upon hisexpressedgoal: I will buildmy Church! • The Actsof the Apostels is the recordof all that Jesus „continuedto do and teach“ (Acts 1:1) • The disciples, around Jesus were the first prototype of the Church. • Jesus mostcertainlyshowed and taught His discipleshowto plant His Church.

  5. The Jesus-Model: The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation Intentional Multiplication At home in the presence of God Christ-centered proclamation Practical Discipleship Changed Identity Liberating Lordship

  6. The Core of Church Planting is life together with God the Father Authority and power in ministryare the resultofnearnesstoGod(Mk 1:35, 6:46, 9:7) We will neverbemore in publicministrythanweare in our private fellowshipwithGod. At home in the presence of God Becauseoftempation: tobe relevant, tobepopular, tobe powerful A healthylife in communionwithGodisparamount Westayhealthybyexitingministry and bypracticing the spiritual disciplines Weintercede not defensively, but offensivelythrough front linepraying

  7. A Church Planter Profile • HealthySpirtitualLife – LongingforGod • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Faith, Evangelism • Personality type: Leaders: D and I, Followers: S and C • Visionarycapacity – • abletoseewhatis not yet • Intrinsicallymotivated • CooperationofSpouse • Createsownershipofministry • Connects well relationallywithothers, especially non Christians • Resilient: not easilydiscouragedbyset-backs

  8. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact At home in the presence of God

  9. IncarnationalContact • The incarnation– unique, yet must be universal among Christians • Connecting: Missional – Third Places • Church planters will spend half oftheir time in theharvest (Bewareof the dangerof the desk!) • Demographic and Psychograpihcstudies and theirimmpicationfor the Gospel • Person ofPeace: Mavens, Connectors, Salesmen • Building Networks ofRelationshipsto non Christians • Phase One: Generating a Starter Team thatisincarnational

  10. The Four Phase Model Assimilation Event Assimilation Event (Preview service) (Previewservice) W Startteam-Meeting Startteam-Meeting Week1 2 3 45/1

  11. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation Whatmotivatesusto plant churches? The callofGod and the compassionfor the lost (Lk 6:36; Matt 9:36) At home in the presence of God Study the lifeof Ruth tolearnwhatcompassionis

  12. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation At home in the presence of God Christ-centered proclamation

  13. Whatis the Gospel? • The Gospel is Jesus and all that He embodieswithmetoday! The personal life-changingpresenceofGod in the lifeof a weak individual. • Scripture: Matt 9:35 (Autobasileia); Lk 17:21 • Implications: • More than sin management! • ParticipationwithGod in a newrealityofliving • Living out of the resoursesof the King • The incarnationrepeatsitselfdaily in mylife • Authority and power toact in His name • MyKingdomvsGod‘sKingdom (Flip Chart)

  14. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation At home in the presence of God Christ-centered proclamation Liberating Lordship

  15. Recognizingliberated Lordship • A burningheart(Lk 24:32) • A clearconscience(1 Joh 1:5-7) • Applied teaching(Matt 7:24)

  16. Levels of Choice Repentance Faith Kingdom of GOD Kingdom of SELF 1. SURRENDER Control Level I need a newleader. 2. SORRY ABOUT IT Guilt and GriefLevel I needforgiveness and anotherchance. 3. SICK OF IT Frustration Level I needhelp. 1. FOLLOWING ObedienceLevel I have a newleader. 2. ABIDING Love Relationship Level I have an eternal friend. 3. OVERCOMING Reliability Level Myleaderhas a follower.

  17. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation At home in the presence of God Christ-centered proclamation Changed Identity Liberating Lordship

  18. Changedidentity The dangerofsocialized Christians New Identity in relatingto Christ, not totask (Gen 4; Joh 1) The local Church carries in it a new spiritual identity (Itknowswhoitis in Christ and thatitisthereforeculturallyrelevent) Life-Transformationalsmallgroupsbecome the micro-cosomof out newidentity

  19. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation At home in the presence of God Practical Discipleship Christ-centered proclamation Changed Identity Liberating Lordship

  20. Making Disciples – the basisofreproduction Teaching peoplehowto live like Jesus Implimenting a plan formakingdisciplesthatmakedisciples Disciple-makingforms the basisforhealthygrowth • Church planters 4 • Ministryarealeaders 3 • Coaches 2 • Disciples 1

  21. The Jesus-Model:The radically new/old means of planting churches Incarnational Contact Compassionate Motivation Intentional Multiplication At home in the presence of God Christ-centered proclamation Practical Discipleship Changed Identity Liberating Lordship

  22. Goodto Great Church Planting • Great Church Planting • Timed release • Generational distance • Discipleship depth • Intentional mindset • External focus • Reproducible models Good Church Planting • Long recovery time • Direct involvement • Emphasis on leadership • Haphazard and situational • Centripetal force • Emphasis on giftedness

  23. The fruitof an appletreeis not an apple, itisanotherappletree.

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