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Exploring Human Factors in Electronic Libraries' Success

Learn about the influence of values, culture, and organization on managing electronic libraries versus traditional ones. This insightful discussion examines the pivotal role of people, digital librarians, and service culture in shaping the future of libraries. Discover the shift towards electronic values, essential skills for library managers and staff, and the challenges and opportunities in the digital age.

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Exploring Human Factors in Electronic Libraries' Success

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  1. Human factors insuccessful electronic libraries Professor Andrew McDonald Director of Information Services University of Sunderland ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  2. or rather culture, values and organisation for managing electronic libraries different from traditional libraries? ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  3. the people factors parent institution library service culture and values library managers and staff “digital” librarian ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  4. important emphases electronic services at Sunderland hybrid libraries start of an adventure no established rules making it up as we go along ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  5. institutional culture University commitment - top down or bottom up Information Strategy managerial style and leadership decision-making and communication structure and integration - personnel & finance resourcing learning organisation ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  6. service culture and values cultural “shift” or “lag” timeless values equity of access, personal service, meet user needs new values? make technology work for all ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  7. “electronic” values integrating technologies holistic computer environments deliver core services through networks collaboration across administrative lines breakdown barriers ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  8. library managers actively lead development consider effects on staff management style, lead change & innovation organisational structure staff training - group training selection and qualifications ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  9. library staff attitudes, skills, abilities and motivation new operations and organisation greater responsibility more flexible working (de)centralisation ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  10. social & organisational impact workload and effectiveness job satisfaction and security confidence with IT and reskilling career progression isolation from colleagues and users ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  11. “digital” librarian new skills, knowledge and experience information, network and people skills personal qualities imagination, risks, change, up-to-date, self-teach potential and pitfalls of ICT think learner and information, across boundaries salary ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  12. electronic organisations challenged organisation, structure, recruitment, career development and behaviour libraries - service strategies, staff training, ICT companies - power, influence, style and conflict ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  13. digital futures avoid prescriptive - it just works technology changes - multimedia, interactive great leveller hybrid librarian grasp all factors bypassed and sidelined ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  14. libraries and digital librarians New Learning Age Information Society knowledge-based economy ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

  15. thank you ICDE Librarians' Round Table, Hong Kong, October 1999

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