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University of Peloponnese Department of Social and Educational Policy Postgraduate Programme

Explore the role of mentors in developing educational leaders in Greece, focusing on the criteria for selecting school principals, training programs, adult education techniques, and leadership styles. Learn about the relationship between learning and leadership, different leadership models, and characteristics of effective leaders. Discover how the Greek Ministry of Administrative Reform and eGovernance evaluates trained principals and the impact of the "New School" policy on education governance. Enhance your leadership skills and abilities in the context of the Greek educational landscape.

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University of Peloponnese Department of Social and Educational Policy Postgraduate Programme

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  1. University of Peloponnese Department of Social and Educational Policy Postgraduate Programme “Social Discrimination, Migration and Citizenship” “Mentors and the development of education leaders” Coordinators: Y. Papadiamantaki D. Karakatsani Student: Paraskevi Parnassa, Psychologist July, 2014

  2. In the Greek educational system , law of 3848/ 19-05-10 describes the procedure of being selected in the position of principals. It is mandatory the acquisition of a Certification of Guidance Adequacy and of a Certification of Administrative Adequacy.

  3. The Certification for Guidance Adequacy is conducted every year for 96 hours theoretical approach and 80 hours practicing by the National Center of Public Administration (ΕΚΔΔΑ) and the Periferical Training Center (ΠΕΚ) and includes training in: • HR administration in education • Organizing and administration in education as a new organization • Institutional frame and assessment procedure in education • Educational policy and European perspective • Counseling support in education (e-mentoring) • Adult education tools and techniques

  4. The criteria of selecting managers and school principals apart from the professional skills and the excellent knowledge of the education field, concern the estimation of : • Personality and general formation of the candidate as assessed by formal interview • Professional growth • Perception ability • Communicative skills (verbal and non- verbal) • Cooperation skills

  5. Let’s train the leader !

  6. Initiative skills • Solving administrative, educational, organizing problem skills • Creating appropriate educative environment • Inspiring colleagues • Physical appearance • Achievements • Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills • Personal point of view • Adaptivity

  7. The references provided techniques in adult education, include mainly approaches for learning and experience of : • Andragogiki of Malcolm Knowles, remodeling learning, • The holistic approach of P. Jarvis • Group characteristics and processes theory

  8. The “Greek Ministry of Administrative Reform and eGovernance” in 2011 presented an essay with the results of the training programmes showing that formally the stages of evaluation of principals concern : • The reaction • The practice • The change of the behaviour • The results in the employment of the principals trained (Kirkpatrick model) • And the transfer of knowledge acquainted in the school environment (model of Baldwin and Ford), something very difficult to measure • The aim was to combine direct connection of the employment with learning procedure of the staff.

  9. “New School” is the Greek version of the European policy since 2009, aiming in a new way of governance and governmentality in education so as to extract a specific result, according to a socially acceptable prototype and relocation to an international place. • This plan includes relations with the self and the other, private interpersonal relations of control and guidance and how the governor goes by. • Indirect surveillance and • In retrospect checking • Ideological ways of intervention • Information • Convince • Assesment • Accountability • And consequently new forms of educational leadership in the new knowledge society with the configuration of free persons.

  10. Leadership There is a strong relationship between learning and leadership. Leaders can only develop and improve their leadership skills if they are able to learn in a formal or self – study way. Leaders also learn from the situations they find themselves in and from others around them so as to help develop his/ her team. Benjamin Samuel Bloom (educational psychologist) made a distinction between three different categories of learning: Skills Knowledge Learning Attitude

  11. Leadership • A term that is similar to change, the achievement of specific goals according the vision of the leader while administration in education has to do with influence “… in a way that voluntarily and gladly give their best to fulfill team goals…” (Bouradas, 2005). • Types of Leadership: • Distributed • Transactional • Transformational • Instructional leadership • Postmodern leadership (Katsaros, 2008)

  12. In a relative autonomy of Greek “New School” it is mainly the transactional model taking place (Koutouzis, 1999) as a facilitator of the school life (Ministry of Education, April, 2011). • In another research distributed leadership is concerned as the most able team interaction (Xronopoulou, 2012) • The dominant form of leadership in Attica is managerial/ transactional leadership although elements, practices and behaviors of transformational, instructional and distributed leadership are also adopted by the headteachers at some point. (Χρονοπούλου, 2012)

  13. Characteristics of a leader are • Flexibility • Cooperation • Change • Innovation • Decision making • Resilience • Mindfulness

  14. Mentor/ Encouragement Supervision of educational staff is an aim of the “New school” Some say for regulating standards of behavior or “Ideology of charismatic persons” (Bourdieu, 1974) includes the profile of a manager mentoring and encouraging colleagues, without the ambiguity , the close embrace of political power as it recorded present time in Greece (Fotopoulos). There is the argument that the role of leadership is vague and processing only role in the greek centralized system (Koutouzis, 2008). Ambiguity here is as an evaluator or assessor: contradictory to the supportive role. Probably may confuse the leader which role has priority ? Greece towards an effective principal and school manager and learner -centered plan

