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Üðæ¾ààààóÚðçðôôôôÜêððÑðòÜæðÇ Ùðô®ÚððâðÚð,¦ãðü çðüçÆððÐðØðãðÐð 98-¦, çð÷©¾Ü 15,çðüçÆððÐðêð÷ëð çðó×ðóÀó ×ð÷âððÑðôÜ,ÐðãðóÙðôü×ðýá– 400614 National SafetyCouncil HQs. &InstituteBuilding 98-A, Sector 15, InstitutionalArea, C.B.D. Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614. Ref.:NSC/363/NSD-2019/CIR/2018-2019 Date.: 1st November,2018 To all Members andPatrons Sub : 48th National Safety Day/National Safety WeekCampaign - Commencing from 4th March2019 Dear Sir(s), As you are aware, the National Safety Day (NSD) Campaign spearheaded by the National Safety Council for commemorating its foundation day - 4th March, is entering its 48th year. The Campaign celebrated over a week, has grown into a major national Occupational, Safety & Health (OSH) Campaign and is widely celebrated by industry, trade unions, Govt. departments, regulatory agencies, NGOs and institutions with the active support of the Central & State Governments and the media. The Campaign is aimed at renewing the commitment of employees and general public to work safely throughout the year. The ultimate objective of the Campaign is to ensure integration of OSH in work culture and lifestyle. As in the past, we are bringing out a number of specially designed promotional literature and utility articles carrying topical messages on OSH to help you in effectively organising the 48th National Safety Day/Week celebrations. These utility articles are broad-based and useful to industrial employees. Special attention has been paid to the quality of material and messages to be conveyed so as to help the managements in achieving greater participation and involvement of employees in OSH activities through distribution of these items tothem. We are enclosing the Order Form in duplicate with the Catalogue of materials & Photo Catalogue of utility articles for your information and use. The terms and conditions for procurement of the materials from the Council are given in the catalogue and on the reverse of the orderform. We request you to place your firm order immediately by returning the Order Form duly filled-in along with full advance payment. Please retain the copy of the Order Form for your records. You may also logon to our web site www.nsc.org.in and fill the ‘ON LINE ORDER FORM’ and make the payment. A special discount of 9% will be given on all orders exceeding Rs.40,000/- (cost of material) and reaching the Council’s office along with full advance payment on or before 1st January, 2019. The last date for accepting the orders is 10th January,2019. Kindly ensure to place your valuable order well in advance to enable us to deliver the material in time. It would also facilitate in planning and effectively organising your own Safety Day/WeekCelebrations. Assuring you of our bestservices, Yoursfaithfully, R.R.DEOGHARE DIRECTOR FOR DIRECTORGENERAL Encl. : Catalogue, Photo-Catalogue & Order Form, Guidelines & SafetyPledge RUSH YOUR ORDER Phones : 91-22-2757 9924-26 / 2752 2801 ■Fax No. : 91-22-2757 7351 ■Website :www.nsc.org.in Direct Contacts for NSD Project : ■ Tele. : 91-22-27522-870/871/861 ■ Email :nsd@nsc.org.in
National SafetyCouncil 48th National Safety Day/National Safety Week Campaign - Commencing from 4th March2019 Catalogue of Materials P.T.O.
