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Mine Warfare

Mine Warfare. Mine Warfare. Different than other weapons systems Target comes to the weapon Weapons system activated (planted) without a specific target detected. Don’t have to be there for it to work. Can be crude and still be VERY effective Requires advanced planning.

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Mine Warfare

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  1. Mine Warfare

  2. Mine Warfare • Different than other weapons systems • Target comes to the weapon • Weapons system activated (planted) • without a specific target detected. • Don’t have to be there for it to work. • Can be crude and still be VERY effective • Requires advanced planning

  3. History of Mine Warfare • Revolutionary War • Powder keg covered in tar with flintlock firing device • Civil War • Large scale mining of land and sea • World War II • 23,000 mines laid sinking or damaging 1,075 Japanese ships • Vietnam War • Extensive mining of inland waterways

  4. US vs Mines • Of the 18 US Navy ships that have suffered battle damage in the last 50 years, 78 per cent was as a result of mines

  5. History of Mine Warfare • The U.S. had considerably reduced the use of mines since the end of the cold war • Recent Events • USS Samuel B. Roberts • USS Princeton • USS Tripoli • Operation Desert Storm • The need for a rapid clearing of shallow water minefields were required in preparation for an amphibious assault.

  6. U.S. vs. MINES What It Takes To Go”Anytime, Anywhere” by Rear Adm. Horne, Proceedings, Jan 1998

  7. USS Tripoli (LPH-11)

  8. “Bad Day at Sea”

  9. USS Samuel B. Roberts

  10. Not just ships……

  11. The Mission Of Mine Warfare • Detect and Avoid or Eliminate mine threat (Mine Countermeasures (MCM)) • “Mining is also a force multiplier in today’s and tomorrow’s conflict scenarios....” - Force 2001

  12. Classification of Mines • By method of delivery • Air-delivered mines • Surface-delivered mines • Submarine-delivered mines • By position in the water after delivery • Moored mines • Bottom mines • Drifting mines

  13. Classification of Mines • By method of activation • Contact Mines • Influence Mines • Magnetic • Acoustic • Pressure • Combination

  14. Typical Moored Mine Arming Device Magnetometer Anchor Explosive Section Firing System Components Mechanism Section

  15. Typical Bottom Mine Tail Fin Nose Fairing Search Coil Arming Device Release Mechanism Parachute Pack Explosive Charge Firing System Components Spoiler

  16. U.S. Mines • Quickstrike • based on 500 lb or 2000 lb bombs • kits stored to convert bombs to mines • Mk 60 Captor (rising, deep ocean) • Mk 67 SLMM

  17. CAPTOR Mine (MK 60) * Delivered by air or subs * Releases a torpedo after it detects a sub. * Deep-Water Moored Mine * Rising Mine * Targeted Against Submarines

  18. Mk 60 CAPTOR Mine

  19. Submarine-Launched Mobile Mine * Shallow-water bottom mine * Against Surface ships * Submarine Delivered * Self propelled

  20. SLMM

  21. Improved SLMM

  22. Minefield Planning Objectives Environmental Consideration Geographic location Water depth Currents Bottom type and slope Prevailing sea state Type of Minefield Offensive Defensive Protective What type of Mine do I use?

  23. Delivering the Mines Delivery Considerations Type of Minefield How many mines needed Is the area defended What type of mines needed How accurate the placement Platforms Available Aircraft (P-3 & S-3) Surface ships Submarine (Attack) How Do I Plant the Mines?

  24. Mine Countermeasures (MCM) • Self-Protection • Silencing (protection from acoustic mines) • Degaussing (protection from magnetic mines) • Steaming slowly (protection from pressure mines) • Clearing/Removing Mines • Mine sweeping • Cut cables then activate to destroy (moored mines) • Use acoustic/magnetic noisemakers to activate • Mine hunting • Search and neutralize individual mines • Use sonar then investigate every possible target.

  25. Mine Hunting Techniques • VHF Active Sonar • Divers • UUV

  26. Navy Seals, & Sea Lions

  27. Navy Whales & Dolphins

  28. Mine sweepers • MCM- Avenger Class • Ocean going • Fiberglass-wood construction

  29. Mine sweepers • MHC- Osprey Class • Coastal (low endurance) • Glass Reinforced Plastic construction • Video and Sonar Detection

  30. Mine sweepers • MCS - Inchon • former Amphib Assault Ship • 8 helicopters • support for MHC’s • C4I capabilities

  31. Mine sweepers • MH-53E Sea Stallion • drags sled • clears magnetic and acoustic mines

  32. Built in Mine Hunter What It Takes To Go”Anytime, Anywhere” by Rear Adm. Horne, Proceedings, Jan 1998

  33. Questions???

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