  15. Emotional Quota (E.Q.) • Important for employment satisfaction • They give a meaning to their employment (Goleman, 2000) • Convert complains in costructive comments • Create atmosphere appreciating diversity • Ability of networking • Feedback • Self management • Social skills • Stress management • Techniques ameliorated against burn out • Life plan • Intuition • Self control • Introspection • Learn, unlearn, relearn • Free expression

  16. Authenticity • We reached a transition to making important everyday life, like a confirmation of common livelihood. • Dignity is connected then with our behavior in the public space. • Changing the main aspect, Nietzsche aptly described • “ who gave as the sponge to erase horizon?” • Today the frame is problematic. People are in quest, giving meaning to by saying sufficiently phrases full of meanings. (Ch. Taylor, 1989) • Sincerity • Confidence • Integrity • Responsibility • Will to learn through others

  17. Education is a social conquest and is dominated by moral and values content which consists the essential difference of genre than common goods. This means that knowledge produced in school is not clearly measurable • The Moral commitment of leaders for the authorities and structures is mandatory macroscopically in the system • Same characteristics are: • Honest social dialogue • Transparency • Self action • Pedagogic freedom • Visionary leadership • Assumption of personal responsibility • Consistensy actions with words

  18. Practical and Political Wisdom is an intellectual virtue with vital elements The networking/ social capital Interpersonal influence/ control Energetic personal and social frame Authenticity/ sincerity Ability of support their aspect Fair judgment Practical wisdom shows morality and moral rules of the leader Actions are highly connected to the moral principles, ability of estimating the intention and will of someone doing the right thing by analyzing situation in a flexible way of thinking Moral fantasy of leader leads to individual and social good, towards the shaping of responsible citizens Breaking the walls between school and society! Fourfoura case!

  19. Personal qualities of leader’s wisdom Value system/ integrity Critical thinking, reflexes Insight Management of paradox situation Tolerance, open minded Self awareness, self control Personal limits, humility Decentralized, autonomous Creativity Social skills Empathy Intuition Generosity, orientation to social good Placidity Sense of humor

  20. Mentoring Mentor was the faithful friend of Odysseus, who committed on guiding, encouraging and consulting the young and weak son of Odysseus, Tylemaxos Mentor in “New School” is a teacher with professional experience and specific skills in communicational and relational type. These skills can be acquired through proper training. He / she as an wise guider, advisor or sponsor by interacting and coaching gives personalized assistance to new colleagues and opportunities for inspiration, reflections and self assessment in an equal relationship. (Ministry of education, 2010). Means With a competence model Reflective model Critical friend model

  21. Basic principles of a career (not a life) Mentor The positive perception of humans Recognition of diversity of supported teachers regarding their wishes, needs and aspirations Strengthen the personality of supported Acceptance of the other Reciprocity Respect

  22. Basic principles of a career (not a life) Mentor Self – action Self- management Self – assessment Compassion / empathy Inner locus of control Active listening Common sense Do the best he/ she can !

  23. Who has inspired me? When has a leader inspired me to do what? What do I learn from them? What qualities you like and why? Thank you "hummingbirds" !

  24. References • -Goleman, D. (1998), Η συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη. Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Ελληνικά Γράμματα,σελίδα 216 • Taylor, C. (2007), Πηγές του εαυτού: Η γένεση της νεωτερικής ταυτότητας. Αθήνα: Ινδίκτος • - Καρακατσάνη, Δ., Παπαδιαμαντάκη, Γ. (2012). Σύγχρονα θέματα εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής: αναζητώντας το νέο σχολείο. Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Επίκεντρο • - Μπουραντάς, Δ. (2005), Ηγεσία: ο δρόμος της διαρκούς επιτυχίας. Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Κριτική • Χρονοπούλου, Σ. (2012). Μορφές Εκπαιδευτικής ηγεσίας στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Εμπειρική μελέτη. Διπλωματική εργασία

  25. Articles • - Κατσάνος, Θ. , Θεολόγου, Μ. , Τασούλας, Β. Ο θεσμός του μέντορα στο Νέο Σχολείο. • Κουτούζης, Μ. Διοίκηση, Ηγεσία, Αποτελεσματικότητα: Αναζητώντας πεδίο εφαρμογής στο ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα • Παπαλόη, Ε. Βασικά ζητήματα διοίκησης και ηγεσίας εκπαιδευτικών μονάδων

  26. Links • http://www.minedu.gov.gr/neo-sxoleio-main/103-nomothesia/anavathmish-tou-rolou-tou-ekpaideytikou-4-2010/596-nomos-yp-arith-3848-anabathmisi-toy-roloy-toy-ekpaideytikoy--kathierosi-kanonon-aksiologisis-kai-aksiokratias-stin-ekpaideysi-kai-loipes-diatakseis-19-05-10.html • http://edu.klimaka.gr/ekpaideytikoi-anakoinvseis/prokyrhxeis-thesewn/1755-pistopoihtiko-dioikhtikhs-kathodightikhs-eparkeias.html • http://resources.ekdd.gr/gnosis/index.php/2012-09-20-11-36-31 • http://edu4adults.blogspot.gr/2012/07/blog-post.html#azxx35 • http://cehd.gmu.edu/gtpd • http://www.nomotelia.gr/photos/File/12616-13.htm • http://www.slideshare.net/edu4adults/methodologia-odigos-efarmogisv2

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