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NEWBORN CARE PRACTICES AMONG MOTHERS OF RAUTAHAT DISTRICT. Prepared By Bhawana Panta Nobel College Sinamangal , Ktm. Newborn health care starts before the birth of the baby and continues till the baby is of 28 days.
Newborn health care starts before the birth of the baby and continues till the baby is of 28 days. • It starts with caring for pregnant mothers by addressing her needs to be adequately nourished, infections prevention, and monitored for complications. • According to DOHS report 2067/68 in Rautahat district delivery conducted by skilled birth attaindent is 3.92% at home setting ,15.97% at health facility. Background
According to NDHS 2011 majority of newborns (68%) did not receive a postnatal checkup within the first week after birth. • Data shows one in every 22 Nepalese children dies before reaching age 1 Year, while one in every 19 does not survive up to his or her 5th birthday. • Therefore a series of care for both the mother and child is essential to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality. Cont…
The study design was analytical, cross-sectional. It was a Quantitative type of study, conducted within VDC of Rautahat district among all married women of reproductive age group who have a live birth within 12 months before survey. • The sample of 101 respondents was selected by Probability sampling method, using Clustered Sampling ( probability proportionate to size). • Data entry and analysis was done using Ms-excel ,SPSS 16.0.Chi-square test was done with 95% Confidence Interval to determine the relationship between independent and dependent variables considering p-value less than 0.05 statistically significant. Methodology
In the study total 101 respondent were included. The median age of the mothers was 18 years. Almost half of the respondent were illiterate, 94% of the respondent went for ANC visit. • About 61.3% of the delivery were conducted at home among which 44.5% mothers were illiterate and 16.8% mothers were literate which shows there was statistically significant association between education status and place of delivery conducted (p=0.00). • Most of the respondents those who were illiterate preferred unskilled health workers while literate preferred trained health worker in order to conduct delivery which showed statistically significant association between role of education and delivery conducted by(p=0.002) . Results
There was no statistically significant association between education level of the mother and some of the variables as Clean home delivery kit used during home delivery, bathing of baby after birth, Cholstrum feeding, and PNC visit. • 58% of the babies were kept on the floor immediately after birth those who were delivered at home. The study represents that most of the respondent applied oil after cord cutting. Used blade was preferred for cord cutting. Half of the respondent don’t know about kangaroo mother care practice. Contd..
Newborn care practice in Rautahat district didn’t seemed to be satisfactory due to early marriage, low maternal educational status and knowledge on new born care practice, low institutional deliveries, less deliveries being conducted by skilled health workers, use of unsterilized blade for cord cutting, lack of importance of cholstrum feeding to the newborn babies, lack of kangaroo mother care practices, low PNC visit. Conclusion
Supervisor And Head of Department Mr. RamchandraSinha Nobel College Sinamangal, Ktm Nepal Acknowledgement