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EOSC-SYNERGY aims to provide guidelines, resources, and infrastructure to enhance training in the EOSC, focusing on training the trainers and creating quality training materials.
WP6 SkillsDevelopment Lowering EOSC adoptionbarriers MarcinPlociennik PSNC
Adding training as fully-fledged EOSC Portal component CURRENT SITUATION • Lack of a global EOSC wide coherent approach to training. • Training materials scattered. • Lack of funding for training in situ. EOSC-SYNERGY will • Add training as fully-fledged EOSC Portal component. • Provide guidelines and recommendations for high-quality training materials, oriented to training the trainers. • Provide infrastructure to support self-learning. • Provide infrastructure for massive open online courses (MOOCs). www.eosc-synergy.eu
Objectives • Provide online platforms for content creation/hosting of training material and running hackathons • Provide guidance and resources to support trainers in the best use of these platforms and to create quality resources • Create a means of demonstrating quality through an accredited trainer program • Work with national academic institutions to embed skills and resources • Create guidelines to publicize and improve visibility of training materials. www.eosc-synergy.eu
Focus • WP6 does not aim to be a catalogue of all EOSC materials, only those created on this platform; • WP6 will not curate/update training materials; • We will rely on previous H2020 projects to identify a framework of skills; • We will focus only on developing materials to ‘train the trainers’ and selected materials of general interest www.eosc-synergy.eu
Tasks • T6.1 Deployment and customization of the training platform (Lead partner: PSNC 21PM, Contributors: CSIC 8PM, DANS 3PM, Jisc 3PM) – Task duration: M1- M21 • T6.2 Methodology and certification of the tutorials (Lead partner: Jisc 18PM, Contributors: DANS 7PM, PSNC 6PM, CSIC 3PM) – Task duration: M1-M30 • T6.3 Interaction with national educational programmes(Lead partner: CSIC 4PM, Contributors: LIP 3PM, PSNC 3PM, CESNET 3PM, UPV 3PM, Jisc 3PM, INCD 3PM, KIT 3PM) – Task duration: M15-M30 www.eosc-synergy.eu
Milestones and deliverables • M6.1: Identification of tools to be used for platforms (Month3) • M6.2: First release of the customized training platform including the self-deployable tutorials capabilities, and HaaS platform (Month9) • D6.1 Training materials and quality assurance guidelines Lead: Jisc Month 12 • D6.2 Report on the final release of the customized platforms Lead PSNC Month 21 • D6.3 – Final report about skills development support activities and related services Lead: PSNC Month 30 www.eosc-synergy.eu
T6.1 Deployment and customization of the training platform MOOC platform (PSNC), Hackathon as a Service (BIFI-UNIZAR)
MOOC platform (PSNC) • The central platform for MOOC training will be set up as-a-service to be included in EOSC Portal • The platform will be based on open source software to be chosen after evaluation of most commonly used platforms • Examples: Moodle, edX www.eosc-synergy.eu
Training as a service (PSNC) Phase 1: Month1-3 • M6.1: Identification of tools to be used for platforms (Month3), • We will focus on the identification from technical perspective • Hints from T6.2 on the initiative scouting highly welcome Phase 2: Month 4-5 • Basic service in place, based on combination of the identified tools Phase 3: Month 6-9 (but continuation till 21) • Extension with the new capabilities in terms of self-deployable training infrastructure and courses on the EOSC infrastructure. • First release of the customized training platform including the self-deployable tutorials capabilities, and HaaS platform (Month9) Phase 4: Month 12-21 • Customization according to the identified service requirements (e.g. related with the taxonomy for discovery and filtering, requirements and methodology worked out in task 6.2) www.eosc-synergy.eu
Best practices (JISC, DANS) • In collaboration with task 6.2, the MOOC and hackathon platforms will be enriched with best practice guides, examples and tutorials on how to create EOSC-related tutorials using the new technical capabilities. www.eosc-synergy.eu
