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Implement the suggested potential activities in the Environmental Mainstreaming Guideline and Implementation Note for UNDP Maldives Recovery Program ...
Energy-Poverty Linkage The higher electricity tariff structure in rural islands inhibits the growth of the domestic economy and places a significant burden on rural households, which already have low income levels. The energy sector has not yet seen a cohesive approach towards stabilizing developmental imbalances; Energy Sector - traditionally been a fragmented quasi-sector; Current priorities of both GOM and NGO/multilateral agencies lean more towards the creation of uniform regulatory frameworks than towards the utilization of energy linkages with poverty to reduce socio-economic imbalances. Some Key Data: Virtually 100% of the fuel needs have to be imported; Access to electricity has been achieved by almost all households; 197 of the 199 inhabited islands receive electricity for at least five hours, and 82 receiving it 24-hours a day. Renewable energy sources have failed to penetrate the energy mix; Diesel fuel, imported at considerable expense, has a huge 83% share in the energy mix. Diesel is the primary fuel used in the transport and industrial sectors, and has near-total dominance in electricity generation. Selection of Consultants Due to non availability of national expert and international expert was recruited; supported with a local assistant. Constraints and Limitations Limited materials for a comprehensive desk study; Brief visits to two islands Limited amount of time Key Stakeholders Consulted Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water Ministry of Transport and Communication Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture STO, STELCO, IDC/WDC, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Research Centre; UNDP, UNICEF and FAO officials; Consultants Data Sourcing and analyses Desk Reviews; Field visits and consultation with IDC/WDCs; Visited homes and enterprises like fish smoking and drying, handicraft centers etc.Slide 4:
Major Challenges and assessed gaps: Lack of clear policies on utilization of RE resources and incentives for RE based programs and projects; Inter-linkages on energy services at micro-level weak/missing; Institutional linkages and coordination between Central and Island agencies inadequate; R& D capacities, especially in renewable energy limited; Limited technical knowledge on RE/RETs Public-private partnership in energy utilization is limited to distribution only; Inadequate technical capacity for running community-managed power supply. Capacity for information dissemination and M&E limited. Limited sharing and learning through networking on alternate energy and on RETs application
Meeting the Challenges MEEW understaffed. Inadequate human resources for effective intervention in energy sector may emerge as a major stumbling block. Prioritise Human resource development in Energy Sector, Information analysis &management, Program dev. & implementation, Awareness creation & demonstration, Monitoring & evaluation; Need for rapid assessment on existing capacities. There are no collaborations of note between STELCO and independent power producers to expand electricity access to the 117 islands (out of 199 inhabited islands) that do not receive 24-hour electricity. MEEW; MoAD; MoT; MoFT; Comprehensive policy on liberalization of energy service provsions; guidance and technical expertise on active entry of private sector into energy provisions and creating enabling environment for fair market competition Presence of large state-owned monopolies undermine the emergence of private sector; Lack of financial mechanisms and discriminatory policy on funding/support of private sector. Formulate policies and regulations that will allow and encourage development of IPPs and local manufacturing of RE systems; Encourage formation and participation of engineering associations. There is no documentation of Best practices/Lessons learnt Encourage exhibitions, seminars and workshops on renewable and energy efficient products and services.Built and strengthen collaborative research and development programs with the cooperation and collaboration of the ‘center of excellence” in the region such as Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and other similar institutions in the Asia Pacific Region. Best practices on the energy production and uses especially linked to gender mainstreaming and poverty reduction from other countries of the region be collected and analyzed mainly from the point of view of it’s relevance and replication in the Maldives Meeting the Challenges… continued There are no formal information channels, in the form of exhibitions, seminars, brochures, and leaflets, available particularly to communities in outer islands, which do not receive adequate modern energy services and would benefit most from renewable energy technologies. Scaling- up of RETDAP and evolve it into Renewable Energy Development Programme There are no specific energy sector capacity development initiatives at the local level. With the re-structured institutional framework - NAEM and reforms that has taken place recently, more cross-sectoral synergies will be resulted. The current function of MEB is limited to setting engineering and safety standards and guidelines for tariff setting of electricity services. The regulation of all forms of energy is needed and would require a coordinated effort. Specific regulations for governing areas such as independent power generation and the pricing and the use of renewable energy technologies (RETs) would be required. An independent regulator with