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Administration of Primorsky region. Aspects of development of fishing claster in Primorsky region. Vladivostok, 2013. Current market situation across Primorsky region (2012) Business volume of fishing enterprises was 22,4 billion of rubles.
Administration of Primorskyregion Aspects of development of fishing claster in Primorskyregion Vladivostok, 2013
Current market situation across Primorsky region (2012) • Business volume of fishing enterprises was 22,4 billion of rubles. • Fish capture has exceeded 800 thousand of tons. • Production of fish products was 664 thousand of tons. • Export volume of fish and seafood, extracted by enterprises of the territory, was 452 thousand tonson sum of 712 million of US dollars. Details of export structure: • Fish fresh and frozen – 393 thousand tons (87 %), • Caviar, liver, milts– 10 thousand t., • Fish fillet– 13,5 thousand t, • Crustacean – 10, 5 thousand t, • Mollusks – 5,7 thousand t, • Flour fish – 18,2 thousand t., etc. The main volume of export is traditionally directed in Republic of Korea (37%), China (36,4%), Japan (11,9%). Slide 2
The basic fish industry problems of Primorskyregion: • Lack of Modern fish processing capacities; • Absence of modern fish ports; • Absence of storage refrigerators; • There are problems of the organization of wholesale and distribution of fish products; • There is no consolidating basis of fish enterprises as there is no core of modern cluster, connecting different manufactures, trade, science, professional training etc. • There are problems in preparation and recruitment of workers. • Other problems: deterioration of funds, absence of modern fleet, technological weaknesses and etc. • WE CATCH, WE WORK, WE SELL, BUT THE ADDED COST IS NOT ENOUGH Slide 3
Synchronisation of directive and standard documents • Directive of the President of the Russian Federation concerning development of fish industrycomplex (Пр-613 dated 3/21/2013); Article 3 • г) About creation of the Far East fish processingcluster with a modern port infrastructure and refrigerating capacities; • д) About creation of auction platforms on realisation of the Russian water bioresources in the internal and external markets; • е) About elimination of administrative barriers for delivery of water bioresources to the Russian coast and, at necessity, acceptance of corresponding regulations … • The program “Development of fish industrycomplex”(confirmed by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation on March 7, 2013); • FTP “Social and economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region till 2018”; • The program of social and economic development of Primorskyregion for 2013-2017: The subprogram“Development of fish industrycomplex in Primorskyregion for 2013-2017”, The subprogramNo. 2 “Development of the market of fish products”, Action No.2.1"Working out and realisation of the pilot project offish processingcluster”, Action No.2.2"Working out and realisation of the pilot project of an auction trading platform». Slide 4
Creation of conditions for cluster development • Conditions for favourable interaction and co-ordination of participants of formed cluster are created by the effective centre of trade and management of fish logistics on the basis of the Complex Three important steps: • Creation of effective juridical base, attractive fiscal (tax and customs) policy, and their realisation on the basis of favorable law-enforcement practice. • Formation of cluster core. • Construction of effective model of financial service and the organisation of interaction of the enterprises for reception of multiplicate effect Slide 5
Formation ofcluster coreShort essence of idea: building on specially excreted platform in the south of Primorskyregionof new modern object - Fishing industry Complex Structure of the Complex: Modern port and transport infrastructure, refrigerating capacities, industrial objects for fish processing, other objects of fish logistics, including trading platforms and the logistical centre. The complex should become a basis (core) for formation of fish processingclusterin PrimorskyTerritoryby uniting of port infrastructure, refrigerating and fish processingcapacities, other new and existing objects for maintenance of a full cycle of manufacture and reception of multiplicate effect. Slide 6
The building purposes of Fishing industry complex Main purpose: To create an attractive trading platform in Primorsky region, to attract the auctions on it and to increase a share of the added cost within a trade volume Components of purpose setting: • To increase volume of competitive processing ashore with the further sale on external and internal markets; • To increase volumes of fish products deliveries to Primorsky region and to Russia; • To develop coastal production of marine cultures up to civilized level; • To increase volume of production traded in Primorsky region; • To increase business volumes of fish industry of Primorsky region and a share of the added cost with a turn. It will provide achievement of modern level and increase of economic efficiency of industry Slide 7