HaaS (I) CSIC/BiFi • Hackathon: sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development (UI and graphic designers or project managers) collaborate intensively on software projects with the goal of creating a functioning product by the end of the event (typically 24-48 hours) • Actors: • Hackathon organisers: they need an agile a flexible tool to manage the hardware infrastructure and software to be provided to hundreds of participants • Hackathons participants: they need an environment easy and ready to use where hardware and software resources are available • Infrastructure providers: they must guarantee reliable infrastructure to users and flexibility to manage VM for hackathon organisers • Dataset & API providers: datasets of scientific fields are usually unexploited as they are considered hard to understand for commercial or individual usage www.eosc-synergy.eu
HaaS (II) • Hackathons require very agile and dynamic environments, where participants should put all their effort in the working prototype development, not worrying about technical issues or organisational aspects • In order to guarantee the technical support, hackathon organisers often rely on external (typically commercial) solutions as they usually do not have advanced computing infrastructures or sufficient technical knowledge to manage them • The use of EOSC infrastructures to support hackathons can be a complementary way to bring our technologies and scientific problems to young and external people www.eosc-synergy.eu
The idea A platform to facilitate the organisation of hackathons on the EOSC infrastructure and accessible through the EOSC Portal • Hackathon organisers can create and publish hackathons, describing the rules and technical requirements • Users can find and join hackathons • Infrastructure providers can offer their infrastructure to support hackathons • Dataset providers will provide datasets to be analyzed • API providers can provide a set of functionalities to help participants in their development (very specific functions) www.eosc-synergy.eu
Similar platforms? • There are platforms to search, publish, promote hackathons. But they are not, to our knowledge, open platforms with these objectives and functionalities • Hash code (Google) with Judge System – it cannot be used to freely create hackathons • https://post.devpost.com/hackathons - just organisation (registration, submitting and judging), no infrastructure, data or APIs • https://www.the-hackfest.com/ - list of hackathons, meeting point for organisers, sponsors, judges • http://www.mhackathon.com/ - Hackathon as a service, but “manually” • https://github.com/codeRIT/hackathon-manager - registration & logistics, no infrastructure, data or APIs • https://mettl.com/en/coding-tests/hackathon/ - only coordination www.eosc-synergy.eu
Startingpoint (I) • Prototype developed to cover our own requirements, based on our previous experiences in local hackathons • It aims to simplify hackathon virtual infrastructure creation by organisers at the way we used to do with OpenStack dashboard (HORIZON) • ORGANISERS: can define, setup and publish a hackathon, in order to specify size, source image, number of machines per hackathon participant and other stuff • PARTICIPANTS: can enrol in hackathons, launch the creation of the virtual infrastructure where they develop their code, make calculations, or whatever they need to solve the challenge http://hackaton-manager.bifi.es/ www.eosc-synergy.eu
Startingpoint (II) – Currentscenario www.eosc-synergy.eu
Startingpoint (III) – Organiser interface www.eosc-synergy.eu
Startingpoint (IV) – Participant interface www.eosc-synergy.eu
Expectedversion To integrate this solution with other cloud resources, datasets and API providers in the context of EOSC Synergy www.eosc-synergy.eu
Dependencies, requirements… • To supportthedifferentcloudplatformspresent in the EOSC infrastructure • To supporttheaccess to thedifferent data repositories of theproject • To supportthedifferent use cases to be developed, in particular, those of task T6.3 www.eosc-synergy.eu
Methodology and certification WP6 Task 6.2 Lead partner: Jisc, Helen Clare (Blanchett) Contributors: DANS, PSNC, CSIC
Jisc • UK NREN - over 100 services supportingresearch and education • Jisc does three things: • We operate shared digital infrastructure and services • We negotiate sector-wide deals with IT vendors and commercial publishers • We provide trusted advice and practical assistance for universities, colleges and learning providershttps://www.jisc.ac.uk/about/who-we-are-and-what-we-do • Contributing to WP5 and WP6 of eosc-synergy www.eosc-synergy.eu
Me - Helen Clare • Background in training and staff development • Delivered accredited training programmes in e-Learning and Train the Trainer • Author ‘A guide to teaching information literacy: 101 practical tips’ and series editor for ‘Practical Tips for Library and Information Professionals’ • Currently Jisc scholarly communication subject specialist • Provide advice, guidance and facilitate peer support • Included a handbook of good practice for implementing OA www.eosc-synergy.eu
