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<WXYZ> and <YOUR COMPANY> Guilty [ of Driving Results ] by Association

<WXYZ> and <YOUR COMPANY> Guilty [ of Driving Results ] by Association. Step into <WXYZ>. C onsider opening with a short video -- a PBS or local sizzle reel or image spot; something that creates emotion and excitement, and helps you frame the context of the conversation you want to have.

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<WXYZ> and <YOUR COMPANY> Guilty [ of Driving Results ] by Association

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  1. <WXYZ> and <YOUR COMPANY>Guilty [of Driving Results] by Association

  2. Step into <WXYZ> Consider opening with a short video -- a PBS or local sizzle reel or image spot; something that creates emotion and excitement, and helps you frame the context of the conversation you want to have

  3. The <WXYZ> Mission • < Insert short station mission statement; tell a quick story of: • who you are • who you reach • who you engage with • how you impact the local community you serve • what makes you distinctive • Insert short station mission statement; tell a quick story of: • who you are • who you reach • who you engage with • how you impact the local community you serve • what makes you distinctive • Include photographs of key PBS programs and target audiences that will be of interest to the sponsor, based on the research you have done about their potential business interests and marketing goals.

  4. The <WXYZ> Audience • <WXYZ> Reaches an Ideal Audience Educated XX% of viewers hold a Bachelor’s degree Affluent XX% of viewers make $XXK+ in household income Influential XX% of viewers are leaders in their communities • Insert your audience profile, highlight attributes that will be of particular interest to the sponsor: • WXYZ reaches an ideal audience: • Educated: xx% of viewers hold a Bachelor’s degree • Affluent: xx% of viewers make $XXK+ in household income • Influential: xx% of viewers are leaders in their communities • Use Nielsen, MediaAudit, MRI and other data available to you to create a compelling profile targeted to what you know about the sponsor and who they might be looking to reach SOURCE: Use this space to attribute your research above.

  5. The <WXYZ> Audience • <WXYZ> Viewers Access <WXYZ> Across Platforms Online XX,XXX monthly page views, XX,XXX monthly video streams Print XX,XXX monthly subscribers Mobile Apps XX,XXX total downloads • Insert your audience profile, highlight attributes that will be of particular interest to the sponsor: • WXYZ viewers access WXYZ across platforms: • Online: xx,xxx monthly page views, xx,xxx monthly video streams • Print: xx,xxx monthly subscribers • Mobile Apps: xx,xxx total downloads • TV: xx,xxx weekly cume • Events: xx,xxx annual attendees • Use Nielsen, MediaAudit, MRI and other data available to you to create a compelling profile targeted to what you know about the sponsor and who they might be looking to reach TV XX,XXX weekly cume Events XX,XXX annual attendees SOURCE: Use this space to attribute your research above.

  6. PBS is A Viewer Favorite • Distinctive, Engaging, Smarter TV Pull in graphs/slides from master deck as makes sense for the sponsor: see slides 100-112; add photos of audience or specific programs to give a visual behind these & other quotes you might use. Nearly half agree that “PBS is my favorite The vast majority agree that “PBS respects my intelligence and provides programs that make me smarter 71% of PBS viewers “pay full attention while watching PBS” Add any viewer comments/testimonials you have received locally via email, Facebook or otherwise. SOURCE: 2013 Harris Interactive SGPTV Attitudes and Sponsorship Favorability Study

  7. PBS Sets the Standard for Quality Unparalleled, High Quality Content 70% agree that “PBS sets the standard for quality and excellence, that sets it apartfrom other TV Pull in graphs/slides from master deck as makes sense for the sponsor: see slides 100-112; add photos of audience or specific programs to give a visual behind these & other quotes you might use. 65% of PBS viewers agree that “PBS addresses issues that are important to me” 82% agree PBS provides “content I cannot find anywhere else on television” Add any viewer comments/testimonials you have received locally via email, Facebook or otherwise. SOURCE: 2013 Harris Interactive SGPTV Attitudes and Sponsorship Favorability Study

  8. Viewers Pay More Attention to PBS Sponsor Messages • PBS’ uncluttered environment means that PBS viewers are more likely to (when compared with cable and broadcast): notice PBS sponsor messages pay attention to PBS sponsor messages remember PBS sponsor messages Pull in graphs/slides from master deck as makes sense for the sponsor: see slides 3-5 and/or program-specific slides if any of those programs will be part of your package. SOURCE: 2013 Harris Interactive SGPTV Attitudes and Sponsorship Favorability Study

  9. PBS Sponsorships Drive Positive Sponsor Perceptions • PBSviewers feel more positive about PBS sponsors because of their association with PBS, seeing them as: • Goodcorporate citizens • Industryleaders • Moretrustworthy • Forward-thinking and innovative • Committed to quality and excellence • Worthy of respect • Havingintegrity Pull in graphs/slides from master deck as makes sense for the sponsor: see slides 6-13 and/or program-specific slides if any of those programs will be part of your package. SOURCE: 2013 Harris Interactive SGPTV Attitudes and Sponsorship Favorability Study

  10. PBS Sponsorship Drives Purchase Preference PBS Viewers Loyal, Recommend Sponsors Pull in graphs/slides from master deck as makes sense for the sponsor: see slides 14-16 and/or program-specific slides if any of those programs will be part of your package. PBS viewers are twice as likely to recommend PBS sponsors to friends and family than commercial TV audiences PBS viewers are more likely to choose to buy a product or service from a PBS sponsor PBS viewers are loyal to companies that sponsor PBS A nice Facebook or email quote from a viewer can really make the third bullet point pop. SOURCE: 2013 Harris Interactive SGPTV Attitudes and Sponsorship Favorability Study

  11. Translating into Your World • Business issues that may be impacting the sponsor’s world. Are they… • Facing new competition? • Needing to enhance their corporate image? • Looking to strengthen brand impact? • Wanting to build customer loyalty? • Needing to increase sales? • Hoping to recruit/retain employees? • Based on research you have done in advance, insert business issues that may be impacting the sponsor’s world. Are they… • Facing new competition? • Needing to enhance their corporate image? • Looking to strengthen brand impact? • Wanting to build customer loyalty? • Needing to increase sales? • Hoping to recruit/retain employees? • If you don’t have issues specific to your prospect, pull in consumer/advertising/media trends that support the need for marketers to stand apart, reach an engaged audience pre-disposed to support them, and other results that the Halo Effect is poised to deliver

  12. PBS Sponsorship Drives Purchase Preference this is an example of creating a new slide and pulling in a data graph from the master deck as makes sense for your sponsor. In this case, we've chosen to highlight how PBS Sponsorship Drives Purchase Preference as a follow-up to the general statements on the previous slide. SOURCE: 2013 Harris Interactive SGPTV Attitudes and Sponsorship Favorability Study

  13. <WXYZ> Delivers Results A Partnership with <WXYZ> Can: Highlight those benefits to the sponsor that your station and the Halo Effect can deliver as they relate specifically to the business or media issues you have addressed/talked about on slide 9. Use the Business Issues Map to guide you.

  14. Take Their Word For It! Insert sponsor video testimonial or other case study information.

  15. How We Get There Unparalleled Platform, Unprecedented Engagement

  16. FirstnameLastnameEmail@email.org888-888-8888

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