Tasks: 1) To create an effective infrastructure of sale of the Russian fish for export and home markets with processing development in the Russian territory. For this task it is necessary: - To construct a necessary material infrastructure (modern trading and industrial objects); - To create the organizational, financial and other service (not material) infrastructure; 2) To create attractive conditions for trade in Primorsky region; 3) To provide the modern assortment of production; 4) To provide growth of a share of sales with additional processing (for export and on home markets); 5) to provide growth of a transparency of export and to change structure of work of the fish products market, Including fishing, trading and industrial segments. Slide 8
Capture of fish (raw material)~2.9 million t. The primaryprocessing in the sea ~ 2.1million t. of products With ashore transshipment To home market ~ 0.8 million t. of products Without ashore transshipment With additional processing Without additional processing For export ~ 1.3 Million t. of products In Primorskyregion ~ 0.2 million t In other regions of Russia ~ 0.6 million t Annual turnover of the enterprises in FE region ~ 65 Billion rbl. Primorskyregion ~ 22.4 billion rbl. Current situation on FE water area (2012) There are points with non-realised potential!!! Slide 9
The governmental program «Developing of fish industry complex» provides (generally through Russia): Total capture, mln ton Share in a market volume Percentage of russian products on a russian market, % Mln of tons • Increase in capturing of water bioresources in 2020 up to 6.2 million t, • Growth of aqua culture production volume up to 410 thousand t. • Growth average per capita consumption of fish from about 22 kg in 2012 up to 28 kg in 2020. The share of domestic food fish products in home market should be not less than 85 % Slide 10
Fish capture (raw materials) ~4.4 million t. Development of production with modern assortment Fuller working out of quotas !! Support of import-substitution Growth of a share of export through coast Coastal marine cultures ~ 0.3-0.5 million t. The primary processing in the sea ~ 4 million t. of products Legalization of activity of coastal enterprises Growth of a transparency of export !! On home market ~ 1.5 million t. of products With a transshipment ashore Without transshipment !! Growth of a share of export with additional processing Growth of consumption of quality products !! Without additional processing With additional processing Restoration of production of a fish flour etc. !! !! Developing of sale !! In Primorsky Territory ~ 0.3 Million t In other regions of Russia ~ 1,2 Million t For export ~ 3 Million t. Production Annual turnover of FE region enterprises ~120-150 Billion rbl. Primorsky Territory ~40-60 Billion rbl. Forming situation during the industry development (FE water area, 2020) Slide 11
FE region 2013 2020 2.9 Million t4.4 Million t Subarea ofPrymorsky region including coastal fishery from 0.2 to 0.3 million t Primorsky region enterprises out of a Subarea ofPrymorsky region from 0.6 to 1.2 million t The other enterprises of FE regionFrom 2.1 to 2.9 million t Capture moving to a complex Processing From 80 to 200 thousand t Transfer, logistics, storage / accumulation, auctions from 320 to 800 thousand t. The auctions without transshipment on a complex from 600 To 1000 thousand t. Complex turnover: from 1to 2million t Structure of RBR capture in FE region and the volumes moving to the Complex (Complex potential) Slide 12
For this purpose it is necessary to organise following services: • Acceptance of fish on coast, shipment of fish and fish productson vessels and other transport (auto, railway, air); • Customs registration, transboundary service, certification and observance of internal and external standards; • Storage of fish and fish products; • Wholesale trade of fish and seafood (trading platforms, auctions); • Retail trade of fish and seafood; • Logistics, forwarding and transportation; • Conferences, exhibitions, demonstrations etc.; • Financial services, insurance, leasing of the equipment and courts; • Processing, manufacture, additional work, industrial logistics, granting in rent of premises and the equipment, etc.; • Port services in sphere of service of fleet (ship repair, bunkerage, supply, servicing etc.); • Interaction with other subjects of fish industrycluster inPrimorskyregion and the Far East of Russia; • Interaction with foreign trading platforms. Slide 13
The enlarged structure of objects of the Complex (functional structure) Trading and operational sector: Salesrooms, halls for consultations, premises of intermediaries and wholesalers, shops, leisure time activities rooms, a dining room, cafeteria, check point and certification offices fish products, Communication facilities, business centre, banks, insurance and other companies, representatives of the law and order, a conference hall etc. Service sector: Administration, offices of the service enterprises (leasing, etc.), the certification centre (production quality test), customs office, restaurants etc. Transport infrastructure: Berthing complex, road approaches, cargo parking areas and cargo front, railways, cargo station and transshipment facilities; Warehouse infrastructure: Refrigerators, container park, the warehouse reloading machines etc. Workshops and an industrial premises: Premises, the equipment and technological lines for production, packings, additional works, sortings etc. Engineering infrastructure: electrical water and gas supply, communication, emergency means of maintenance, treatment facilities, garbage removal, etc. Other infrastructure: Information service, security, parking areas, etc. Slide 14