Task 6.2 Methodology and certification of the tutorials 1. Reviewing existing initiatives and desk research 2. Developing quality criteria for developing training/teaching materials 3. A quality assurance and / or certification scheme specifically for online content 4. Creation of a training programme for the development of teaching materials www.eosc-synergy.eu
Links within WP6 • Need to work with the platform(s) developed in 6.1 – features may determine / limit the types of teaching that can be done • Need to work with the taxonomy of resources we develop • Need to work with institutions in 6.3 to develop/test material www.eosc-synergy.eu
Links to otherworkpackages, EOSC projects and beyond… • EOSC-synergy • WP4 specifically mentions training: “increase the number of users of these thematic services and increase users’ satisfaction in an international scale through its integration in the EOSC framework and targeted training providing content for the WP6 skills development activities” • Likely to be other opportunities in other WPs • Other EOSC projects mentioning training in 2019/20 EOSC implementation plan: • EOSC-Hub, PaNOSC, SSHOC, FAIRsFAIR, EOSC-Life, NI4OS • There will be others! • Previous EOSC projects and related initiatives www.eosc-synergy.eu
(Very) draft workplan • Q4 2019 • Review previous work in this area, build links / community, raise awareness • Aim to engage and consult at all phases • Q1 2020 • Report on research phase and produce more detailed plan • Begin drafting quality criteria and training programme • Explore accreditation / certification options • Q2 2020 & Q3 2020 • Develop and pilot quality criteria and training materials • Q4 2020 and beyond • Delivering training programme and refining based on feedback • Working with institutions in 6.3 www.eosc-synergy.eu
1. Review existing initiatives and desk research • Existing initiatives (FOSTER, Edison, Open Science MOOC, EOSC pilot, Carpentry…) • Identify materials and networks that can be re-used / built upon • Review of current activity in teaching open science especially teaching online • Current good practice in online delivery to inform quality criteria • Explore what should be included in quality criteria • FAIR, accessibility, usability, pedagogy • Accreditation • Existing schemes and possible approaches www.eosc-synergy.eu
So far… • Signed up for a multi-author paper doing a systematic literature review of open science teaching • Met with Jon Tennant and Tobias Steiner from the Open Science MOOC www.eosc-synergy.eu
T6.3 Interaction with national educational programmes BIFI-UNIZAR/CSIC
Objectives • To establish contact and collaborate with Universities (in the participating countries) with programmes focused on EOSC relevant topics • To elevate the online EOSC training program to the quality necessary to be accepted as part of the universities’ curricula • To enrich university programmes with Open Science-focused technologies • To be a channel to receive feedback on the methodology and content of the tutorials www.eosc-synergy.eu
Dependencies • Platforms to be developed in T6.1 • Use cases to be identified in the universities involved • Initial list of the universities to be contacted: Poznan University of Technology, Poznan University of Life Sciences, AGH University of Science and Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University, University Complutense of Madrid, International University Menendez Pelayo, University Polytechnic of Valencia, University of Zaragoza, University of Minho, University Institute of Lisbon, University of Karlsruhe, Newcastle University, University of Leeds, University of Leicester www.eosc-synergy.eu
Timeline • M30 - Final report about skills development support activities and related services (deliverable D6.3, in common with the rest of the WP) • Proposal: To create a “map of EOSC universities” with those using the EOSC training resources (M30?) www.eosc-synergy.eu
How to getthere • Initial survey about Cloud and Open Science presence in current curricula (professors) and their knowledge among the students • Inquiry to the universities administration about the process to include a matter in the academic curriculum • To identify possible courses and subjects in each university as susceptible to use EOSC training platforms and contents, and to define activities to be carried out in those cases • To organize hackathons in some of the universities • Final survey about training programs methodology and contents (feedback from professors and students) www.eosc-synergy.eu