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Truism:. ?It's not what you know, but who you know."True or false?. 2/25/2010. 2. S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS. Both!. WHO you know ? RelationshipsDivineHumanWHAT you know ? CompetencyPeople skillsFunctional Skills. 2/25/2010. 3. S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS. Spirit
1. Spiritual Leadership The Heart of the Leadership Process
Stan Patterson, Ph.D.
Christian Leadership Center of Andrews University
2. Truism: Its not what you know, but who you know.
True or false? 2/25/2010 2 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
3. Both! WHO you know Relationships
WHAT you know Competency
People skills
Functional Skills 2/25/2010 3 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
4. Spirit & spirit Holy Spirit
Human spirit 2/25/2010 4 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
5. It is the spirit that motivates, that calls upon mans reserves of dedication and effort, that decides whether he will give his best or just enough to get by. - Peter Drucker 2/25/2010 5 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
6. Our practice of leadership either elevates or suffocates spirit. Russ Moxley in Leadership and Spirit 2/25/2010 6 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
7. Historical Context of spirit Industrial Revolution saw the emergence of:
Use of word leadership
Rise of Naturalism as a world view
Denial of the value of spirit in everyday life
Dualism of religious and secular
2/25/2010 7 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
8. Leadership is: Relational Process
Involves 2+ individuals
Freely associated
Led not pulled
Side by side
Sharing a common purpose Competency
Supports process
Compliments body
Adds mission value to individual 2/25/2010 8 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
9. Relational Process Begins with attraction
Results in Commitment (vs. conformity)
Relational contract
Role determined by community
Intentional 2/25/2010 9 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
10. Competency The what you know component
Supports the leadership process
Contributes to effectiveness
Makes possible Every person a leader
Determined by competency
Positional or vocational leaders
Occasional leaders 2/25/2010 10 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
11. We experience spirit intrapersonally. - Russ Moxley 2/25/2010 11 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
12. Management/Leadership Balance Management requires a contractual relationship
Transactional in nature
Leverages the competencies
Results in compliance
Leadership assumes a covenantal relationship
Transformational in nature
Leverages the relational (spirit)
Results in commitment 2/25/2010 12 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
13. Spirit Matters (Moxley, p. 39) Spirited
Use all 4 energies: body, mind, emotion, and spirit
Work is vocation
Sense of community and connectedness
Congruence between self and work mission
Energized, animated workers
Workers involved in Lship Dispirited
Use physical and mental at work
Work is a job
Sense of disconnectedness
Lack of congruence between self and work
Workers drained of energy
Lship is top-down 2/25/2010 13 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
14. Practices that wither spirit Coercion
Objectifying people (I/it)
Command and control
Transactional relationships
Punishment for errors
Inciting fear 2/25/2010 14 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
15. Spiritual Leadership Defined in a theistic context
God assumed to be directly involved in the life and ministry of individuals and people
God is the source
character transformation
individual giftedness 2/25/2010 15 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
16. Two Spiritual Models 2/25/2010 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS 16
17. Christian Spiritual Leadership Made possible by the Holy Spirit
Human spirituality is dependent upon the Holy Spirit presence in their lives
Objective of the Holy Spirit is to make the corporate body of Christ whole
Two primary objectives
Character transformation (Fruits)
Competency for ministry (Gifts) 2/25/2010 17 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
18. Leadership via the Spirit Fruits (Gal 5)?
Relational attraction
Sustains relationships
Behavioral ground rules for Spiritual Leadership Gifts (1 Cor 12)?
Gives the individual value and identity
Determines role within corporate body
Equips the corporate body for the assigned mission 2/25/2010 18 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
19. Spiritual Profile 2/25/2010 19 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS
20. Purpose of the Spiritual Leader Its about people!
Serve as paraclete in partnership with the Holy Spirit
Aid in the transformational process that builds character consistent with Fruits
Assist in competency development of those with whom we share the leadership process 2/25/2010 20 S.E. Patterson, PhD SDATS