Terms and Conditions • GENERAL : • The order once placed cannot becancelled. • The despatch of material will start in 3rd week of January 2019 and the orders will be executed on `first-come-first- served’ basis. • Any complaint regarding non-receipt/short supply of the materials should be made within a month from the date of dispatch of materials. Complaints received thereafter will not beentertained. • The colours of the utility gift articles may vary from the Photo Catalogue depending on the availability of raw materials. • PAYMENT, DISCOUNT & TAXES: • Payment: • The order must be accompanied with full advance payment accompanied with applicable GST by Demand Draft or At Par Cheque drawn in favour of “National Safety Council” payable at Mumbai. Payment will also be accepted by EFT or RTGS, in such case details of the payment made must be submitted along with the Order Form or to be sent to NSC by email (nsd@nsc.org.in). Orders will not be executed unless full payment is received. Our Bank details for EFT Payment is as follows: • The last date for receipt of orders with full advance payment is 10th January 2019. The orders received thereafter may be executed subject to availability of promotionalmaterial. • In case of receipt of less/excess payment, the quantity of the material ordered will be adjustedaccordingly. • Discount : • A Special Discount of 9% will be given on orders whose Cost of material exceeds Rs.40,000/- (i.e. Total of Column No.11 of the Order Form) and order received with full advance payment before 1.1.2019. Kindly note that no discount will be admissible if the cost of material is less than Rs.40,000/- or full advance payment is not made along with the order or order is received after1.1.2019. • ACollectionDiscountof5%willbeapplicableon'CostoftheMaterials'(i.e.TotalofColumnNo.11ofthe • Order Form) only if the material is collected from the Council's Office. In case you are collecting the materials please mention 'Yes' or 'No' in column provided in the Order Form. Also on receipt of our intimation, arrange to collect the material from Council'soffice. • Taxes: • If the Octroi is applicable in your area it will be borne byyou. • GST will be applicable as per the GST rates mentioned in the ‘Catalogue of Material’ and ‘OrderForm’. • IfTDSisdeducted,theTDScertificateshouldbesentwithinaperiodofonemonthfromtheendofthemonth • during which the credit has been given or the payment has been made. Council’s PAN No.AAA TN 3069N. • MODE OF DESPATCH & POSTAGE: • All rates are inclusive of packing and forwardingcharges. • The material will be sent by surface mode through our official courier i.e. Blue Dart, TCI XPS, Gati and Professional Couriers and if their services are not available in your region it will be sent by Registered Post Parcel but not by V.P.P. • Bulk or voluminous orders will be despatched through roadtransport. • PRINTING OF COMPANY’S NAME & LOGO: • Company’s name & logo will be screen printed or PVC Sticker will be pasted free of cost in one colour on the following ‘selected items’ only, if the order is for the minimum quantity respected to each item as givenbelow. In case Company’s name & logo is to be printed in more than one colour, Rs.800/- per colour will be charged extra for additionalcolour. Company’s name & Logo should be sent along with the order (preferably a soft copy in JPEGformat).
SL. HSN CODE NO. Tick ( Y ) & selectItemfor printinjgof PRICE [Rs.] COST OF MATERIALS DISCO UNT [Refer T&C TOTAL AMOUNT NAMEOFTHEITEM UNIT NETCOST GST QUANTITY REQUIRED CompanyLogo [ReferT&C Pt.No.4(a)for applicability] BILINGUAL ENGLISH HINDI Discount Discount % AMOUNT ( %) Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 TotalB./F. 16 9105 WallClockwithsafetyslogan - 1No. 235.00 18% 17 4203 LeatherBelt with safety slogan - 1No. 255.00 18% 18 4202 SlingBagwithsafetyslogan - 1No. 265.00 18% 19 3923 Onion&PotatoKeeperwithsafety slogan - 1No. 325.00 18% 20 7323 LunchBoxwithsafetyslogan - 1No. 365.00 12% 21 3923 Jar(setof2-1000ml.each)withsafetyslogan - 1No. 375.00 18% 22 3006 First-Aid Kit with SafetySlogan - 1No. 450.00 18% 23 4202 ElegantTravelBagwithsafetyslogan - 1No. 640.00 18% 24 7615 Non-Stick Flat Tava with safetyslogan - 1No. 810.00 12% 25 8509 HandBlenderwithsafetyslogan. - 1No. 1,025.00 18% -Per Colour/ Per Impress- ion Printing Charges of Company's Name & Logo on selected Items :Please refer T & C point No.4(a) - Logo in onecolourprintingis freeofcostandprintingoflogoinmore 26 9989 - No.of 800.00 18% Items Selecte d from above No.ofadditional Colours inlogo thenonecolourwillbechargedextra.Pleasementionadditonal FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NSC ORDER NO. numberof colours inthecolumnNo.5&No.of items incolumn PAYMENT DETAILS: Cheque/DD/UTR TransactionNo. AmountPaid Mode(Cheque/DD/BankTransfer/Cash) Date Less : TDS (if deducted) - Refer T & C clause 2 (iii-b) ...... TotalAmount .. .. .. Amount in words: MAIL THIS COPYTO PRINTING OF COMPANY'S NAME & LOGO: - Print matter (in two lines only). Also separately provide artwork (preferably a soft copy in JPEG format) of thelogo in black & white. National SafetyCouncil, Plot No.98/A, Institutional Area Sector 15, C.B.D.Belapur P.O. Kokan Bhavan Navi Mumbai - 400614 Telephone No. : 022-2757 9924 DirectNo. : 022-2752 2870 / 2871 /2861 FaxNo. : 022-2757 7351 E-mail :nsd@nsc.org.in Order Placedby: Signature: Name &Design.: Office Stamp & FullAddress: