1. Training Description
- introduce a new paradigm to evangelism
give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this
new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training
- in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will
create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to
the presentation of the gospel.
Learning Outcomes
- that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of
incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness
- that the first part of these two days of training will result in you
acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the
second level of training
Teaching Style
- lectures, trainee participationTraining Description
- introduce a new paradigm to evangelism
give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this
new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training
- in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will
create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to
the presentation of the gospel.
Learning Outcomes
- that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of
incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness
- that the first part of these two days of training will result in you
acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the
second level of training
Teaching Style
- lectures, trainee participation
2. The Challenges of Evangelism Today The problem today is
because of the changing world we live in today there has been an erosion of truth, and because of that it is not so easy for people to build a bridge to the gospel.
The problem today is
because of the changing world we live in today there has been an erosion of truth, and because of that it is not so easy for people to build a bridge to the gospel.
3. The Challenges of Evangelism Today It is hard to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to people who believe that, since morality is relative, they have no sins to forgive.
- Gene Veith, Postmodern Times, p.16 For example, Cultural anthropologist Gene Veith make the important point that: (read slide)
It is hard to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to people who believe that, since morality is relative, they have no sins to forgive.
Gene Veith, Postmodern Times, p.16
Ask: How many people here have friends that would fit in that category who think like this?
Consequently evangelism becomes much more difficult than it ever has been. For example, Cultural anthropologist Gene Veith make the important point that: (read slide)
It is hard to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to people who believe that, since morality is relative, they have no sins to forgive.
Gene Veith, Postmodern Times, p.16
Ask: How many people here have friends that would fit in that category who think like this?
Consequently evangelism becomes much more difficult than it ever has been.
4. A Need for A New Evangelism Paradigm Evangelism paradigms need to be supplemented
People seem less interested
5. The Need For Pre-Evangelism As a Campus Crusade Staff, I am trained in using the 4SL and some apologetics skills, but I have problems trying to integrate them during evangelism. When people indicate that they were not interested, I could only ask them for the reason and then invite them for an evangelistic bible study or share my personal testimony.
This (pre-evangelism) model helps me to go further by asking questions, identifying the barrier, and finding common ground in my conversations with non-believers.
- Former student at East Asia School of Theology Did you hear what she is saying? She said she is talking with someone
and they said they are not interested in listening to the gospel
she doesnt know what to do with them.Did you hear what she is saying? She said she is talking with someone
and they said they are not interested in listening to the gospel
she doesnt know what to do with them.
6. Pre-Evangelism If evangelism is planting seeds of the Gospel, pre-evangelism is tilling the soil of their mind and heart, preparing them to at least be willing to listen to the Truth.(Mark 2:22, 4:8) Pre-Evangelism!
- some of you may not be clear about what pre-evangelism is all about,
so I will define it for you.
If evangelism
(read slide)Pre-Evangelism!
- some of you may not be clear about what pre-evangelism is all about,
so I will define it for you.
If evangelism
(read slide)
7. The problem today is that we cant even plant the seed
so we need to till the ground of peoples hearts and minds so we can have the opportunity to plant the seed of the gospel.
Until we can till the ground, we may not have the opportunity to plant the seed. If there is no seed, there is no plant. If there is no plant, there is no fruit.The problem today is that we cant even plant the seed
so we need to till the ground of peoples hearts and minds so we can have the opportunity to plant the seed of the gospel.
Until we can till the ground, we may not have the opportunity to plant the seed. If there is no seed, there is no plant. If there is no plant, there is no fruit.
8. Read slide.
For us as Christians to claim that Jesus is the way the truth and the life sounds what?...arrogant and intolerant!
(This tells me that post-modern thinking has permeated the whole of Asia.)
Read slide.
For us as Christians to claim that Jesus is the way the truth and the life sounds what?...arrogant and intolerant!
(This tells me that post-modern thinking has permeated the whole of Asia.)
9. Key Question So the question is
How can we do more effective evangelism in this kind of world!?
The answer is
(read the slide)
So the question is
How can we do more effective evangelism in this kind of world!?
The answer is
(read the slide)
10. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it,
but God made it grow.
1 Corinthians 3:6 Being effective in Pre-evangelism means I will
Being effective in pre-evangelism means I will do two things.
First, I will see evangelism more as a process.
The Apostle Paul, in 1 Cor. 3:6 said
(read slide)
What we see here is that, evangelism is described as a process.
In other words, you and I may not be able to share all the four points of the gospel with our friends and then invite them to trust the Lord Jesus Christ today, but we can certainly help them take a step closer to the gospel!Being effective in pre-evangelism means I will do two things.
First, I will see evangelism more as a process.
The Apostle Paul, in 1 Cor. 3:6 said
(read slide)
What we see here is that, evangelism is described as a process.
In other words, you and I may not be able to share all the four points of the gospel with our friends and then invite them to trust the Lord Jesus Christ today, but we can certainly help them take a step closer to the gospel!
11. Expanded Definition of Evangelism Every day and in every way helping our pre-believing friends to take one step closer to Jesus Christ.
Dr. David Geisler Let me share with you an expanded definition of Evangelism from our primary trainer, Dr Dave Geisler, that includes the idea of process.
Evangelism is Every day
(read slide)
In practical terms, what this means is that we need to ask ourselves what we need to do today in order to help our pre-believing friends take that one step closer to Jesus Christ.
In the world that we live in today, this could be a helpful strategy because it has become increasingly more difficult to get people to hear what we have to tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result it may take a while before our pre-believing friends will seriously consider the claims of Christ, and make the decision to invite Him into their lives as Saviour and Lord. (Phil 2:13).
You and I probably have had times when we had tried approaching our friends to give us their time so that we can share the gospel with them, but have not been successful because they are too busy. What this does to us is that it makes us feel bad that we are not succeeding in our evangelistic efforts. The result? We eventually give up the idea? Right?
I know that for a fact, because I have had times when I laid very low and did nothing about talking to someone about the Lord Jesus Christ. And this is because I think that I must be able to share the full bulk of the gospel and see some kind of a response. And when I dont, I see that as a failure. But if I see that evangelism is helping people take another step closer to the gospel, then I am not likely to give up.Let me share with you an expanded definition of Evangelism from our primary trainer, Dr Dave Geisler, that includes the idea of process.
Evangelism is Every day
(read slide)
In practical terms, what this means is that we need to ask ourselves what we need to do today in order to help our pre-believing friends take that one step closer to Jesus Christ.
In the world that we live in today, this could be a helpful strategy because it has become increasingly more difficult to get people to hear what we have to tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result it may take a while before our pre-believing friends will seriously consider the claims of Christ, and make the decision to invite Him into their lives as Saviour and Lord. (Phil 2:13).
You and I probably have had times when we had tried approaching our friends to give us their time so that we can share the gospel with them, but have not been successful because they are too busy. What this does to us is that it makes us feel bad that we are not succeeding in our evangelistic efforts. The result? We eventually give up the idea? Right?
I know that for a fact, because I have had times when I laid very low and did nothing about talking to someone about the Lord Jesus Christ. And this is because I think that I must be able to share the full bulk of the gospel and see some kind of a response. And when I dont, I see that as a failure. But if I see that evangelism is helping people take another step closer to the gospel, then I am not likely to give up.
12. Being effective in Pre-evangelism means
allowing others to discover the truth for themselves by asking them probing questions about what they say they believe! Being effective in pre-evangelism means I will allow
(read slide)
In our all evangelism training, we are taught to tell people what they should believe and how they should think.
The problem with that is that we live in a world where people have rejected the idea of absolute truth and do not like people telling them how and what to think.
So if this is their framework
and we have no clue that this is how they are thinking, do you think they are likely to hear us?
Answer: No!Being effective in pre-evangelism means I will allow
(read slide)
In our all evangelism training, we are taught to tell people what they should believe and how they should think.
The problem with that is that we live in a world where people have rejected the idea of absolute truth and do not like people telling them how and what to think.
So if this is their framework
and we have no clue that this is how they are thinking, do you think they are likely to hear us?
Answer: No!
13. Why Not Just Proclaim the Truth? We live in a world where people are reluctant to be told what is true, but may be willing in some cases to see for themselves (as in a mirror) the inconsistencies in what they believe.
Dr. David Geisler Why cant we just proclaim the truth?
In certain situations this may be possible. But in reality, I am finding that it is getting more and more difficult to get others to hear a simple presentation of the gospel.
The gospel may be simple but getting people to the gospel these days, may not always be so simple.
The fact is that we live in a world
(read slide)
Once we do this, we can help them take steps toward Christ.
Why cant we just proclaim the truth?
In certain situations this may be possible. But in reality, I am finding that it is getting more and more difficult to get others to hear a simple presentation of the gospel.
The gospel may be simple but getting people to the gospel these days, may not always be so simple.
The fact is that we live in a world
(read slide)
Once we do this, we can help them take steps toward Christ.
14. The Need For Probing Questions The Bible teaches us that
the time will come
(read slide)
Have you noticed that people today would rather believe in myths then accept the truth? (example: The Da Vinci Code)
If that is where they are at, then a more effective approach is to let them discover the truths themselves. And we can do that, by asking them probing questions that enable them to think through their beliefs for themselves.The Bible teaches us that
the time will come
(read slide)
Have you noticed that people today would rather believe in myths then accept the truth? (example: The Da Vinci Code)
If that is where they are at, then a more effective approach is to let them discover the truths themselves. And we can do that, by asking them probing questions that enable them to think through their beliefs for themselves.
15. The Joy of Self-discovery We need to make him
think it was his idea.
From the movie
My Big Fat Greek Wedding Lets take a look at the benefit of self-discovery (show clip)
From the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding
(The video clip we use is the scene in the restaurant where papa comes up with the solution to the problems the ladies raised about the work situation)
Did you get the point. Now the point is not to deceive your spouse or significant other to get what you want. But sometimes it is better to allow others to surface the truth for themselves.
Jesus was a master at asking people questions.
For example, when a certain ruler asked Jesus Good teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life, Jesus replied, Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. Lk. 18:18-19.
When the chief priests and scribes asked Jesus by what authority you are doing these things? Jesus asked Was the Baptist of John from heaven or men? (Lk. 20:2-4)
Jesus also knew the value of allowing others to surface the truth for themselves.
For example, when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan women at the well in Jn. 4 he did not tell her to turn or burn. He asked thought provoking questions and raised her curiosity. He said, If you drink of the water that I give you, you will never be thirsty again. (Jn. 4:14).
Jesus also knew that sometime it was best not to tell people things so directly. Many times in Jesus ministry he communicated his point by telling parables that not all were able to understand clearly (Matt. 13:11).
Jesus also knew that sometimes it was not always best to share all that we know. Towards the end of Jesus ministry in Jn. 16:12, Jesus pointed out to his disciples that I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear then now.
Lets take a look at the benefit of self-discovery (show clip)
From the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding
(The video clip we use is the scene in the restaurant where papa comes up with the solution to the problems the ladies raised about the work situation)
Did you get the point. Now the point is not to deceive your spouse or significant other to get what you want. But sometimes it is better to allow others to surface the truth for themselves.
Jesus was a master at asking people questions.
For example, when a certain ruler asked Jesus Good teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life, Jesus replied, Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. Lk. 18:18-19.
