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4 th Workshop on ALICE Installation and Commissioning. January 16 th & 17 th , CERN. Muon Tracking (MUON_TRK, MCH, MTRK). Conclusion of the first ALICE COSMIC run in December 2007. Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr. Status of Hardware during Run.
4th Workshop on ALICE Installation and Commissioning January 16th & 17th , CERN Muon Tracking (MUON_TRK, MCH, MTRK) Conclusion of the first ALICE COSMIC run in December 2007. Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Status of Hardware during Run Dimuon Forward Spectrometer (DFS) Tracking Chambers : 5 stations, each station has 2 detection planes or chambers 1 chamber/plane gives an (x,y) coordinates primary vertex μ+ X Y Z μ- 3 5 4 Station 1 Station 2 read out during the december cosmic run. Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Status of Hardware during Run • Dimuon Forward Spectrometer (DFS) Tracking Chambers : • 5 stations, each station has 2 detection planes or chambers • 1 chamber/plane gives an (x,y) coordinates • During the december cosmic run : • almost everything is installed (but local commissioning is not finished yet) • 1/5 of the DFS was powered • Full Station 1 most of the time • part of Station 1 + part of Station 2 for the “2 LDC in global” test • no particular issues • air cooling (St1 and St2 is very stable), temperatures look fine • power ok (a few trips have been seen on HV and LV) • our last day (Tuesday 18th) was perfectly stable ! Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
DAQ No real DAQ issues : compliance with DAQ global achieved really stable Readout times (in 0-suppressed mode after taking pedestal runs, threshold calculation with a DA included in our rpm, etc… = conditions of real data taking ): Trigger 4 kHz Busy 307 us Readout rate 2050 Trigger 40 kHz Busy 485 us Readout rate 2050 Trigger 400 kHz Busy 496 us Readout rate 2050 Trigger 4 MHz Busy 497 us Readout rate 2050 Trigger 40 MHz Busy 497 us Readout rate 2050 Readout rate is slower than expected (lab measurements gave busy ~ 220 μs) : looking for possible explanation → saturating the buffer slows down the readout (algorithm scan through a lot of events in the DSP memory) in normal data taking mode, an “open” muon trigger (no pT cut) will not be greater than 5KHz. Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
DCS/ECS/Trigger/HLT DCS in very good shape : final state machine for low & high voltage works temperatures, gas flow is monitored ECS : scripts are ready (close to final) and working (tested during run) automatic generation of command depending on which DDL/equipId are declared in DATE Connection DCS-ECS (?) is not done yet Trigger : first days have been painful… but it finally worked we played at “you’re busy; not we’re not ; yes you are ; etc…” along with trigger people and other subsystem ;-) HLT : some global run were taken with HLT ; is it ok ? Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Online Monitoring/Offline Online Monitoring : MOOD for muon_trk is in very good shape pedestal and gains visualization some global histograms (pad occupancy, hit map, errors) Data from gdc have been monitored during run in global and … That’s clearly a hit Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Online Monitoring/Offline Data Storage : data are on CASTOR and some ESD are produced Data Quality Checks : ?? Is it about QA histograms…? Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
COSMIC Data, Analysis Results Raw data quality, event displays, Calibration results, Alignment results, Data reconstruction (ESD) Data analysis, First performance estimates i.e. signal/noise, tracks etc. All this is ongoing, but no results so far… calibration runs have been taken pedestal runs show nominal/expected noise gms doesn’t seem to increase noise when running ESD are not analyzed yet ; we will probably reconstruct a few clusters (give an idea on clusters size, charge and S/N ) Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Hardware/Software Status for February Run + Goals February Run : Full station 1 (as in december) Full station 2 (1/4 was successfully included in global in december) 1 DDL from station either 3, 4 or 5 Goals : Pedestal/noise : done with the DA (committed in AliRoot) calibration : done running with 0-suppression : done alignment and tracks : needs tracks ! (and all the stations + survey) Mostly the february run will be useful for testing the stability and training people. Some software work is needed as well to test and to finalize pieces of software (calibration, ECS scripts). Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Action to Completion Station 1 : ready for beam (dead channels ? but <<1%, all HV ok) Station 2 : ready for beam (to be confirmed this week) Station 3 : finishing the local commissioning Station 4 : finishing the local commissioning Station 5 : finishing the local commissioning can not be stopped during the 5 weeks of the feb. cosmic run ! Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Conclusion • Very good behavior of St1 : Cathode Pad Chambers works ;-) • Readout (CROCUS) is compliant with DATE and Trigger patterns handling is fine (L1/2 reject are implemented and tested in lab) • 1 LDC fully loaded ok • and going to 2 LDC (partially loaded) was straightforward • → including more should not be a problem (parallel treatment) • software for data taking (DA, ECS scripts, MOOD) is in very good shape • offline is working on the data ; pedestals runs are in OCDB and look fine Visualization of a pedestal run in the OCDB. (L.Aphecetche) Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr
Muon_trk questions • Standalone runs with CTP emulator : will it possible to have an “all.seq” that include an sod+l2a+eod ? (without loading the 3 seq) • What about documentation for shifters : ACR machines are disconnected from outside world. Everything should be done locally… • ksnapshot + “openoffice, or anything else convenient” Christophe.Suire@ipno.in2p3.fr