The basic tools of attractiveness maintenance : • Attractiveness of modern technological level. It is provided by: • Modern assortment of production, accompanying services and service; • Decrease in costs by mechanisation and automation; • Development of competitiveness by effective logistics on an entrance point in the Complex, in the Complex and behind its borders (a trading network). • Attractiveness of tax and customs base and transboundary procedures. • Attractiveness of arrangements and infrastructures:Developed transport and service infrastructure, close to the airport, the centre, warehouses, cities and etc. Slide 15
Considered variants of the organisation of the taxation and customs regimes Slide 16
Considered variants of arrangement of the Complex Cape of Vinogradovo The airport Near Primorsky town Five Hunters bay Yankovskogo peninsula 2. P Yankovskys Slavyanka settlement (Rybak, Nerpa) Nakhodka Fish port Nazimov peninsula The east Gulf (Avant-guard) Razboynikov bay The east Gulf, Yelizarov's cape. On platforms were considered: - Site relief, hydrological conditions, the sizes of a site - Categories of the earths under the scheme of territorial mapping out - the earths owners and cadastral cost - Transport approaches to a site, engineering maintenance - Presence of personnel resources in neighbouring communes site arrangement - Ecological and other possible risks, etc. Bay of Troica Boysman bay, Clerk peninsula Marking-offs The most perspective platforms The possible (considered) platforms Boysman bay, Krasniy Utes cape The other considered variants Complex placings The choice is carried out from the best sites, among them: - Neighbouring commune of Slavyanka settlement; - Northern part of Suhodol bay, East coast around Vinogradnogo cape. Slide 17
Variants 1 and 2: arrangement near SlavyankaSettlement The railway The soil cross-country road Electric mains Highway with a hard surface Variant 1: Slavyanka- “Lesnoy" Variant 2: Slavyanka - “Nerpa" The item Blucher Highway with a hard surface Slavyanskiy Ship repair yard Soil cross-country road Electric mains Slide 19
Cape of Vinogradnogo Source: http://maps.rosreestr.ru/PortalOnline Variant 3: arrangement in area ofCape of Vinogradogo 200 hectares 15 hectares 50 hectares Line А-188 The railway Planned highway Prospective requirement for the sites: - On key objects of the Complex – 40-50 hectares, Including 10-15 hectares for the trading-logistical centre;- On a site a whole on prospect taking into account possible development and diversification of the Complex and port – up to 200 hectares. Slide 20
Arrangement variants: Slavyanka “Lesnoy" Variant of an arrangement of the container terminal Complex (a variant Slavyanka “Lesnoy") Variant of an arrangement of the container terminal JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ List of buildings and constructions # Name Port administration Gate house State authorities buildings Refrigerator for 50000 tons Refrigerator for 100000 tons Administrative centre Parking lot Trade centre Treatment facilities Children meal plant Universal fish processing complex (200 t / a day) Fish processing waste disposal complex Research and Development Center Refrigerating Equipment production plant Trial plant Equipment production plant for waste disposal Berthing facilities for transport and fish vessels Berthing facilities for trading fleet Jetty Site for refrigerator containers Slide 21
Arrangement variant: Slavyanka “Nerpa” Variant of an arrangement of the container terminal Complex ( variant Slavyanka “Nerpa") JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ List of buildings and constructions # Name Port administration Gate house State authorities buildings Refrigerator for 50000 tons Refrigerator for 100000 tons Administrative centre Parking lot Trade centre Treatment facilities Children meal plant Universal fish processing complex (200 t / a day) Fish processing waste disposal complex Research and Development Center Refrigerating Equipment production plant Trial plant Equipment production plant for waste disposal Berthing facilities for transport and fish vessels Berthing facilities for trading fleet Jetty Site for refrigerator containers Slide 22
Placing variants: Vinogradnogo cape Variant of an arrangement of the container terminal Complex ( variant on Vinogradnogo cape ) JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ Slide 23
Visualisation of possible placing of objects: view from coast JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ Slide 24
Visualisation of possible placing of objects: view from coast JSC «FEMRI»http://www.dniimf.ru/ Slide 25
Visualisation of possible placing of objects: View along coast JSC «FEMRI»://www.dniimf.ru/ Slide 26
Visualisation of possible placing of objects: View on a coast JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ Slide 27
