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Explore the foundation of the Reformation movement through the perspectives of Menno Simons, the Anabaptists, and other key figures, challenging traditional beliefs and advocating for radical change. Witness the clash of ideas during this transformative period in history.
“There is no other foundation that can be laid but the foundation which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinth 3:11) Menno Simons (1496 – 31 January 1561)
He called the Anabaptists the “left wing” of the Reformation Roland Herbert Bainton (1894–1984) - A British born American Protestant church historian – at Yale University
Professor George Williams of Harvard preferred to call these people as “Radicals”
“Our comfort this beneath the rod, whenever we are faint, in Thee, O God, in Thee alone are earthly peace and rest. Who hope on Thee, eternally, are sustained and blessed.” Amen. (From Anabaptist Hymn)
Episode 01 Inn of the Black Bear, Jena (Saxony)
Karlstadt began stressing that the important thing was to listen to what the Holy Spirit was saying. He said that the church ought to be reformed according to the directions given by God the Holy Spirit. Dr. Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt.
In his sermon, Luther called Thomas Muntzer & others “rioting, murderous spirits.”
Leader of the Peasants’ Revolt (100,000 peasants killed) Thomas Muntzer
Constitution of the Former German Democratic Republic – “All political power in the German Democratic Republic is exercised by the workers.”
Muntzer depicted himself as Daniel with the ability to read signs of the times. He claimed to know things better than Luther. He then called Luther “Brother Fattened-Swine” and “Brother Soft-Life” and “Doctor Liar” and “the Lutheran Pope of all the Scripture Perverters.”
Karlstadt not being happy to be lumped together with Muntzer Karlstadt: Why then, Dr. Luther, have you said that there is just one Spirit, that is, the murdering spirit of Allstedt? If I had erred, you should have reproved me in a brotherly way, and not stabbed me and struck me thus. Luther: You stabbed me before I stabbed you. Karlstadt: No, I did not do that. . . . Dear brothers, I pray you, Do not pay attention to my harsh speech.
“Luther broke the pope’s pitcher, but he kept the pieces in his hands.”
“The cause is good, but there has been too much haste. For there are still brothers and sisters on the other side who belong to us and must still be won.”
Sermon title: Whether One Should Proceed Slowly. His answer of course was NO. He said, “If I should see a little innocent child holding a sharp pointed knife in his hand and he wants to keep it, will I show him brotherly love by letting that little child hold that sharp knife and cut himself? Or will I break his will and force that knife out of his hands onto the floor and take it from him? When you take from the child what injures him, you do a fatherly, or brotherly, Christ-like deed.”
* Two opinions on how the Reformation should proceed – Slowly or Quickly * Also, the shape of the reform was in question – what was to guide the reform? What would be the foundation of the new church? For Luther: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) Radicals: Did not deny the Scripture but believed that the Holy Spirit gave the Scripture and therefore, it is a higher authority.
Thomas Muntzer, thinking of Luther, said, “He who has not the Spirit does not know how to say anything deeply about God, even if he has eaten through a hundred Bibles.” Luther, thinking of Muntzer, and especially Karlstadt, described them as people who had “swallowed the Holy Spirit, feathers and all.”
Did not deny the significance of regeneration, holiness in the Christian life but very concerned to establish the doctrine of the alien righteousness that is ours through Christ’s death. The Radicals did not deny justification by faith, but were much more concerned about regeneration, holiness in the Christian life.
The City of Zurich Switzerland
The Anabaptists urged Zwingli to undertake a more radical reformation. They insisted on the need to found a congregation of true believers, in contrast with the multitudes who called themselves Christian simply because they had been born in a Christian country and had been baptized as infants.
Conrad Grebel (c. 1498–1526) George Blaurock (1491 – 1529) January 21, 1525 - Beginning of the Anabaptist Movement Infant Baptism is not a true Christian Baptism. “Anabaptists” – “Rebaptizers” – Ana (GK) means again.
Co-Founders of the Anabaptist Movement in Zurich Felix Manz (c. 1498–1527) Conrad Grebel (c. 1498–1526) George Blaurock (c. 1491 – September 6, 1529)
“the access and portal of a false Christianity.” The Schleitheim Confession describes infant baptism as “The highest and chief abomination of the pope.”
