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Learn about PACKTEC, the leading technical partner for packaging in Tunisia, offering services to improve competitiveness and quality, serving 280 firms.
TUNISIAN PACKAGING TECHNICAL CENTRE 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Presented by Mrs Lémia THABET GENERAL DIRECTOR
PACKTEC PACKAGING INDUSTRY IN TUNISIA In Tunisia,there are about 280 firms operating in the packaging and printing sector, most of them being of a medium and small size, and privately owned. The packaging and printing sector employs about 20 000 people. For year 2005 the total production reached 450 000 T. About 50% of the packaging production is dedicated to the food sector Its turnover is estimated at 700M$. About seventy companies are certified (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000)
PACKTEC PACKAGING INDUSTRY IN TUNISIA THE INDUSTRIAL UPGRADINGPROGRAMME The Industrial upgrading Programme (PIU) was launched towards the end of nineteen ninety six (1996), and has two components: • Upgrading the production units so that they can improve their competitiveness in terms of cost, quality, innovation, and respect of delivery schedules, keeping up with technological developments, and meeting market requirements; • Upgrading the environment in which units operate, including the infrastructure and the legal, administrative, and financial systems. In this respect, various measures have been undertaken, such as creating industrial parks, reducing the cost and improving the quality of transport, renewing and expanding telecommunication networks, etc.
PACKTEC PACKAGING INDUSTRY IN TUNISIA THE PACKAGING UPGRADINGINVESTMENTS About 140 companies participate to the industrial up-grading programme realising about 300 M$ investment. The Percentage of the Packaging sector investments accounts for 10% of the total amount of the industrial upgranding investments.
PACKTEC The Tunisian Packaging Technical Centre PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality • A supporting structure for the benefit of the packaging industry, founded in 1996, under the guardianship of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and SME. • A technical partner for the improvement of packaging industry competitiveness and also for the promotion of Tunisian products in particular for export.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality MAIN OBJECTIVES • The main objective of the Centre is to contribute to the packaging industry developmentby: • Offering to industrialists adapted technical services • Improving the quality of their packaging and their productivity • Reinforcing the competing advantages of the Tunisian product
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR CUSTOMERS All companies operating in the packaging supply chain : from raw materials suppliers to retailers • Packaging manufacturers ( plastics, paper & paperboard, metal, glass) • Packaging users ( food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic….) • Institutions and Governmental Organisations. • Distributors • Transport companies • Exporters • Recyclers
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality PACKTEC ‘S TECHNICAL SERVICES PACKTEC studies every qualitative aspect of packaging : Safety Product conservation Compatibility of container and content Appropriateness of manufacturing and packing processes Resistance to distribution stresses Convenience of use and ergonomics
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality PACKTEC ‘S TECHNICAL SERVICES Its services cover all packaging materials : plastics, metals, glass, wood, cardboard, corrugated board, as well as full and complete packaging and packaging accessories.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR LABORATORIES PACKTEC carries out tests and analyses on raw materials and empty or full packaging according to technical documents, standards and national and international regulations.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR LABORATORIES Packaging material Laboratory Tests performed provide an objective understanding of materials in conversion, on packaging lines and in use. BENEFITS : • Potential savings through packaging minimasation • Improved packaging design • Optimum packaging performance • Ability to demonstrate compliance with packaging regulations • Better quality packaging
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Packaging material Laboratory Missions Carrying out physical, mechanical, optical and permeability tests Technical means Conditioned laboratory at 23°C and 50 % RH having advanced equipment performing tests on : Paper and paperboard Metal Glass Plastic
