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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning. Rob Goodall Senior Director, Education. Questions. Why complete a strategic plan? What are the benefits? How does the Achievement Contract  fit within the strategic plans you’ve worked on? What does a good school d istrict s trategic p lan look like and contain?

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Strategic Planning

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  1. Strategic Planning Rob Goodall Senior Director, Education

  2. Questions • Why complete a strategic plan? What are the benefits? • How does the Achievement Contract  fit within the strategic plans you’ve worked on? • What does a good school district strategic plan look like and contain? • What districts have you worked with who have completed strategic plans and what process did they use to complete their plans? Who was involved? What kind of preliminary work is necessary? • Have you used an appreciative enquiry (strength based) approach in the previous planning processes you have facilitated? • What kind of cost is involved?

  3. Definitions of Strategic Planning • The process by which an organization envisions its future and develops necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future • Not an end in itself, but a set of concepts to help organizations make important decisions and take important actions • A disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide • An end result is strategic thinking and acting … this is more important than the paper produced in the end

  4. Desired Outcomes • Clear sense of direction, emphasis • Clarity about priorities – foundation for allocation of scarce resources • Unity of purpose – alignment of personnel • Measures of future success • Communication to stakeholders

  5. Strategic Moves Strategic planning is a little like a chess game or sport. You need to envision winning, and to win you must be able to predict other parties’ moves and make your own best offensive and defensive moves.

  6. Environmental Scan • Internal • strengths • weaknesses • External • opportunities • challenges Generic Strategic Planning Flowchart Envisioning an ideal future Clarify, Renew, Revise Mission Clarify, Renew, Revise Vision Are Strategic Initiatives Still Contributing to Mission & Vision? Identify and Select Strategic Initiatives Are Objectives Still Leading to Strategic Initiatives? Develop Strategic Change Projects Board Work Allocate Resources Staff Work Evaluate Achievement of Objectives Assign Tasks, Set Deadlines, Monitor Work Establish Measurable Goals, Objectives

  7. Some Optional Approaches • Traditional SWOT using small group work, stations, plenary discussion • Interview matrix: building consensus through pair, quad and whole group discussion • Appreciative inquiry: focus on strengths and the desired future • Future search: large group methodology with all stakeholders

  8. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Looking to the Future

  9. Four Ways To Deal With The Future • Retreat and withdraw • Prevent the future • Adapt to the future • Invent the future • work now to bring into existence something new in the future • embody ideas in mission, vision, values

  10. The Framework:Governance Terms Defined • Mission: a clear description of what an organization does now - the reason for its existence • Vision: a clear description of what an organization aspires to do - what it wants to become • Values: the most cherished beliefs that guide how an organization works toward its Mission and Vision

  11. Describing the Future Five years from now … • Who are we serving? • What are we doing for them? What is the impact of our work? • Where are we located? What does it look like? • How do people treat one another - staff, board, clients? • What do others think of us?

  12. SWOT Environmental Scan • Anchor your vision of the future by carefully thinking about the reality of the current and anticipated work environment • Internal Scan: strengths and weaknesses of the organization itself • External Scan: challenges and opportunities in the environment outside the organization • Use group knowledge, intuition, research and/or expert advice

  13. Who Are The Players? • To whom are we accountable - which organization(s)? • Who are our competitors or potential competitors? • Who are our allies or potential allies? • What other groups or organizations exert an influence on us? • What other groups or organizations do we influence?

  14. Strategic Initiatives • What should we do more of, less of, the same to: • Carry out our mission • Invent a new future, consistent with our vision • Take advantage of our organizational strengths • Take advantage of external opportunities • Position ourselves strongly relative to others

  15. Strategic Change Projects • Which initiatives are really high priority? • Which initiatives are we willing and/or able to fund or otherwise resource? • Who will take responsibility for the initiative? • When do we expect results? • What specific steps should we take?

  16. Happy Valley School DistrictBoard of Education Strategic Plan 2012-2015 The Board of Education Strategic Plan 2012-2015 establishes district priorities and intended outcomes for the next 3 years. It serves as a long term guide for district staff who develop more detailed operational plans that are consistent with this document as well as a guide to Board assessment of district success. The Board reviews and adjusts the plan as necessary on an annual basis. Vision: Bright and shining faces, eager to learn, curious, confident, accomplished. Mission: Every student a graduate prepared for opportunities beyond graduation. Values: achievement, collaboration, expertise, joy, justice, resilience, responsibility, safety. Strategic Priorities Engaged learners • A community in which students, parents, staff and community partners are engaged and value working and learning together. System Sustainability • A flexible, robust, resourced school system with the financial, human and physical requirements for sustaining our mission. Exemplary Innovation • Evidence-supported continuous improvement in all we do, including the timely adoption of appropriate technology.

  17. Required District Responsibilities Accountability Process • Accountable to Board and Ministry of Education • Time lines for approval Achievement Plan • Guidelines 2011-2012 • Three-year plans, updated annually • Focus on continuous improvement • Goals/objectives, targets, actions • Reviewed with Superintendent of Achievement • Submitted July 15

  18. Responsibilities cont’d Superintendent of Achievement Report • Focus on results and evidence of acquired results • Useful point of departure for future planning • Board approval: December 15 • Submit to Ministry: January 31 Class Size/Composition • Principal: Consultation within first 15 days (teacher(s) and SPC) • Superintendent: DPAC and Board on or before Oct 1 • Board approval on or before Oct 15

  19. Ministry Requirements LEA, Draft Enhancement Agreement Literacy Plan • Submit to Ministry on or before July 15 Community Links • Submit to Ministry on or before Nov 15

  20. Alignment: Ministry, Board and District Requirements • Many boards and districts find the number of documents setting district direction and standards confusing • What could boards do to simplify? • What could administrators do to simplify?

  21. How Can BCSTA Help? • Prepare and carry out pre-meeting interviews, questionnaires • Help plan partner or community meetings • Develop a workshop plan and materials • Facilitate board workshops or partner/community meetings • Prepare summary reports for the board • Help boards find and partially fund “outside” facilitators

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