When the chief priests and scribes asked Jesus by what authority you are doing these things? Jesus asked Was the Baptist of John from heaven or men? (Lk. 20:2-4)
Jesus also knew the value of allowing others to surface the truth for themselves.
For example, when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan women at the well in Jn. 4 he did not tell her to turn or burn. He asked thought provoking questions and raised her curiosity. He said, If you drink of the water that I give you, you will never be thirsty again. (Jn. 4:14).
Jesus also knew that sometime it was best not to tell people things so directly. Many times in Jesus ministry he communicated his point by telling parables that not all were able to understand clearly (Matt. 13:11).
Jesus also knew that sometimes it was not always best to share all that we know. Towards the end of Jesus ministry in Jn. 16:12, Jesus pointed out to his disciples that I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear then now.
16. The joy of self-discovery Conversation with Charlenes Uncle
17. The joy of self-discovery Conversation with our former nanny
18. Why Asking Questions Is So Helpful A person can close his ears to facts he does not want to hear, but if a pointed question causes him to form the answer in his own mind, he cannot escape the conclusionbecause its a conclusion that he reached himself.
David Reed Baker, Jehovahs Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse, (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986) p. 113
19. The bottom line about Pre-Evangelism The more we have the opportunity to share the Gospel the greater percentage of people will come to Christ.
The more pre-evangelism we do the more opportunities we will have to share the gospel with others.
Therefore the more pre-evangelism we do the greater percentage of people will come to Christ! Pre-Evangelism!
If evangelism
If evangelism
20. The Need For Pre-Evangelism
Story of former students experience in evangelism that highlights the need for pre-evangelism.
Campus Crusade Staff member at former student at East Asia School of Theology Did you hear what she is saying? She said she is talking with someone
and they said they are not interested in listening to the gospel
she doesnt know what to do with them.Did you hear what she is saying? She said she is talking with someone
and they said they are not interested in listening to the gospel
she doesnt know what to do with them.
21. No One Size Fits All Approach Let me explain where this model can be helpful in the evangelism process.
There are a lot of good tools (like 4 spiritual laws, peace with God)
that focuses on people who are close to making a decision for Christ. The problem is that there are not a whole lot of tools who are either indifferent, skeptical, or hostile to the claims of Christ.
So this model will help you to talk to these kinds of people in a way that could lead to their openness to the gospel.
Let me explain where this model can be helpful in the evangelism process.
There are a lot of good tools (like 4 spiritual laws, peace with God)
that focuses on people who are close to making a decision for Christ. The problem is that there are not a whole lot of tools who are either indifferent, skeptical, or hostile to the claims of Christ.
So this model will help you to talk to these kinds of people in a way that could lead to their openness to the gospel.
22. What is different about this approach? You dont need to know much apologetic information to engage successfully in using the methodology of Conversational Evangelism.
It attempts to keep in balance both cognitive and non-cognitive elements to evangelism.
It provides a methodology for doing pre-evangelism that is transferable and easily taught to others.
23. What is Conversational Evangelism?(in their own words) The Conversational Evangelism model applies the forms of conversation so that we can communicate the gospel to our friends in a way that is meaningful to them. It speaks not only to their mind but also to their heart, for it is where the seeds of the gospel take root, germinate and bear fruit of eternal life.
Former student at East Asia School o f Theology
24. The Value of this Approach So many times when I share my faith I have the mindset to defend my beliefs, and why I feel that Im right. This model allows me to question the person Im sharing with and have them defend what and why they believe the way they do.
Jeremy, Campus Crusade Staff, Texas Tech.
25. The Value of this Approach As a Campus Crusade Staff, I am trained in using the 4SL and some apologetics skills, but I have problems trying to integrate them during evangelism. When people indicate that they were not interested, I could only ask them for the reason and then invite them for an evangelistic bible study or share my personal testimony. This model helps me to go further by asking questions, identifying the barrier, and finding common ground in my conversations with non-believers.
Former student at East Asia School of Theology
26. The Value of this Approach A conversation between friends is like a sea-saw in which the conversation is balanced and viewpoints are surfaced and discussed.
The advantages of this method is that it really allows you to take your non-Christian friend on a journey of self discovery as he learns to discover for himself the potholes in his arguments and beliefs.
Former student at East Asia School of Theology
27. 1. Active Listening
2. Positive deconstructionism* (tearing down)
* This concept was developed by Nick Polard, Evangelism Made Slightly less difficult, p. 44
28. Ingredients to this ModelPositive deconstructionism (Tearing down)Nick Pollards definition The process of positive deconstructionism recognizes and affirms the elements of truth to which individuals already hold, but it also helps them discover for themselves the inadequacies of the underlying worldviews they have absorbed. The aim is to awaken a heart response that says, I am not so sure that what I believe is right after all. I want to find out more about Jesus.
Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult, p. 44
Now some may ask why do we need to allow others to discover the truth for themselves. It this really necessary?
The fact is we live in a world
Once we do this we can help them take steps toward Christ
Now some may ask why do we need to allow others to discover the truth for themselves. It this really necessary?
The fact is we live in a world
Once we do this we can help them take steps toward Christ
29. 1. Active Listening
2. Positive deconstructionism* (tearing down)
3. A questioning approach that allows others to surface the truth for themselves
4. A method for removing the burden of proof from us to them (Boomerang Principle*)
5. A method to determine the real barriers to the Gospel
6. A strategy for finding common ground
7. A strategy for building a bridge to the Gospel (both intellectual and heart bridges)
= The Conversational Evangelism Method
*Concept developed by Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly less difficult, p. 44
30. Conversational Evangelism in Action
The Apostle Paul said, I have become all things to all men so that by all means, I may save some.
I Cor.9:22
31. Learning the Mechanics of Doing Evangelism
32. The Vital Role Of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism Now before we get into this pre-evangelism model, it is critical that we explain the vital the important role of the Holy Spirit in the evangelism process. The Holy Spirit helps to empower us to make a difference in peoples lives.