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Packaging material Laboratory Paper & Board Accredited in accordance with the ISO 17025 Standardby DAP and TUNAC Metal Plastic
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Food packaging Laboratory Tests Performed aimed to : Check the compliance of packaging materials with legislative requirements for food contact, Ensure the understanding of material composition, the source of contamination Ensure the understanding of key properties for product shelf life.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Food packaging Laboratory Identification / Quantification • Additives • Materials • Foreign bodies Migration • Heavy metals • Global migration • Specific migration (Specific monomer, Specific additives)
12 years heading for a better packaging quality Food packaging Laboratory Barrier properties Quantitative analysis in materials • BADGE ( lacquer) • Phtalates (plastics) • PCB (paper) • Oxygen permeation rate • Water vapour transmission rate • Other gaz permeation (N2, CO2…) Pack Integrity • Controling tightness • Determination of leaks in packaging
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Food packaging Laboratory Regulatory compliance • National regulation • EU Regulation • International Regulation (American, japanese, German….) Accredited in accordance with the ISO 17025 Standardby DAP and TUNAC
12 years heading for a better packaging quality PACKTEC OUR LABORATORIES Logistic Centre Objective & Missions To check the aptitude for the transport of complete and full packaging as well as the homologation of dangerous goods packaging.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Logistic Centre Transport packaging • Analysis of behaviour of content in its mechanical and climatic environment • Simulation of distribution circuit stresses. • Determination of product fragility in order to optimize its packaging.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Logistic Centre Dangerous goods packaging Conformity of dangerous goods packaging : • Conformity to national regulations covering transport of dangerous materials and to European Directives related to road, rail, sea, and air transport, and to United Nations regulations. • - Qualification of all types of packaging : crates, combined packaging, containers, flexibles intermediate bulk containers and delivery UN code.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Logistic Centre Technical means A 800m2 building equiped with climatic rooms, drop machines, mechanical and hydraulic vibration machines and an horizontal impact machines
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Good Hygiene Practices Assistance PACKTEC assists the packaging manufacturers in seting up good a hygiene practice system in accordance with the BRC/IOP standard aiming at getting a certification increasingly required by ISO 22000 certified food processing companies. Security Assistance PACKTEC helps the companies, concerned with transport, loading and unloading of dangerous, goods to implement a security management system in accordance with the international regulation.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Assistance The centre provides a diversified programme of technical assistance responding to the specific needs of companies. Up grading Assistance The centre assists the packaging companies in carrying out diagnosis and elaborating up grading plans so as to define their strategic orientations and their needs in material and non-material investment Quality Assistance The approach adopted by PACKTEC is based on projects aiming at the improvement of both the quality system and the quality of the product.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Standardization • PACKTEC organises technical work groups, with the participation of involved enterprises, for the elaborating of the packaging national standards in conformity with the international standards. • In collaboration with the national Institute of Standardisation (INNORPI), PACKTEC draws up packaging standards covering technology, size, capacity, marketing, environment, testing methods and performance requirement
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Other assistanceprojects • PACKTEC also intervenes in the improvement of management and information systems by means of assistance in the fields of • Commercial management, • Production Management (GPAO) • Maintenance Management (GMAO) • Implementation of analytic accountancy...
