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Learn how to install UNIX operating system & perform system admin activities. Covers installation, configuration, monitoring, and security.
ITI-481: Unix AdministrationRutgers University Internet Institute Instructor: Chris Uriarte <chrisjur@cju.com>
Meeting Times and Locations Per Syllabus
Prerequisites • Either ITI-480 Unix Fundamentals or equivalent user-level knowledge of Unix. • You MUST know how to use a UNIX text editor (i.e. pico, vi, emacs)
Course Overview and Goals • The purpose of this course is to teach you how to install a UNIX operating system and perform system administration activities in a hands-on environment. • The course objective will be achieved through a combination of lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises.
Major Topics • Installing UNIX and Linux • X-Window Configuration • Installing Software • Account Management • Booting and Shutting Down • Network Configuration • Core System Services • System Monitoring and Logging • File System Administration • Configuring Specific Services: NIS, SSH, Sendmail,Telnet, FTP, Printing • Securing your Server
Course Resources • Textbook: To be announced • Instructor Website at http://www.cju.com/classes/ (see link to ITI 481 at bottom of page) • Workstation where each of you will install a copy of Linux. • User account on Linux server iti.rutgers.edu.
Today’s Agenda • Introduction to UNIX, UNIX distributions and some background concepts. • Installing Linux on your own workstation.
What is UNIX • UNIX is an operating system that originated at Bell Labs (NJ) in 1969. • UNIX is actually a trademark, but often used as a generic term to describe “UNIX-like” operating systems. • There are numerous different flavors of UNIX – all of which utilize similar UNIX operating system concepts, but may have different features or run on different hardware.
The UNIX Umbrella Hardware Vendors Linux Distributions Sun Solaris, HP HP-UX*, Compaq True 64 UNIX*, IBM AIX*, IRIX*, MAC OSX* RedHat, Mandrake†, SuSe, Debian, Caldera, Yellowdog† FreeBSD, BSDI*, NetBSD OpenBSD SCO UNIX (now Caldera/Tarantula) Other BSD Flavors * = Commercial distribution (i.e you must pay for it) † = Derivative of RedHat
Popularity vs. Maturity Popular Sun Solaris RedHat Linux / Linux Mandrake RedHat Linux FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD, etc. Debian Linux HP-UX Caldera Linux SuSe AIX Irix Compaq True 64 UNIX SCO UNIX Darwin (Mac OSX) Mature
What makes UNIX Unique? • UNIX is a multi-user, time-sharing operating system: every user gets a piece of the CPU. • UNIX flavors generally adhere to some types of standards (I.e. POSIX) • UNIX standards allow for portability of software across multiple UNIX distributions.
What is Linux? • A Unix-like operating system initially developed in the early 1990s by Linus Torvold. • Initially developed to run on PC hardware but has been ported to other architectures as well. • Distributed under a GNU General Public License – “free” software. • Kernel is its distinguishing feature. • Generally packaged in various distributions.
Linux Distributions • Vary according to included software packages, package management systems, installation process, and Window Managers. • Distributions • Red Hat Linux • Caldera OpenLInux • Linux Mandrake • Corel Linux • SuSE Linux • TurboLinux • Debian GNU/Linux • Slackware
Why Linux? • Linux has matured greatly over the past 5 years and has positioned itself as the most flexible UNIX distribution today. • It can be run on very low-end, generally available hardware. • Lots of software available. • Flexible – the same Linux distribution used by a hobbyist on low end hardware can be used by an enterprise on high-end hardware. • It’s the first UNIX flavor to hit retail store shelves and is easily obtainable across the world. • Administration skill sets transfer easily to and from other UNIX flavors. • It’s free!
Planning for Your Linux System • Is your hardware supported? • Will it be a workstation or a server? • Are there special services that you want to run (web server, email server, DNS server, etc.) • Will you need to store user and/or application data?
Checking Hardware Compatibility • It’s very important that you make sure you hardware is fully supported by your UNIX distribution. • Hardware Compatibility Lists (HCLs) contain the hardware supported by your OS vendor. They can be obtained at the vendor’s website. • Therefore, it’s good to know some specifics about the hardware you’re using: amount of system RAM, brand of video card, brand of NIC brand of sound card, etc.
Hardware Compatibility, con’t. • Some particularly good things to know about your hardware: • Video card: brand and chipset • Hard drive: total amount of hard drive space • Sound card: brand and model of sound card • Network Card: brand and model of NIC • Some vendors have searchable hardware compatibility database • RedHat: http://www.redhat.com/support/hardware/
Disk Partitioning • Disk Partitioning is the concept of dividing your hard disk into logical partiations, making one hard drive appear as if it’s actually multiple drives. • There’s several reasons why we partition disks: • Performance • Ease of storage management • Security
UNIX Disk Partitioning • In UNIX, a physical disk partition is associated with a directory path, sometimes referred to as a mount point. • All files that are in directories associated with a mount point are stored on the mount point’s physical partition. • If a directory path is not explicitly associated with a physical disk partition, its files are stored under the root ( “/” ) partition.
UNIX Partition Example Contains all files under the /usr directory (I.e. /usr/local/bin/pico, /usr/bin/vi, etc.) [HARD DRIVE] Example Partitioning Scheme: Total Hard Drive Space: 8GB /usr 2GB /home 4GB / (root) 1.5GB Contains all files under the /home directors (I.e. /home/chrisjur, /home/iti1234) Contains all other files and directors, such as /var, /opt, /sbin, etc. swap
Partition Naming • In UNIX, the system gives each partition a special device name. • In Linux, standard IDE hard drives are named /dev/hdx, where x is a unique letter given to identify the hard drive, starting with the letter a (e.g. /dev/hda) • For example, the first hard drive on the system is called /dev/hda. • Partitions are given a name with the format /dev/hdx# , where /dev/hdx is the hard drive the partition is on, and # is a uniquely assigned partition number, starting with 1 (e.g. /dev/hda1). • For example, the first partition on the first hard drive on the system is called /dev/hda1.
Figuring out Your Partitions • You will have to partition your disk during a typical UNIX installation. • Common partitions include: / (called ‘root’), /usr, /home, /var • Typical uses for specific UNIX partitions: • /usr – software packages • /home – user home directories • /var – log files and configuration files • /opt – software package and application installed (esp. on Solaris)
What do you need to Install UNIX? • At minimum, you need a CD media containing the UNIX distribution. • You may be able to set your computer to boot directly from the CD-ROM, which will start the install program. • If your computer cannot boot directly from the CD-ROM, you must create a boot floppy disk, which will boot the computer and load the installation program from CD-ROM.
Exercise: Installing Linux On Your Workstations • Refer to the distributed instructions.
Note: Linux and Other Operating Systems on a Single PC • Yes, Linux can run on a PC that is running one or more other operating systems. However, there are a number of caveats: • Linux needs to be installed after Microsoft operating systems. • You need to have unused partitions on your existing PC hard drive to install Linux. • Linux needs to be installed on one or more of its own partitions. The kernel needs to be on a primary partition. • Multi-booting is not recommended for servers. • Recommendation: If you really want to dual-boot Linux with another operating system, use a commercial software package like PartitionMagic and BootMagic (by PowerQuest)
Homework • Homework this week: • As noted in class • Next week: • Introduction to the X-Windows system • Software installation • Booting and Shutdown • Emergency boot procedures