Now before we get into this pre-evangelism model, it is critical that we explain the vital the important role of the Holy Spirit in the evangelism process. The Holy Spirit helps to empower us to make a difference in peoples lives.
33. Remember we are just the instrument!
34. He does this by empowering us to do at least two things.
To empower us to speak
To empower us to live
Now both of these are important because people may care little how much we know until they know how much we care.
Do you remember what Luke says in Acts 14:1 concerning the Apostle Paul? He said they came to Iconium and they spoke in such a way that many believed? (NASB)
Does that mean that however that the Holy Spirit was not working in a persons life? Obviously not. Furthermore, in Phil 1:14 Paul points out that because of his chains, Most of the Brethren have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear. (NASB).
So it is important that the Holy Spirit empower us to speak the truth and to live the truth. Both are important if we are going to more effectively reach this current generation of skeptics and pluralists.
He does this by empowering us to do at least two things.
To empower us to speak
To empower us to live
Now both of these are important because people may care little how much we know until they know how much we care.
Do you remember what Luke says in Acts 14:1 concerning the Apostle Paul? He said they came to Iconium and they spoke in such a way that many believed? (NASB)
Does that mean that however that the Holy Spirit was not working in a persons life? Obviously not. Furthermore, in Phil 1:14 Paul points out that because of his chains, Most of the Brethren have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear. (NASB).
So it is important that the Holy Spirit empower us to speak the truth and to live the truth. Both are important if we are going to more effectively reach this current generation of skeptics and pluralists.
35. This approach is not a substitute for a caring sensitive approach of loving people in the context of a Christian Community.
36. Conversational Evangelism Four types of conversations we want to have with non-believers
The Conversation Evangelism model consists of four different kinds of conversations we want to have with our pre-believing friends.
They are: a Hearing Conversation, an illuminating conversation, an uncovering conversation, and a building conversation.
Understanding how to have each of these four kinds of conversations with our pre-believing friends is important if we are going to help them take steps towards Christ, especially in the kind of world we live in today.
The Conversation Evangelism model consists of four different kinds of conversations we want to have with our pre-believing friends.
They are: a Hearing Conversation, an illuminating conversation, an uncovering conversation, and a building conversation.
Understanding how to have each of these four kinds of conversations with our pre-believing friends is important if we are going to help them take steps towards Christ, especially in the kind of world we live in today.
37. These four kinds of conversations correspond to four roles you and I need to play in our pre-believing friends lives,
A musician
An artist
An archeologist
A builderThese four kinds of conversations correspond to four roles you and I need to play in our pre-believing friends lives,
A musician
An artist
An archeologist
A builder
38. Hear what they are saying!HearIlluminateUncoverBuild First, we want to focus on hearing.
Once we hear what our pre-believing friends believe and have a better idea of where they are coming from, it will help us to know the kind of questions to ask them in order to help them think more clearly about their beliefs.
But it all starts with the idea of listening to them and really hearing what they are saying to us first.
First, we want to focus on hearing.
Once we hear what our pre-believing friends believe and have a better idea of where they are coming from, it will help us to know the kind of questions to ask them in order to help them think more clearly about their beliefs.
But it all starts with the idea of listening to them and really hearing what they are saying to us first.
39. The Art of Listening
40. Why Hearing Is Such An Important Step in Pre-Evangelism It helps you better connect with others
People feel appreciate when you can remember their name, understand their concerns, and show patience in your dialogue with them.
It helps to put the other person at ease in talking with you
It helps you to really uncover the nature of their barrier to Christ whether it is an intellectual, emotional, or spiritual barrier.
41. The Importance of Being A Good Listener Proverbs 18:13 (NASB)
He who gives an answer before he hears, It is folly and shame to him.
42. Learn how to be a better listener James 1:19-20
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James says, MY dear
Unfortunately sometime we are so quick to give people an answer before we really understand what our not-yet Christian friends believe.
ASK: How many people remember as a child your mother saying something like this, Are you listening to me?
Why do we remember that? Because we didnt always hear what our mother was saying to us.
In the same way, we dont always hear what our pre-believing friends are saying to us. Sometimes we are so caught up in finding answers (any answer) so that we dont look foolish, that we forget to really listen to what they are really asking us and try to understand their beliefs. How can we offer a relevant answer if we have not taken the time to understand the other persons beliefs!?
James says, MY dear
Unfortunately sometime we are so quick to give people an answer before we really understand what our not-yet Christian friends believe.
ASK: How many people remember as a child your mother saying something like this, Are you listening to me?
Why do we remember that? Because we didnt always hear what our mother was saying to us.
In the same way, we dont always hear what our pre-believing friends are saying to us. Sometimes we are so caught up in finding answers (any answer) so that we dont look foolish, that we forget to really listen to what they are really asking us and try to understand their beliefs. How can we offer a relevant answer if we have not taken the time to understand the other persons beliefs!?
43. As a musician, we want to hear
(next slide)As a musician, we want to hear
(next slide)
44. Hear the Sour Notes People are Singing to us! As we listen to them, we want to be like a Musician and hear the sour notes that people are singing to us.
Have you ever been in church where you are singing a song, and then hear someone behind you singing off key?
You may not be sure if their pitch is too high or too low, but you realize that something just does not sound right!
In the same way, in our conversations with our pre-believing friends, we want to hear things that dont sound right.
As we listen to them, we want to be like a Musician and hear the sour notes that people are singing to us.
Have you ever been in church where you are singing a song, and then hear someone behind you singing off key?
You may not be sure if their pitch is too high or too low, but you realize that something just does not sound right!