Visualisation of possible placing of objects: View on a coast JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ Slide 28
% Years Models 4 and 5 - INEZ or a new mode of the taxation with a free customs area and the lowered VAT Model 3 –new a taxation mode (profit taxes and property tax) Model 2 – Industrial Specific Economical Zone Model 1 - Existing tax and customs regimes JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ Formation of the production program taking into account the attractiveness of operating conditions: providing calculated capacity on models Calculated capacity • Note: Commissioning of capacities of the Complex in Models 4 and 5 occurs simultaneously, the structure of capacities differs Slide 30
6) Transshipment of refrigerating containers ~1.6% 5) Storage of fish and fish products ~6.7% 4) Transshipment of fish and fish products ~7.5% 3) Accompanying service activity ~16.4% 1) Processing of fish and RBR, equipment manufacturing ~44.8% 2) Auction trade in fish and water bioresources ~23% Generated incomes out of the Complex: Volumes of the auctions ~70 Billion rbl.Ship repair, service etc. ~ 1-2-3 billion rbl. Etc. On a total power the total calculated revenue of a complex in the current prices is ~12.5 billion rubles Annual running costs ~7.8 billion rubles. Connected with work of a complex the turn can make ~70-80 billion rubles in the current prices Structure and volumes of incomes of the Complex Slide 31
Result: indicators of efficiency of the Complex Slide 32 Value on sites Slavyanka Lesnoy Slavyanka Nerka Vinogradnogo cape Effectiveness Mln rbl years Mln rbl years Mln rbl years Model 1 (General tax regime) Model 2 (tax regime of industrial SEZ) Model 3 (Special tax regime without VAT privileges) Model 4 (Tax regime of port SEZ) Model 5 (Special tax regime with VAT privileges)
Conclusions (continuation): - An existing tax regime (Model 1) is not attractive and does not provide efficiency of the Complex; - In process of liberalisation of a fiscal policy (Models 2-3-4) efficiency indicators generally are improved and reach comprehensible indicators in model 4 (regime of INEZ); - Model 5 is perspective, itcan be considered as a combination of different tax regimes. The VAT in the given model is established at a minimum level (in calculation of 11.3 %), for maintenance of federal investments return within 20 years. • The project is economically effective at creation of attractive operating conditions of its objects. The best conditions can be generated by: - either establishment of INEZ regime; - or a special tax regime for the profit tax and the tax to property (planned (new) taxation regimes) with application of a side benefit in the form of decrease of VAT from 18 % to 10-12 % with implementation of a free customs area (simplifying transboundary procedures); Besides, following measures are effective: - zeroing of the export customs duties (it is about 3 billion rbls of duties on export of fish and fish products~70 billion rbls or up to ~1.5 million t; - decrease in the VAT to 0 in sphere of rendering of services in ship repair, maintenance and other technical service. In this case it is expected that the Complex will be attractive to business, both with investment, and from the operational point of view. These measures can provide high loading of capacities of a complex and its competitiveness in the international market. Slide 33
Resultant set ofmajor factors for choosing thesite • The FIRST: Capital investments and micro-economics of the selected platforms do not differ almost • The SECOND: the Choice of the best platform should lean against macroeconomic reference points and minimisation of risks of the project • SLAVYNKA- both platforms are characterised with: • - Orientation to development of Hasan region and Slavyanka settlement in a new way(taking into account development of МTК "Primorye-2", marine cultures and coastal fishery) • - Presence of interested private business • - Presence of lacks (remoteness, complexities with placing of objects and ice conditions) • The cape of VINOGRADNOGO is characterised with: • - Placing around perspective development of a new port-industrial platform, near to the airport, agglomeration Artem-Vladivostok and the Gambling area • - Presence of lack: it is absolutely new and yet not promoted site on the investment field, on which interestof private business has not been generated yet. Slide 34
The project means appearingin the international NEA market of New Russian trading platform Russian trading platform is new in the international market Slide 35
JSC «FEMRI» http://www.dniimf.ru/ For the market - this is a platform of New possibilities and new partner relations Work on the project must go on Administration of Primorsky region Department of a fish economy and water biological resources of Primorsky region 22 Svetlanskaya st., Vladivostok city, 690110, Russia fishing@primorsky.ru Tel: reception: +7(423) 220-93-02, Fax: +7(423) 220-93-39 The director of department – Perednya Aleksander Aleksandrovich The presentation is prepared by JSC “FEMRI" with a working group under the direction of Administration of Primorsky region Slide 36