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Getting Rid of Storage and Backup Headaches through Email Archiving

Getting Rid of Storage and Backup Headaches through Email Archiving. Michael Rutty Enterprise Vault Sr. SE, Symantec. Key Takeaways. Enterprise Vault is (or should be) a critical part of your Email management strategy Improve storage utilization Improve operational efficiency

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Getting Rid of Storage and Backup Headaches through Email Archiving

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  1. Getting Rid of Storage and Backup Headaches through Email Archiving Michael Rutty Enterprise Vault Sr. SE, Symantec

  2. Key Takeaways • Enterprise Vault is (or should be) a critical part of your Email management strategy • Improve storage utilization • Improve operational efficiency • Improve information access & control • Address discovery, compliance & risk management

  3. 1 2 4 3 A G E N D A Email Management Headaches Enterprise Vault – A Better Way Reducing Headaches Summary

  4. Email Management Headaches • Business Email sent Worldwide increased 47%1 • Worldwide email traffic to increase 21% over next 4 years2 • Typical messaging user sends & receives ~25K emails annually3 • 62% consider growth in messaging storage a serious problem4 • Backup windows continue to shrink while information grows • 60% of business critical information is stored in email5 • Significant information contained in PST files & they corrupt at 2GB • In the Fortune 500 there are a minimum of 125 active matters at any one time – 70% require discovery email6 • Cost of restoration/production of backup tapes and review/production of data once converted to accessible format $272K7 Sources: 1IDC Worldwide Email Usage report 2004; 2Radicati 2005; 3Osterman Research 2005; 4Osterman Research Email and IM Security survey 2004; 5 Osterman Research 2003; 6 Gartner 2004 ; 7 Case of UBS Warburg LLC 2003 (not including legal fees and other litigation costs

  5. Cost to store growing volumes of email • Cost to scale email servers • Cost to backup growing message stores Cost • Risk around email downtime • Risk around client-side archives (e.g., PST) • Risk around migration (e.g., to E2003) Risk • Time to support user quota issues • Time to troubleshoot client-side archives • Time to handle user email restores Time Email: Challenges for IT

  6. Capture Retain Review • Cost and delay around restoring backups • Lack of proactive defense strategy • Risk that everything wasn’t captured • Risk around accidental/intentional deletion • Risk around inconsistent policy • Risk around non-compliance • Delays in finding responsive information • Cost in “scrubbing” and reviewing • Finding issues early (HR, IP, profanity, …) Email: Challenges for Legal/Business

  7. Primary DataStore • Secure • Rationalize • Share • Retain • Future Proof • Index • Categorize • Expire • Audit Search Analyze Retrieve Disclose Transfer Links Secondary Data Store Enterprise Vault – A Better WayConceptual Overview of Enterprise Vault

  8. Outlook Web Access SharePoint 2003 Windows Explorer SDK Search ArchiveExplorer Supervision E-Discovery SDK Enterprise Vault – A Better WayArchitecture Overview Clients Sources Applications Offline Vault Outlook Exchange Mailboxes, Journals Public Folders, PSTs Enterprise Vault Store/Retain/Expire Index/Search/Future-Proof View/Restore Compress/Migrate Audit/Administer Categorization/Filtering File System SharePoint 2003 DominoJournaling Primary Archive Secondary Archive SMTP Capture Open Storage API-Based Storage SDK SDK

  9. Need to archive… Need Records Mgmt… IM Blackberry Bloomberg SAP Need a hosted solution… Need to classify or filter what gets archived… Need to protect rights of documents being archived… Databases Enterprise Vault – A Better WayBuilding An Archiving Platform: EV Partners Integration planned

  10. Enterprise Vault – A Better WayBenefits eDiscovery / Compliance Reduce cost of legal discovery requests, demonstrate compliance with regulations around electronic records retention and supervision General Counsel/ Compliance Officer Information Management Retain and expire electronic records based upon business policy, categorize & tag, index & search, integrate with other information mgmt. systems Records Manager Mailbox Management Optimize email performance, reduce backup window, reduce platform migration time, eliminate need for email quotas EmailAdmin Storage Optimization Consolidate file servers, eliminate PST files, compress & single instance storage, implement tiered storage Storage Admin