In the same way, in our conversations with our pre-believing friends, we want to hear things that dont sound right.
45. For example, someone might say There are absolutely No absolutes.
Ask the trainees
What is wrong with saying There are absolutely no absolutes.?
Answer: She is contradicting herself
she is making an absolute statement that there is no absolutes
This an example of a sour note.
For example, someone might say There are absolutely No absolutes.
Ask the trainees
What is wrong with saying There are absolutely no absolutes.?
Answer: She is contradicting herself
she is making an absolute statement that there is no absolutes
This an example of a sour note.
46. .
47. Our Purpose
48. Another example is, when someone says that they believe all religions are true.
In so doing, they are affirming contradictory beliefs.
Another example is, when someone says that they believe all religions are true.
In so doing, they are affirming contradictory beliefs.
49. Pluralism is the view that all religions are true.
All religions have a part of the truth yet this belief affirms that no one has all the truth.
Yet if all views are true then nothing is true.
How do we know that? (next slide)
Pluralism is the view that all religions are true.
All religions have a part of the truth yet this belief affirms that no one has all the truth.
Yet if all views are true then nothing is true.
How do we know that? (next slide)
50. For a point in every direction is no point at all. If you are pointed in every direction, you are not pointed in any one specific direction.
Another way to say this is that, if you embrace everything, you are standing for
what do you think? (wait for trainees response)
Ans: Nothing.
Thats right! That means you are not believing in anything.
Therefore pluralism affirms contradictory beliefs that can not be true.
For a point in every direction is no point at all. If you are pointed in every direction, you are not pointed in any one specific direction.
Another way to say this is that, if you embrace everything, you are standing for
what do you think? (wait for trainees response)
Ans: Nothing.
Thats right! That means you are not believing in anything.
Therefore pluralism affirms contradictory beliefs that can not be true.
51. Not All Religious Viewpoints Can Be Right! So not all religious viewpoints can be right.
So either Jesus
(read slide)
He cant be both!
Its just like a woman who is pregnant
she is either pregnant or not pregnant. She cant be both.
So not all religious viewpoints can be right.
So either Jesus
(read slide)
He cant be both!
Its just like a woman who is pregnant
she is either pregnant or not pregnant. She cant be both.
52. Jesus Approach in Matt: 19:16-22 Jesus uses this approach too.
Aim is to show that this approach is used in the Bible.Jesus uses this approach too.
Aim is to show that this approach is used in the Bible.
53. Jesus Approach in Matt: 19:16-22
54. Inconsistent Beliefs A. I am a good person, I keep all of the commandments.
B. I care about financial wealth more than following Jesus.
55. Sour notes in Acts 17 This is exactly the kind of thing we want to do in our conversations with our not-yet Christian friends.
For example in Acts 17:28-29 Paul pointed out two kinds of consistencies in the beliefs of the people of Athens. What were these two?
Paul says, For in Him
On the one hand you are telling me you created these wooden gods, yet on the other hand you are telling me that these wooden gods created you. Which one of these is true?
And do you remember what their response was to the Apostle Paul? Some said in effect, Paul you are crazy
, some said, we want to hear more, and some actually responded in a positive way and trusted Christ. (Acts 17:32-34)
This means that the Holy Spirit can use an awareness of ones discrepancies to help someone take one step closer to Jesus Christ.
This is exactly the kind of thing we want to do in our conversations with our not-yet Christian friends.
For example in Acts 17:28-29 Paul pointed out two kinds of consistencies in the beliefs of the people of Athens. What were these two?
Paul says, For in Him
On the one hand you are telling me you created these wooden gods, yet on the other hand you are telling me that these wooden gods created you. Which one of these is true?
And do you remember what their response was to the Apostle Paul? Some said in effect, Paul you are crazy
, some said, we want to hear more, and some actually responded in a positive way and trusted Christ. (Acts 17:32-34)
This means that the Holy Spirit can use an awareness of ones discrepancies to help someone take one step closer to Jesus Christ.
56. Types of Sour Notes You Might Hear
57. Belief vs. Heart Longing
58. Belief vs. Heart Longing
59. Belief vs. Heart Longing
60. Belief vs Heart Longing(Hinduism) What is the sour note here:
There are different types of Hindu, one basic belief is that reality is an illusion and Brahman is the God behind the illusion. They believe that ones soul Atman has to be integrated with this Brahman in order to be saved, and escape from the Karmic cycle. However, this Brahman is an impersonal force, spirit.
Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul, the true "self" of every person, called the atman, is eternal ), Brahman (the greater Self or God) is One and fundamentally indistinct from Atman
What is the sour note here:
There are different types of Hindu, one basic belief is that reality is an illusion and Brahman is the God behind the illusion. They believe that ones soul Atman has to be integrated with this Brahman in order to be saved, and escape from the Karmic cycle. However, this Brahman is an impersonal force, spirit.
Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul, the true "self" of every person, called the atman, is eternal ), Brahman (the greater Self or God) is One and fundamentally indistinct from Atman
61. Belief vs. Heart Longing
62. Belief vs. Heart Longing(Buddhism) This is an example from Buddhism. One of their key teaching is to achieve an abstract nothingness
desire nothing
Desire is the source of all sufferingThis is an example from Buddhism. One of their key teaching is to achieve an abstract nothingness
desire nothing
Desire is the source of all suffering
63. Belief vs Heart Longing(Chinese) Chinese colleagues. Materialist
not consumer materialists those people queue up in shop during Singapore great sale.
but philosophical materialist.
They claim that non-material things do not exists.. Like soul, God, spirits. Chinese colleagues. Materialist
not consumer materialists those people queue up in shop during Singapore great sale.
but philosophical materialist.
They claim that non-material things do not exists.. Like soul, God, spirits.