enforcement powers will be required for their implementation Inclusion of RE in the 7th National Development Plan (2006 – 2010); Ensuring equal representation of the MEEW/Energy Sector in the Planning process for NDP 7 Development of guidelines on incentives subsidy on RE. Finalize the National Energy Policy and Sustainable Energy Action Plans; conduct awareness and info dissemination at national/local levels; MEEW to take active part in formulation/implementation/monitoring of development plans at local levels (island and atoll development plans); MEEW to be represented in Steering Committees for multilateral and bilateral agency implemented projects WAY FORWARD Human Resource Development in Energy Sector Rapid Assessment and Action Plan 2006 MEEW, UNDP R&D on Energy, particularly RE Assessment of capacities; Inventories of research ASAP MEEW, UNDP, Env. Research, Faculty of Engineering Financing mechanisms for RE Development of financing modalities; Guideline procedures on RE financing ASAP ASAP ASAP MEEW, MAA, BOML, UNDP Incorporate Gender Analysis into energy and poverty reduction efforts Development of guidelines; orientation of education programs – micro finance for women, etc. Continuous process MEEW, MAA, Ministry of Gender, UNDP Alternative fuels and clean energy Rights based approach Assessment and integration within CDM Awareness raising and sensitization MEEW, MOTCA, UNDP UNDP, MEEW WAY FORWARD RE Development; RE promotion and application Inclusion of 7th NDP; Development of guidelines on incentives subsidy on RE Done Long term MEEW, MPND with support from UNDP; MEEW, UNDP/ADB, MOFT National Energy Policy 2005 Sustainable Energy Plan 2004 Information Dissemination of Energy Policy and Sustainable Energy Plan Regional/Atoll/Island Development Plan Finalization and Implementation Finalization Awareness on policies and action plan at national and atoll level Addressing energy sector holistically Done First Quarter 2006 2006 ASAP MEEW MEEW MEEW, UNDP MEEW in cooperation with sectoral ministries and donors WAY FORWARD Priority Actions by UNDP Regional Centre Identify priority action countries; Training of UNDP staff on Rights based approach; Integrate accurate indicators on energy access disparities for better monitoring UNDP Regional Centre Long-term RE Development Programme with focus on substituting conventional energy with RE making energy available, accessible and affordable to all. RE development plan/program beyond 2010 with exploration of increasing share by RE resources and related technologies Scaling- up of RETDAP and evolve it into Renewable Energy Development Programme ( 5 Years) Beyond 2010 Dialogue/ feasibility to implement in 3 or 4 Atolls initially MEEW UNDP UNDP Regional Center Priority sectors for introduction of clean energy Possible UN agencies Joint Programmes; Promotion of Rights based approach; Partnership with NGOs Early action for seeking funding MEEW, MCT UNDP CO UNDP Regional Center UN Agencies: WHO/UNICEF WAY FORWARD… PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT Develop Model “ RE Reliant Island through RETs applications Identify an island and develop the programme with extensive application of RE options Discuss initiative as early as possible UNDP, Tsunami support organizations MEEW ADC/IDC/WDC Integrate clean energy/substitute/EE initiatives into ongoing UNDP Regular and Post Tsunami Programmes Implement the suggested potential activities in the Environmental Mainstreaming Guideline and Implementation Note for UNDP Maldives Recovery Program Dialogue and consultation be renewed as soon as possible MEEW, UNDP, IFRC and other related Ministries Coastal area protection through bio-fuel plantation Prepare action plan for reforestation projects with a potential on coastal protection and bio-fuels. MEEW / MOFA FAO/UNDP Establishment of Energy Development Fund Micro-credit Schemes Assessment of funding requirements for RE initiatives and establishment of micro-credit schemes using ADF Dialogue with funding agencies for their contribution, UNDP, MOFT, MEEW MEEW, UNDP CO, UNDP, Regional Center Dialogue and feasibility as soon as possible Consideration for establishment of a Alternative and Renewable Energy Promotion Center within the MEEW / REDTAP scope of work New Initiative for Alternative and Renewable Energy Promotion and Development WAY FORWARD Documentation of “Best Practices/Lessons Learnt” Initiate nation-wide documentation practices on compiling/disseminating “Best Practices/Lessons Learnt” As early as feasible MEEW UNDP CO Establish an Energy Information & Resource Centre Initial steps by UNDP to inventor/compile related data on Energy sector with focus on RE, with gradual transfer of it to MEEW and Maldives Public Library Initiation is underway. UNDP Regional Centre Build and Strengthen Networking at the National, Regional and International level Collaborate/ participate with Regional Research and Dissemination program Initiate Energy Sector information exchange and networking efforts Provide MEEW with a list of potential regional networks Identify National, Regional and International Centers and build contacts and strengthen networks for sharing of information, experiences and technology development Contact AIT, Thailand and join “Renewable Energy Technology in Asia’, - Regional Research and dissemination Program Identify, initiate, strengthen institutional linkages/collaborations with organizations Early action Early action As early as possible UNDP/RC-INSE Denmark, INGSE; RC – SAARC Regions MEEW Asian Institute of Technology, Tata Energy Research Center etc RE Technology Promotion and Implementing Organizations in Asia Pacific Region and SAARC RegionSlide 12:THANK YOU