  11. Storage OptimizationTiered Storage Utilization / Cost Fast Retention Lifespan & Storage Cost Slower Number of Years

  12. Capture all email for users (journaling) • OR by age, quota, size, user action, … • Filters based upon subject, from, to, … What to Archive? • Retention Categories to enforce retention • Filters can also drive Retention Category • User folders can drive retention How to Retain? • Enforce non-tampering during retention • Automatically expire content after retention • Optionally place expiration “on hold” How to Dispose? Storage OptimizationTiered Storage – Policy Automation

  13. Storage OptimizationTiered Storage – Email Archiving Policies • Main Strategy either: • By message age • Proximity to quota • Additional rules: • Archive large items • Min. archiving age • Delete original item • Shortcut contents

  14. Storage OptimizationCompression & Single-Instance Without archiving… Per-user data – attributes relevant to recipient or sender Shareable data – recipient lists & message header Attachments

  15. Storage OptimizationCompression & Single-Instance With archiving… Shareable data is shared if identical – applies to multiple copies of the same message

  16. Storage OptimizationCompression & Single-Instance With archiving… attachment sharing model* Attachments are shared if identical – applies to multiple copies of the same message and to different messages or different sources (e.g. FSA). *Optional with Centera

  17. Storage OptimizationMigrations - PSTs • What are PST files? • Personal Store Files • Often used in conjunction with Mailbox limits • Why are they considered bad? • Designed during a time when email volume was low • Often corrupt at 2GB • Lack of central knowledge of creation or content • Search is time-consuming • Massive impact on backups (change to modified date)

  18. Alert Alert Locate Collect Migrate Collect in temporary storage location • Schedule ingestion • Determine post-migration policy: • Delete PST • Leave PST • Access: • Exchange shortcuts • Archive Explorer Search remote registries & file systems Determine ownership Storage OptimizationMigrations - PSTs

  19. Storage OptimizationMigrations - PSTs • Avoids common problems with PST files • Designed for much smaller mail volume than in use today • Size limits, instability (Microsoft KB article 297019) • No remote access to the PSTs at the office • Reduces impact on backups (if PSTs are backed up!) • Single instance reduces size • Traditional methods may duplicate PSTs unnecessarily • Retains corporate knowledge of creation / content • Enables retention policy enforcement • Removes risk of end-user deleting information accidentally (or otherwise!)

  20. Move Mailboxes/Messaging System Outgoing Messaging Server Outlook (Win32/MAC) OWA (5.5 2000 2003) Archive eMail and public folders (normal archiving after migration) Clients Communicate with Server Archive eMail and public folders (Aggressive archiving during migration) Storage OptimizationMigrations – Exchange Upgrade New Primary Exchange Server

  21. Mailbox ManagementArchiving Transparency

  22. Mailbox ManagementShortcuts Reduce Impact on Exchange • Transparent user access with Outlook “Add-in” (plug-in) • Double-click triggers a direct HTTP/HTTPS connection between client and EV • Shortcut links to EV server and downloads content directly • Message not returned to Exchange upon access Microsoft Exchange MAPI HTTP HTTP http://ev1.yourcorp.com/enterprisevault/download.asp?VaultID=249s92s...SavesetID=493lk4j3k....

  23. Read only Mailbox ManagementImprove Backup Efficiency & Reduce Recovery Time NetBackup 10 TB Archive 500 gig partition Size of backup tape Reduce application stores and migrate majority of data to single repository At anyone time only a small part of corporate information is changing and requiring backup… …and reduced information speeds recovery time

  24. Enterprise Vault 6NetBackupMigrator NetBackupMedia Server5.1+ Primary Storage Disk Archive Tape Library Information ManagementIntegrated Data Management with NetBackup

  25. Mailbox A Mailbox B Information ManagementIndexing for Fast Discovery & Recovery Enterprise Vault Indexing: Federated Searching A B C D E Journal A File Share A File Share B • 3 levels of indexing supporting 270+ file types • Multiple indexes & servers searched in parallel • Smaller indexes less prone to corruption • Only the indexes with data within the search date range are used