64. Belief vs. Heart Longing
65. Belief vs. Heart Longing(Postmodern culture) In postmodernism, truth is subjective. Everyone has his/her identity. There is no one bigger than individual
everyone is just different individuals and no one is bigger than the others.
e.g. Matrix Fan club..
Postmoderism teaches us that we cannot know reality
everything we know is illusions. Since we cannot know reality, we have to construct our own reality.
It is an example of a postmodern person. E.g Reality TV, trying to connect to something real, because there is a need to feel connected to something real. And postmodernism teaches there is no real things. In postmodernism, truth is subjective. Everyone has his/her identity. There is no one bigger than individual
everyone is just different individuals and no one is bigger than the others.
e.g. Matrix Fan club..
Postmoderism teaches us that we cannot know reality
everything we know is illusions. Since we cannot know reality, we have to construct our own reality.
It is an example of a postmodern person. E.g Reality TV, trying to connect to something real, because there is a need to feel connected to something real. And postmodernism teaches there is no real things.
66. Belief vs. Heart Longing It is an example of a postmodern person. E.g Reality TV, trying to connect to something real, because there is a need to feel connected to something real. And postmodernism teaches there is no real things. It is an example of a postmodern person. E.g Reality TV, trying to connect to something real, because there is a need to feel connected to something real. And postmodernism teaches there is no real things.
67. Belief vs. Heart Longing What is the belief? What is the heart longing?What is the belief? What is the heart longing?
68. The Bible Speaks About Heart Longings An example of heart longings from the Bible.An example of heart longings from the Bible.
69. Show Others that Jesus Meets the Longings of Our Hearts!
70. What You Might Hear
71. Belief vs Behavior Basically, in the verse, Peter is eating with the uncircumcised and when the Jews came, Peter did not want to do that anymore. Paul rebuked Peter for his inconsistent behavior.
Dave mentioned that one student he talked to who in his conversation
If Dave said to the student that he did not believe this, the student would have just argued with him. But Dave used a more indirect approach.
Dave said to him, It must be hard to live your life that way though huh. He said that try to get the student to be honest that it is not possible to say you dont believe in absolute and live consistently with this belief.Basically, in the verse, Peter is eating with the uncircumcised and when the Jews came, Peter did not want to do that anymore. Paul rebuked Peter for his inconsistent behavior.
Dave mentioned that one student he talked to who in his conversation
If Dave said to the student that he did not believe this, the student would have just argued with him. But Dave used a more indirect approach.
Dave said to him, It must be hard to live your life that way though huh. He said that try to get the student to be honest that it is not possible to say you dont believe in absolute and live consistently with this belief.
72. Belief vs Behavior Talking to a Buddhist:
If one of the goals of Buddhism is the elimination of desire, is it really possible for human beings to really live without emotion or desire?
(conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic) A conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic
If one of the goals to Buddhism is to stop desiring,
His question to him was how as a parent do you stop desiring to have children.
He admitted to Dave that there was a discrepancy in his belief.
He was motivated to want to know more about Jesus. If they think that their belief is okay
How do you desire to stop desiring?
What is wrong with embracing these two statements?
Muslims believe that to get to heaven your good works have to outweigh your bad deeds. Yet if one does not perform the minimum requirements like praying at least five times a day, how can one ever really hope to get to heaven. Yet there are Muslims that dont even perform the ritual of praying five times a day. So their beliefs and their behavior dont always match up.
A conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic
If one of the goals to Buddhism is to stop desiring,
His question to him was how as a parent do you stop desiring to have children.
He admitted to Dave that there was a discrepancy in his belief.
He was motivated to want to know more about Jesus. If they think that their belief is okay
How do you desire to stop desiring?
What is wrong with embracing these two statements?
Muslims believe that to get to heaven your good works have to outweigh your bad deeds. Yet if one does not perform the minimum requirements like praying at least five times a day, how can one ever really hope to get to heaven. Yet there are Muslims that dont even perform the ritual of praying five times a day. So their beliefs and their behavior dont always match up.
73. Specific Questions To Ask A Buddhist
74. Belief vs Behavior What is the inconsistency here?What is the inconsistency here?
75. Belief vs Behavior Another one.Another one.
76. Belief vs Behavior I believe in Buddhism.
B. I hope I can win the lottery tomorrow.
77. Belief vs Behavior
78. Belief vs Behavior
79. Belief vs Behavior
80. I believe that my good deeds must outweigh my bad deeds in order to get to heaven.
B. I dont pray at least five times a day.
81. Confucius said, Man is born with uprightness
Wing-Tsit Chan A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton Univ. Press, 1963, p. 29
82. The Apostle Paul, who was perhaps one of the greatest Christians who ever lived, said himself,
I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Romans 7:18
83. What You Might Hear
84. 1. The woman is pregnant
2. The woman is not pregnant Main Point:
Can opposite truth claims both be true? Some people would answer this question in the affirmative. Their position is entailed in the philosophy of pluralism. Pluralism teaches that there are many perspectives on reality. A pluralist would insist that Christians view reality one way, whereas Hindus view the same reality in a different manner and conclude that both views are true. Main Point:
Can opposite truth claims both be true? Some people would answer this question in the affirmative. Their position is entailed in the philosophy of pluralism. Pluralism teaches that there are many perspectives on reality. A pluralist would insist that Christians view reality one way, whereas Hindus view the same reality in a different manner and conclude that both views are true.
85. Can Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad all be right?
87. Show That They Cannot Hold Conflicting Views! A. Jesus is my Savior
B. I can measure up
A. The Bible is reliable
B. I must do good works to be saved
(Ephesians 2:8-9: Titus 3:5) Let me give you some practical examples of discrepancies in ones beliefs.
Someone may say to you that they believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Now to clarify what they mean by this you may want to ask them if they believe that Jesus is their Savior in any sense.
