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Withdrawal from Disorderly Behavior: Biblical Teachings in Titus

Discover the guidance from Paul's letter to Titus on withdrawing from those who walk disorderly and do not follow Apostolic teaching. Understand the importance of maintaining purity within the church.

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Withdrawal from Disorderly Behavior: Biblical Teachings in Titus

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  1. Cards 96-99 CHURCH IS TO WITHDRAW FROM * THOSE WHO WALK DISORDERLY * THOSE WHO DO NOT FOLLOW THE DOCTRINE PREACHED BY THE APOSTLES TITUS The Church on Crete Paul and Titus, along with Timothy, went to Crete as part of a preaching tour following Paul’s release from his first imprisonment in Rome. When Paul and Timothy left for Macedonia, Titus stayed behind to establish firmly the new church on Crete. When Paul reached Macedonia he wrote two letters—one to Timothy who had remained in Ephesus and the other to Titus. In his letter to Titus, Paul reminds the younger man of his role: to appoint good leaders who will guide the church wisely. He also urges Titus to combat the false teachers found on the island. Paul writes in Titus 3:10---”If anyone is causing divisions among you, he should be given a first and second warning. After that have nothing more to do with him.”

  2. THE CHURCH IS TO WITHDRAW FROM • A. Those who walk disorderly • B. Those who do not follow the teaching of the Apostles written in the Bible • C. Both of the above • To withdraw means to acknowledge that the person who is sinning openly is not part of the • brotherhood of the church. True or False • If they are walking disorderly and causing people to do wrong, are we to let them do it? (False teachers) • Do we let those people have an active part in our worship (leading prayer, waiting on Lord table, teaching)? • Should we try to change the person to live as God would want them to live? • Whose word or doctrine (rules) are we to follow? • Where are these rules found that we are to follow? • The purpose of withdrawing is to keep the church pure? True or False


  4. WHAT BOOK IN THE BIBLE GIVES QUALIFICATIONS OF ELDERS AND DEACONS A. Matthew B. Romans C. I Timothy God intended that only good godly men who can meet the New Testament qualifications should rule in a congregation? True or False The New Testament teaches that there is always more than one elder that rules a congregation? True or False Deacons serve under the leadership of the elders? True or False Name as many as you can of the elders that lead our congregation.

  5. LOVE OF MONEY IS A ROOT TO ALL KINDS OF EVIL (I TIMOTHY 6:10) The love of material things can be found behind many kinds of evil. Often a man is not even aware of the love of money until he is caught up in some kind of evil. Paul warned Timothy that those who would be rich, should take great care. WILL THERE BE A BANK ACCOUNT IN HEAVEN? One hundred years from now will it matter what kind of car I drove? What kind of house I lived in? How much money I had in my bank account? What kind of clothes I wore? What will really matter is how I lived and how I used what money I did have!!!

  6. INSPIRED SCRIPTURES OF GOD ARE - PROFITABLE - MAKE MAN COMPLETE The Bible, the inspired scriptures of God is worth a lot (profitable) to all of us for: - Teaching - provides us with the text book that will teach us how to live happily and to gain heaven. - Reproof and correction – the scriptures can be used to measure us to determine if we are measuring up to God’s word. Only the scriptures are worthy to reprove and correct us. - Instruction – provides us with the mind, law and will of God, so that we can follow after these things. - Making us a complete Christian, when we know, understand and practice the scriptures, then we are complete. - They furnish us with every good work (things we are to be doing for the Lord). Ask the children to tell you something they can do at their young age for the Lord.

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