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Title I Moab Charter School

Title I Moab Charter School. November 2013. Curriculum. K-6 Traditional classrooms Emphasis on math and reading Additional emphasis on music, art, science, social studies, technology, and physical education Common Core State of Utah Standards

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Title I Moab Charter School

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  1. Title IMoab Charter School November 2013

  2. Curriculum K-6 Traditional classrooms Emphasis on math and reading Additional emphasis on music, art, science, social studies, technology, and physical education Common Core State of Utah Standards Instructional Staff: 7 regular classroom teachers, 1 special education teachers, 1 part-time art teacher, 1 part-time music teacher, 4 teachers’ aides, 1 principal

  3. School Improvement Focus on general improvement in Reading and Math School Land Trust funds ($1500-$2500) have gone to Science two of the past 4 years and to Math the other 2 years Would like to hire intervention teacher full-time Would like to establish a leveled-reader library All kids reading at Grade Level – Schoolwide Goal Continue to strengthen and develop Science

  4. Assessment CRTs, CBTs, UPASS (all the same test) are the Utah end-of-level exams for grades 3-12. Math (3rd-6th), Language Arts (3rd-6th), Science (4th-6th) New SAGE testing system to replace UPASS in 2014 DRA – Direct Reading Assessment – used each year DIBELS – (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) – new state law requires mid-year testing to determine grade level and interventions

  5. Parent Involvement Policy Classroom level parent volunteers (very successful in early grades but tapers off at upper grades) Parent Council – formal volunteer group of parents that fundraises and provides various activities for students School Land Trust Committee, MCS Governing Board, field trips, etc.

  6. School-Parent Compact Part of annual Utah Consolidated Application (UCA) which controls Title I and other monies.

  7. School Report Cards Handout on Historical CRT Scores School Report Draft from the USOE

  8. Parent Input Based on what has been discussed, where would like to see school improvement? Where would you put targeted assistance Title I money for interventions? What areas of student success most concern you? How would you like the curriculum improved?

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