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WHAT ARE PLAYING RULES? Playing rules are what happens on the field, court, pool, pitch, mat, rink, lane, track, slope or range when an opponent and officials are present. Playing rules are the same for all three divisions. Playing rules are the same for regular season
WHAT ARE PLAYING RULES? Playing rules are what happens on the field, court, pool, pitch, mat, rink, lane, track, slope or range when an opponent and officials are present. Playing rules are the same for all three divisions. Playing rules are the same for regular season and championship competition. 2009-10 RULES COMMITTEE KEN ERIKSEN, Chair University of South Florida 813/974-4111 E-mail: eriksen@admin.usf.edu DEE ABRAHAMSON Secretary-Rules Editor Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois 60115-2854 815/753-1628 E-mail: abrahamson@niu.edu MEAGHAN ALMON Hofstra University 516/463-0376 E-mail: Meaghan.Almon@Hofstra.edu HEATHER LYKE CATALANO Ohio State University 614/688-3357 E-mail: LykeH@buckeyes.ath.ohio-state.edu PATTI GERCKENS University of California, San Diego 858/534-8442 pgerckens@ucsd.edu RUTH KMAK University of Chicago 773/702-4642 ruthkmak@uchicago.edu MIKE PERNICIARO Wichita State University 316/978-3260 mperniciaro@goshockers.com JERRY SNYDER University of South Carolina Aiken 803/641-3462 E-mail: jerrys@usca.edu VICKIE VAN KLEECK Ferrum College 540/365-4489 E-mail: vvankleeck@ferrum.edu TERESA SMITH NCAA Playing Rules Administration 317/917-6134 E-mail: tksmith@ncaa.org INFORMATION GATHERING STAGE – Year One During the season, the secretary-rules editor and committee members compile hot topics (comments , ideas, questions) from coaches, commissioners and athletics administrators. A rules survey may be conducted to determine how the membership feels about certain issues. A rules proposal may be forwarded to any committee member for consideration. Two-Year Playing-Rules Cycle ANNUAL MEETING – Year One The committee meets to discuss and determine rules proposals to improve the game. COMMENT PERIOD A list of proposals approved by the committee is sent to coaches and conference commissioners for feedback. This two-week comment period allows the membership to see and respond to the exact language of the proposals. PROP APPROVAL The Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) reviews all of the rules-change proposals the committee approved and all comments from the membership. PROP’s charge is to review all proposals for financial implications, safety concerns and harm to the image of the game. Items approved by PROP are incorporated into the rules book. TWO-YEAR RULES BOOK A complimentary copy of the playing rules book is mailed to head coaches and conference conference commissioners. Additional copies of the book may be ordered online at NCAAPublications.org or by calling 888/388-9748. INFORMATION GATHERING STAGE – Year Two During the season, the secretary-rules editor and committee members compile hot topics. A non-traditional rules survey may be offered. ANNUAL MEETING – Year Two The committee meets to discuss items for future consideration and educational opportunities. Committee submits report to PROP.