Luther, and Zwingli to a lesser extent, allowed some use of Christian tradition. But the Anabaptists rejected all tradition. One Anabaptist said, “Foolish Ambrose, foolish Augustine, foolish Jerome, foolish Gregory, of whom not even one knew the Lord, so help me God, nor was sent by God to teach. Rather, they were all apostles of anti-Christ.”
They saw the Conversion of Constantine & Roman Empire as a Betrayal of Primitive Christianity. The Church had been converted into a worldly church.
VS The Church Membership by Choice The Human Society Membership by Birth
Schleitheim Confession (1527) • “The Brotherly Union of the True Children of God, Addressed to the Children of Light Scattered Everywhere.” • (Seven fundamental practices and principles) • 1. Believer’s Baptism • 2. Church Discipline • 3. Communion • 4. Separation of Believers from the World • 5. Duties of Pastors • 6. Separation of Church and State • 7. Rejection of Oaths & War (Pacifism)
Drowning of Felix Manz (1498-1527) – First Radical Martyr In River Limmat by Zurich Protestant Council On January 5, 1527 “Third Baptism”
Two days before the drowning of Felix Manz, Zwingli wrote to Oekolampadius, the reformer at Basel: “The Anabaptist, who should already have been sent to the devil, disturbs the peace of the pious people. But I believe, the ax will settle it.”
Domine in Manus tuas commendo spiritum meum (Lord, into your hands I commend my spirit)
A German • Benedictine monk • Prior of the St. Peter’s Cloister • Resigned from the post to join the Anabaptist Movement • Converted by Wilhem Reublin, the Anabaptist leader who later recanted and became wealthy • Influential in the writing of the Schleitheim Confession. His name can be seen on the document. • He married Margaretha. • He was against any violence and war including self-defense • He said that if he had to go to war, he might as well fight on the side of the Muslim Turks against the Christians • He was arrested and found guilty based on that reason Michael Sattler (c. 1490 – 20 May 1527)
He was tried and sentenced to be executed as an archheretic • He was taken to the public square where his tongue was cut out. He was tied to a wagon and there with glowing iron tongs twice tear pieces from his body. On the way, his body was tore five times more. He was then burnt at the stake. • His wife Margaretha along with other women were executed by drowning. Michael Sattler( c. 1490 – 20 May 1527)
The movie “The Radicals” is based on Michael & Margaretha Sattler (from Germany) • It also depicts some of the events of the Anabaptist movement in Zurich and Strasbourg. • It has a rather negative picture of Ulrich Zwingli who is depicted as somewhat of a dictator or Inquisitor. He is considered as responsible for the death of Michael Sattler and Felix Manz.
“I may err – I am a man but a heretic I cannot be, because I ask constantly for instruction in the word of God.” He was tortured on the rack and publicly executed by burning. His wife exhorted him to remain steadfast. Three days later, his wife, with a stone tied around her neck was drowned in the River Danube. Balthasar Hubmaier (1480-1528) Burnt at the stake by order of Charles V
EPISODE 03 Munster, Germany
Strasbourg, France Melchior Hoffman Strasbourg as New Jerusalem
John Matthys John of Leiden
The Execution of John of Leiden Publicly tortured before being executed
Preface of his “Institutes” (1536) to Francis I, Calvin wrote, “We are not Anabaptists.” John Calvin
Menno Simons (1496-Jan. 31, 1561) Netherlands
Leader of the Anabaptists • Adopted the name Brethren • Wrote “Foundations of the • Christian Doctrine” (1539) • Believed that Jesus had a • heavenly flesh & not • human flesh • Defended the Scripture • Salvation by faith • Return to Pacifism as • essential part of true • Christianity • Rejected the Revolutionary • Anabaptists • Followers are known as • Mennonites Menno Simons
Pacifism “Moses and his successors, with their iron sword, have served out their time, and Jesus Christ has now given us a new commandment.” Menno Simons
The direct descendants of the sixteenth-century Anabaptists are people such as the Mennonites, the Amish, the Hutterites, the Mennonite Brethren, and the Brethren in Christ. There are about a million of these people in 60 different countries of the world – Eastern Europe, Russia, North America, South America. There are also indirect descendants, who are the Baptists. The direct line of Baptist history comes from the English Puritan period.