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Energy Regulations in Pakistan: Recent Developments

Energy Regulations in Pakistan: Recent Developments

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Energy Regulations in Pakistan: Recent Developments

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Energy Regulations in Pakistan: Recent Developments “Energy: Sustainable Access for All” World Consumer Rights Day-March 2006

    Muhammad Aftab Alam Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan

    Slide 2:Energy Regulations-An Introduction

    Consumers and Energy Sector Regulation Past: Public Sector Monopolies like WAPDA, KESC, SNGPL, and SSGCL Legal and Infrastructural Reforms in Power Sector during 1990s Inclusion of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) Unbundling of big state-owned monopolies

    Slide 3:Energy Regulations-New Regime

    National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) 1997 Natural Gas Regulatory Authority (NGRA), 2001 Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), 2002 De-regulation of Petroleum Prices

    Slide 4:NEPRA

    Mission Statement …ensures the provision of safe, reliable, efficient and affordable electric power to the electricity consumers of Pakistan… Section 7 (6) of the NEPRA Act, 1997 …the Authority shall, as far as practicable, protect the interests of consumers …

    Slide 5:OGRA

    Mission Statement …Protect the Public interest while respecting Individual Rights by ensuring Effective, Efficient and Equitable Regulatory Environment. Section 6 (2Q) of OGRA Ordinance, 2002 …Protect the Public interest while respecting Individual Rights by ensuring Effective, Efficient and Equitable Regulatory Environment.

    Slide 6:Functions of Regulators

    Licensing Tariff Determination Performance Standards of Utilities Complaints against the Utilities Public Hearing Transparency and Openness

    Slide 7:Issues in Regulations

    Autonomous and Independent Regulators Internal Issues: Lack of ownership by the sector External Issues: Pressure from the investors for weak regulations Government Interventions Policy Guidelines or Policy Directives

    Slide 8:Policy Guidelines for Regulators

    Guidelines of Federal Government: NEPRA Section 7: Powers and functions of the Authority (6) In performing its functions under this Act, the Authority shall, as far as practicable, protect the interests of consumers and companies providing electric power services in accordance with guidelines, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, laid down by the Federal Government.

    Slide 9:Policy Guidelines for Regulators (Contd.)

    Guidelines of Federal Government: OGRA Section 21: Power of Federal Government to Issue Policy Guidelines The Federal Government may issue policy guidelines on the matters of policy not inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance

    Slide 10:Recent Developments: NEPRA

    New IPPs Regime: 47 new power generation companies Guidelines for Determination of Tariff for IPPs (November 2005, Ministry of Water and Power) 1.2 (a) NEPRA should now determine an up-front tariff [for IIPs without any public consultation] Proposed NEPRA Amendments without Public Consultation-proposed draft not made public

    Slide 11:Recent Developments: OGRA

    Amendments in OGRA Ordinance [no public consultation] Recent Cabinet Decision on Determination of Petroleum Prices Issues Preparation of Regulations/Rules to determine the Petroleum Prices [after consulting all stakeholders] Public representation/participation in prices determination Transparency and openness

    Slide 12: Thanks

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