Now if they say yes, you can follow-up by asking them if they believe they will be accountable for how they live their life? If they say yes, follow-up and ask, do you think you can measure up?
You may be surprised to hear how many people will say to you something like this, Well I am a pretty good person
So your question to them should be this, Why do you need Jesus to save you if you can measure up?
Lets look at another example.
If someone says to you, I believe that the bible is reliable and yet at the same time they says, I believe I must do good works to be saved, what scripture would you point to that shows them they cant believe both at the same time?
Eph. 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5
Let me give you some practical examples of discrepancies in ones beliefs.
Someone may say to you that they believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Now to clarify what they mean by this you may want to ask them if they believe that Jesus is their Savior in any sense.
Now if they say yes, you can follow-up by asking them if they believe they will be accountable for how they live their life? If they say yes, follow-up and ask, do you think you can measure up?
You may be surprised to hear how many people will say to you something like this, Well I am a pretty good person
So your question to them should be this, Why do you need Jesus to save you if you can measure up?
Lets look at another example.
If someone says to you, I believe that the bible is reliable and yet at the same time they says, I believe I must do good works to be saved, what scripture would you point to that shows them they cant believe both at the same time?
Eph. 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5
88. Show That They Cannot Hold Conflicting Views!
The Bible is reliable
B. Jesus is just one of the many gods and therefore just one of the many ways to heaven
89. A. Im a Christian
B. Im not quite sure why Jesus had to die on the cross. Conversation with Chinese Student
90. Belief vs Belief As a fortune teller my predictions never fail.
Yet they are only 99% accurate
Psychic Jay LenoPsychic Jay Leno
91. Belief vs Belief Chinese colleague. Chinese colleague.
92. Belief vs Belief A conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic
If one of the goals to Buddhism is to stop desiring,
His question to him was how as a parent do you stop desiring to have children.
He admitted to Dave that there was a discrepancy in his belief.
He was motivated to want to know more about Jesus. If they think that their belief is okay
How do you desire to stop desiring?
What is wrong with embracing these two statements?
Muslims believe that to get to heaven your good works have to outweigh your bad deeds. Yet if one does not perform the minimum requirements like praying at least five times a day, how can one ever really hope to get to heaven. Yet there are Muslims that dont even perform the ritual of praying five times a day. So their beliefs and their behavior dont always match up.
A conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic
If one of the goals to Buddhism is to stop desiring,
His question to him was how as a parent do you stop desiring to have children.
He admitted to Dave that there was a discrepancy in his belief.
He was motivated to want to know more about Jesus. If they think that their belief is okay
How do you desire to stop desiring?
What is wrong with embracing these two statements?
Muslims believe that to get to heaven your good works have to outweigh your bad deeds. Yet if one does not perform the minimum requirements like praying at least five times a day, how can one ever really hope to get to heaven. Yet there are Muslims that dont even perform the ritual of praying five times a day. So their beliefs and their behavior dont always match up.
93. Belief vs Belief A conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic
If one of the goals to Buddhism is to stop desiring,
His question to him was how as a parent do you stop desiring to have children.
He admitted to Dave that there was a discrepancy in his belief.
He was motivated to want to know more about Jesus. If they think that their belief is okay
How do you desire to stop desiring?
What is wrong with embracing these two statements?
Muslims believe that to get to heaven your good works have to outweigh your bad deeds. Yet if one does not perform the minimum requirements like praying at least five times a day, how can one ever really hope to get to heaven. Yet there are Muslims that dont even perform the ritual of praying five times a day. So their beliefs and their behavior dont always match up.
A conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic
If one of the goals to Buddhism is to stop desiring,
His question to him was how as a parent do you stop desiring to have children.
He admitted to Dave that there was a discrepancy in his belief.
He was motivated to want to know more about Jesus. If they think that their belief is okay
How do you desire to stop desiring?
What is wrong with embracing these two statements?
Muslims believe that to get to heaven your good works have to outweigh your bad deeds. Yet if one does not perform the minimum requirements like praying at least five times a day, how can one ever really hope to get to heaven. Yet there are Muslims that dont even perform the ritual of praying five times a day. So their beliefs and their behavior dont always match up.
94. Belief vs Belief I believe that Jesus is just a great prophet
B. But Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet though the Koran teaches that Jesus was without sin and virgin born while Muhammad was not.
95. Belief vs Belief (Reincarnation)
97. Find the Discrepancy! I realize that, even though each religion believes its God to be the creator of the universe and calls God by a different name, there is only one true God in the universe. In Buddhism we call God our mind-nature, Dharma-nature, Absolute Reality and so on. This true God has perfect wisdom, virtues and omnipotence. God can manifest in whatever form necessary to help the living beings release from pain and suffering.
Prof. Chin Kung, Address at Multi-Faith Education for Harmony and Peace Conference, Jakarta Indonesia Feb. 1st, 2005
98. Can They All Be Right?
99. Objection! But God can become whatever he wants to be!
100. What You Might Hear
101. Illogical Belief So far we have talked about two types of inconsistencies.
They are Belief vs. Behavior, and Belief vs. Belief
The last kind of inconsistency is called illogical belief
This kind of inconsistency is not between two different beliefs but within one particular belief.
The inconsistency then is actually in the statement itself.
So far we have talked about two types of inconsistencies.
They are Belief vs. Behavior, and Belief vs. Belief
The last kind of inconsistency is called illogical belief
This kind of inconsistency is not between two different beliefs but within one particular belief.
The inconsistency then is actually in the statement itself.
103. Another example is, when someone says that they believe all religions are true.
In so doing, they are affirming contradictory beliefs.
Another example is, when someone says that they believe all religions are true.
In so doing, they are affirming contradictory beliefs.
