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Richard Nixon's Presidency: A Political Journey Through the 1960s and 1970s

Explore Richard Nixon's presidency from the election campaigns of 1968 and 1972 to the Watergate scandal and foreign policy decisions. Discover the impact of Nixon's policies on domestic events, the Moon landing, the Energy Crisis, and more.

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Richard Nixon's Presidency: A Political Journey Through the 1960s and 1970s

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  1. Richard M. Nixon 1969-1974

  2. Campaign Ads • Election of 1968 & 1972 • Living room candidate • http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1968

  3. Crash Course • The Rise of Conservatism: Crash Course US History #41 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCrxD19DHA8 • 14:50 min

  4. The Watergate Scandal: Timeline and Background • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHnmriyXYeg&index=11&list=PLhk-eBMI6JO5ybkhK_BIrFwsT4O9SmP9K • 6 min

  5. Richard Nixon is elected during the Vietnam War. The public was disenchanted with LBJ’s escalation of the war, this made LBJ decide not to seek another term. Nixon promised an end to the war and was elected.

  6. Nixon felt that he needed to “Dismantle the Great Society.” The deficit spending was causing inflation.

  7. Imperial Presidency [1969-1972]: Nixon increases the power of the presidency. Often he makes major decisions without the advice or consent of Congress.

  8. Nixon opens up doors between the US and rivals China & USSR by hosting Summit Meetings.

  9. President Nixon - • Distanced Himself from American people and Congress • Asked FBI to spy on and neutralize his enemies….the FBI refused • Hired ex-FBI & CIA agents to create his own elite counterintelligence team dedicated to the neutralization of Hollywood, liberal organizations & the Democratic Party • Nixon’s Foreign Policy Staff was of unprecedented size

  10. Nixon felt that much of his support came from the “Silent Majority” – those middle class voters who are forgotten – “the non-shouters, the non-demonstrators.”

  11. Domestic Events during the Nixon Presidency: 26th Amendment - 18 year olds are given the right to vote – their 1st presidential election 1972

  12. Women’s Movement – This reform movement sought to give women equal opportunities. Education, sports and jobs traditionally considered to be “mens” were targets of reform. The Equal Rights Amendment [ERA] was a big part of the movement. However, the amendment was never ratified.

  13. Title IX Overview / History • Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding. • Many people think it applies only to sports, but athletics is only one of 10 key areas addressed by the law. These areas are: Access to Higher Education, Career Education, Education for Pregnant and Parenting Students, Employment, Learning Environment, Math and Science, Sexual Harassment, Standardized Testing and Technology.

  14. Title IX Benefits Housing and dining facilities and services; and recruitment of student-athletes • The Benefits provision of Title IX encompasses all resources that are required and made available to field an athletic team. • At high school level the following are looked at: • Equipment and Supplies • Scheduling of Games and Practice Times • Travel and Per Diem • Coaching • Locker rooms, Practice and Competitive Facilities • Medical and Training Facilities, and Services • Publicity • Tutoring • Support Services • Housing and Dining Facilities and Services • Recruitment of Student-Athletes • Athletic Scholarships

  15. Space Program- Further Moon landings – Apollo Program continues, but coming to an end. Space Shuttle and International Space Station on the horizon.

  16. The Energy [Petroleum] Crisis – Prices increase and shortages occur. OPEC raises prices and withholds shipments.

  17. Inflation- Prices increase, unemployment increases leading to stagflation.

  18. The Environment- Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] 1970, Endangered Species Act 1973 passed

  19. Nixon Foreign Policy Issues: Nixon’s Internationalism Henry Kissinger was Secretary of the State Department. Maintain strength – Power Politics = Realpolitik

  20. Vietnam: Nixon promises to bring an end to the war Laos - Bombings without authorization of Congress causes problems Cambodia - Ho Chi Min Trail supply line for Vietcong [Communists]

  21. Vietnamization: Nixon wishes the South Vietnamese to take over the war effort as Americans decrease their involvement. Impact- South unable todefeat communist north without US

  22. Peace With Honor: In 1973, Nixon agrees to Paris Peace Accords, pulling the US out of the war.

  23. War Powers Act: Limits the ability of the President to send troops without the approval of Congress

  24. Nixon Doctrine: [1969] US will continue to send military and economic aid to help friendly nations resist communism, but not direct military protection. There would be no more Vietnams for the US. -Hoped to reduce the prominence of the Vietnam War Impact: War in Vietnam not yet over, but public hopeful it will end soon

  25. Détente: A warming of the “cold war.” Creates a friendlier more co-operative relationship between the Superpowers.

  26. China [1972]: Nixon realizes the weak /strained relationship between China & USSR is an opportunity. Sets up meetings/talks with China, with the US & the door of diplomatic relations is opened. This leads to cultural & economic exchanges. Which in turn causes the USSR to desire a similar relationship.

  27. Soviet Union: [1972] Nixon visited Moscow & began SALT talks SALT Talks: Strategic Arms Limitations Talks set limits on numbers of defensive missile sites & offensive missiles each nation had.

  28. Nixon Domestic Policy Issues: The Domestic/Economic policies of Richard Nixon were known as the New Federalism. He adopted Keynesian economic& deficit spending. In August 1971 there was a 90 day wage and price freeze. He took the dollar off the gold standard and placed a 10% surtax on all imports.

  29. New Federalism Reducing the role of the federal government, giving more power to the state level regarding social welfare programs. Stagflation- Rising prices, high unemployment, declining Gross National Product To end this, Nixon implements a 90 day price wage freeze, which is unsuccessful.

  30. Kent State- Anti war protests gone awry lead to deaths of college students at Ohio campus.

  31. Ohio by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 1970 • http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ohio+song+youtube&view=detail&mid=CEA822D0C3B498D116E4CEA822D0C3B498D116E4&FORM=VIRE

  32. Environmental and Consumer Legislation: Environmental Protection Act EPA 1970 Coordinated federal programs to end pollution & protect the environment. Ex: Clean Air Act 1970, Energy Reorganization Act-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Consumer Products Safety Commission Championed by Ralph Nader whose work in 1960s led to automotive safety OSHA regulations

  33. Truth in Lending Act Banks must tell consumers the total amount including interest that they will be paying back on loans

  34. Burger Court: Warren Burger [& 3 others “Nixon Court”] appointed to overturn the liberal rulings of the 1960s disappointed Republicans when their opinions were more liberal than expected. Roe vs. Wade- 1973 Landmark abortion case - Issue Privacy; a woman’s right to an abortion protected within certain limits

  35. Watergate Affair [1972]- Break-in at Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Building Leads to breakdown of Nixon Presidency.

  36. The Watergate Scandal: Timeline and Background • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHnmriyXYeg&index=11&list=PLhk-eBMI6JO5ybkhK_BIrFwsT4O9SmP9K • 6 min

  37. House recommends Three Charges of impeachment: [1974] 1. Obstruction of Justice – interfered with a criminal investigation 2. Abuse of Executive Power – used power to order wiretaps & harass citizens 3. Defiance of Congress – ignored Congressional subpoenas to supply information U.S. vs. Nixon [1974] – Supreme Court ruled that the President had to turn over tapes to investigators.

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