  26. Regulations Drive Retention & Discovery… Clinical trials and FDA approval 35 years Food—manufacturing/processing/packing No less than 2 years after commercial release 21 CFR Part 11 (Life Sciences) Drugs—manufacturing/processing/packing No less than 3 years after commercial release Manufacturing of biological products 5 years after end of manufacturing Pediatric medical records 21 years HIPAA (Healthcare) Adult medical records up to 2 years after patient's death documentation related to security rule implementation 6 years from the date of creation Sarbanes-Oxley (All Public Companies) all records related to audit or review 7 years after the conclusion of audit/review* All account records 6 years after closing account SEC 17a-4 (Financial Services) financial statements, transaction records, and communications 3 years, first 2 easily accessible ∞ member registration and other corporate documentation Life of the enterprise *SOX states a 5 year retention period, but the SEC implementation ruling of 7 years supercedes the SOX mandate

  27. …As Do Lawsuits Coleman v. Morgan Stanley "The storage folks found an additional 1,600 backuptapes in a closet,“ explaineda Morgan Stanley executive. $1.45 billion awarded Thomson v. US HUD “…precluded from introducing into evidence in their case any of the 80,000 email records that were "discovered" during last minute.” Its not just the big companies, Any company that employs people, has contracts and agreements with other bodies and has an email system is potentially affected. Zubulake v. UBS Warburg “Documents stored on backup tapes can be likened to paper records locked inside a sophisticated safe to which no one has the key or combination.” Anti-Monopoly, Inc. v. Hasbro, “The law is clear that data in computerized form is discoverable even if paper ‘hard copies’ of the information have been produced.”

  28. eDiscovery & ComplianceEmail Journaling How It Works: • All individual emails are collected into a journal mailbox • Journaling task collects emails from journal mailbox • Optional custom filter plug-in or filter rules to control what is archvied • Storage service archives & indexes • Use WORM storage (Centera, Nearstore w/ Snaplock, DR550, etc) Benefits: • Ensures capture of emails with audit logging - avoids tampering • Reduced storage via single instance • Important for regulatory compliance & litigation support Exchange/Domino Server(s) Journal Mailbox MailUsers JournalingTask Storage Service Enterprise Vault Server

  29. eDiscovery & ComplianceDiscovery Accelerator How It Works: • Robust search and discovery tool • Typically uses journal archiving • Case management capabilities • Roles-based review and administration rights • Production of “court-ready” material Benefits: • Enables use of archived data, particularly for litigation support • Reduces cost of discovery process • Rapid resolution of search requests • Avoid traditional methods (tape restores, laptop imaging, etc) to find “needle in haystack” • Fully auditable

  30. SummaryCustomers Reducing Headaches “…To put it in the simplest terms, having to migrate 80GB of email versus 160GB made the migration so much easier…” “The other benefit we’ve found is how much more cost-effective Enterprise Vault is, not just the product cost, but elimination of the time involved in housekeeping your email system so you don’t hit your storage limit.”

  31. “Pertaining to an email based public record request.  Using our new KVS system we searched and burnt to CD over 7000 emails related to the request in under 5 hours total labor hours.  Our old methodology if done with the same diligence would have taken an estimated 1000+  labor hours.” “It has saved me about 20 hours a week in administration. We run our tape backups every day, get the tape, and that’s it. I don’t have to baby sit the Vault and I sleep well at night knowing that my Exchange Info store won’t crash.” SummaryCustomers Reducing Headaches

  32. SummaryCustomers Reducing Headaches “We simply could not effectively operate without email archiving and our regulatory obligations mean we need a sophisticated solution for audit trails, journaling, archiving and retrieval, which is why we have standardized on Enterprise Vault.” “By far the greatest benefit of Enterprise Vault has been the ability to search and discover the truth – nine times out of ten this resides in the corporate email system.”

  33. SummaryCustomer Leadership

  34. SummaryWhy Customers Choose Enterprise Vault • Proven in real-world situations • Proven benefits with 2,500+ customers • Proven scalability with several > 100K user customers • Proven performance in large-scale tests • Integrated into existing environment • Integrated with Microsoft Exchange since 1999 • Integrated user experience (e.g., Offline Vault) • Integrated w/ storage • Platform for the long-term • Platform unified across email, files, IM, SharePoint, etc. • Platform for archiving on heterogeneous storage • Platform for long-term data retention (e.g., future-proofing)

  35. Key Takeaways • Enterprise Vault is (or should be) a critical part of your Email management strategy • Improve storage utilization • Improve operational efficiency • Improve information access & control • Address discovery, compliance & risk management

  36. Thank You! Michael Rutty michael_rutty@Symantec.com

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