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Packaging Design PACKTEC assists the exporting companies for the improvement of packaging design at export. PACKTEC develops packaging for targeted destination for a better positioning of the Tunisian products.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Research & Development • Cooperation with institutes, universities and technical colleges within various national, regional and international networks. • Creation of a decisionplatform considering the future packagingissues and designing tools to establish packaging strategies. • Assisting companies with research, development and innovation to solve specific technical problems.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Research & Development • Developping applied research programmes, in partenership with companies and universities, on a wide range of packaging projects dealing with : New materials and packaging solution Conditionning systems such as : • food contact suitability , • packaging-product compatibility • impovement of packed products shelf life.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Research & Development Comparative study on the impact of packaging materials in contact with olive oil This project aims to exploring the performance of the different packaging materials ( metallic materials, glass, plastic and ceramic) in contact with pure olive oil stored in different conditions, duration and exposure to light. Current Projects : Printing ink for food packaging Led with the cooperation of Egyptian Faculty of Science. This project studies the parameters which have an effect on the interaction between ink and the different packaging materials aimed to beign in contact with food.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Research & Development Current Projects : The improvement of the shelf life of conditioned dates intended to export : This project aims to study the development of innovative materials and conditionning systems in order to improve the shelf life of foodstuff during all the stages of transport and storage. This project covers also the design aspect of dates packaging to ensure better positioning for the tunisien product in the target market.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Research & Development Future Projects : 1/ The biodegradable plastic films used in agriculture and for producing shopping bags. 2/ Study on coated paper intended to be in contact with foodstuffs The two project aim to provide recommandations for packaging manufacturers and packaging users and to propose an up-to-date themes related to the state of reserach and development on packaging materials and its relevant imporatnt issues and to prepare a national regulation 3/ The impact of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the quality of olive oil 4/ The solar treatment of wooden pallet.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Research & Development PACKTEC is member of Tunisian Technical Centre Network World Packaging Organisation WPO since 1998 The International Association of Packaging Research Institutes IAPRI since 2002. Scientific and technological Results Exchange Network (STREN)
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Studies PACKTEC makes various studies for the benefit of the profession : Technical studies Development of technical documents to establish the technical specifications characterizing raw materials and packaging. Achievement of technical expertises at the request of the legal experts to solve litigations between suppliers and customers Sectoral studies To evaluate the development of an activity branch and to identify new opportunities for the sector.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Studies Market analysis The market analyses covers quantitative and qualitative market analyses which is focused on both the packaging type and use : • Sector trends • Competitor analyses • Leader firms • Market shares
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Training PACKTEC develops training programmes in response to packaging manufacturers and users’ expectations. The objective of training is to improve the technical level of the sector’s operators qualification in controlling packaging materials and packed product quality
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Training Main Subjects covered by the PACKTEC training program : Quality control of packaging materials. The improvement of packaging processing techniques. The control of packaging printing techniques. The improvement of quality management.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Promotion The promotion of the Tunisian packaging industry through : • The participation in packaging exhibitions and specialized international fairs. • The organization of thematic seminars and regular workshops covering all aspects of packaging. • The participation to the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) events.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Promotion National Packaging Competition “TUNISIA STAR PACK” The centre organizes the National Packaging Competition, an event to reward and promote any packaging innovation or improvement. “TUNISIAN STUDENT STAR PACK” The Centre organise a student packaging competition in order to promote packaging design talent. PACKTEC is in charge to organise the 2008 and 2009 editions of Student World Star. The rewarded Tunisian packaging have the opportunity to take part in the World Packaging Competition organized by the World Packaging Organization WPO.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality OUR MISSIONS Information Technological survey PACKTEC ensures a technological survey to provide professionals with economic, regulatory and technical information allowing more relevant decision-makings and thus facilitating the access to foreign markets.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Market : provides a constant monitoring of the packaging market. It puts out a statistical and economic report on the packaging sector. The analysis covers production data, import-export flow. Information Regulations : provides information on national and international packaging legislation. Environment : offers support for producing eco-compatible packaging and assistance with regulations concerning environment.
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Information Packaging Magazine • PACKTEC publishes a quarterly magazine to provide professionals with up dated data on : • - The latest technical innovations and new applications, • Recent packaging issues in Tunisia and in the world, • And all information needed to anticipate the sector’s evolutions. PACKTEC publishes a monthly Packaging Newsletter
PACKTEC 12 years heading for a better packaging quality Information Web site www.packtec-tunisia.com PACKTEC has developed a web site in order to provide the profession with an exchange and communication tool , aimed at promoting its activities and facilitating the access to its services. Tunisian Packaging Directory on line • To promote the tunisian packaging sector • To facilitate the exchange and communication between packaging producers and users. • To develop opportunity of partnership. Documentary database on line References of studies, books, documents and regulations regarding packaging and printing sectors available in PACKTEC.
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