104. Some things are undeniable Let me give you an example of what I mean by this from the story of Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh comes knocking on Mr. Rabbits door and says, Anybody home? Rabbit does not want to open the door because he knows that if he opens the door, Winnie the Pooh will eat all the food in his house. So Mr. Rabbit says to Winnie from the closed door Nobody home. Now Winnie the Pooh scratches his head and says, wait a minute, there has to be someone home to say there is Nobody home. For Mr. Rabbit to say that Nobody is home is illogical. The statement that There is nobody home while certainly sayable, it not a meaningful statement.
Let me give you an example of what I mean by this from the story of Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh comes knocking on Mr. Rabbits door and says, Anybody home? Rabbit does not want to open the door because he knows that if he opens the door, Winnie the Pooh will eat all the food in his house. So Mr. Rabbit says to Winnie from the closed door Nobody home. Now Winnie the Pooh scratches his head and says, wait a minute, there has to be someone home to say there is Nobody home. For Mr. Rabbit to say that Nobody is home is illogical. The statement that There is nobody home while certainly sayable, it not a meaningful statement.
105. Illogical Beliefs
106. What Are Some Unmeaningful Statements? You should be skeptical about everything.
Always avoid making absolute statements.
107. Unmeaningful Statements? More Examples:
108. Unmeaningful Statements? More Examples: Everything is relative.
You cant really know anything.
I know for sure there is no god.
110. There is no such thing as truth!
You cant know truth!
All truth is relative!
Its true for you but not for me!
No one has the truth!
All truth depends on your perspective!
111. What You Might Hear (Review)
112. The Difficulty In Listening To Them And At The Same Time Spotting The Discrepancies In Their Viewpoint
It is very difficult (and still is) to listen earnestly to the other person during the conversation and trying to spot the inconsistencies at the same time. However, as I talked to more people, some common things will eventually surface and be repeated, and I will be more ready to pick them up the next time.
Former student at East Asia School of Theology We have to selective in terms of questions we ask.. When I have disagreement with fiancée, I dont point out every inconsistency, I just point out the obvious ones.
In the same way, we ought to have the same kind of sensitivity that we have with our significant others in pointing out the inconsistencies.We have to selective in terms of questions we ask.. When I have disagreement with fiancée, I dont point out every inconsistency, I just point out the obvious ones.
In the same way, we ought to have the same kind of sensitivity that we have with our significant others in pointing out the inconsistencies.
113. Dont forget to really listen Now as we are listening to hear the sour notes or inconsistencies, dont forget to really listen to others.
This is important especially for two reasons.
First, the fact is that some
(read slide)
For example, (give an example)
Second, by listening to them
(read slide)
Now as we are listening to hear the sour notes or inconsistencies, dont forget to really listen to others.
This is important especially for two reasons.
First, the fact is that some
(read slide)
For example, (give an example)
Second, by listening to them
(read slide)
114. Dont forget to focus on a few sour notes Now as we are listening to hear the sour notes or inconsistencies, dont forget to really listen to others.
This is important especially for two reasons.
First, the fact is that some
(read slide)
For example, (give an example)
Second, by listening to them
(read slide)
Now as we are listening to hear the sour notes or inconsistencies, dont forget to really listen to others.
This is important especially for two reasons.
First, the fact is that some
(read slide)
For example, (give an example)
Second, by listening to them
(read slide)
115. Practicing Hearing the Discrepancies In Action In Singapore Everything starts from watching and listening. Watching the way a person lives, dresses and talks often reveals what is in his heart, for out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Does the pursuit of material wealth betray a deep seated and hidden need to be accepted? Does it reveal an emptiness inside. A seemingly happy person who has everything he desires may reveal his true self after a bout of drinking. My Buddhist nurse friend who seemed to be able to expound the use of joss sticks to me was really unsure about how real her sacrifice is. My professor who claimed to be at peace with the world was actually holding grudges against the hospital administration.
Former student at East Asia School of Theology
116. Evangelism Training for the New Millennium Conversational Evangelism Also this pre-evangelistic approach was developed originally in partnership with our home church in the U.S. (Hill Country Bible Church, Austin, TX) and is based on a Mirror Model concept that Glenn McGorty pioneered for the church. This church model was originally developed in order to supplement the training in evangelism that our church was doing using Bill Hybels Contagious Christian Training. Since that beginning our ministry has gone on to develop a similar idea based on the acrostic THINK that has evolved into the Conversational Evangelism model that we teach today.
The church model has since then evolved into a similar model they now call Dialog. To learn more about the church model that Glenn developed, and the resources they have developed to train others, see the web-site:
Also this pre-evangelistic approach was developed originally in partnership with our home church in the U.S. (Hill Country Bible Church, Austin, TX) and is based on a Mirror Model concept that Glenn McGorty pioneered for the church. This church model was originally developed in order to supplement the training in evangelism that our church was doing using Bill Hybels Contagious Christian Training. Since that beginning our ministry has gone on to develop a similar idea based on the acrostic THINK that has evolved into the Conversational Evangelism model that we teach today.
The church model has since then evolved into a similar model they now call Dialog. To learn more about the church model that Glenn developed, and the resources they have developed to train others, see the web-site:
117. Revisions
118. Training Description
- introduce a new paradigm to evangelism
give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this
new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training
- in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will
create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to
the presentation of the gospel.
Learning Outcomes
- that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of
incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness
- that the first part of these two days of training will result in you
acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the
second level of training
Teaching Style
- lectures, trainee participationTraining Description
- introduce a new paradigm to evangelism
give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this
new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training
- in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will
create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to
the presentation of the gospel.
Learning Outcomes
- that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of
incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness
- that the first part of these two days of training will result in you
acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the
second level of training
Teaching Style
- lectures, trainee participation