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High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. National Academy of Sciense of Belarus Powder Metallurgy Institute Belarussian State University Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problem. P.A.Vityaz, A.Ph.Ilyuschenko, S.G.Baray E.N.Naumovich. POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE
High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells National Academy of Sciense of Belarus Powder Metallurgy Institute Belarussian State University Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problem P.A.Vityaz, A.Ph.Ilyuschenko, S.G.Baray E.N.Naumovich POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
History of the PMI • Powder metallurgy in Byelorussia initiated its development in Byelorussian Polytechnical Institute in a special laboratory formed in 1957 • Powder Metallurgy Research Institute with Pilot Plant was founded in 1972 • Byelorussian State Powder Metallurgy Research and Production Concern was set up in 1980 • The PMRI PP consists of 4 research divisions and the Pilot Plant: • 1. Engineering materials (9 Rlab) • 2. Porous materials (5 Rlab) • 3. Materials study and testing (6 Rlab) • 4. Protective coatings (6 Rlab). • 5. Pilot Plant POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
Current Activities of the PMI • Research and pilot-technique works on development and production of a wide range of powder materials, composites • Research works on originating permeable materials controlled structure from metal and ceramic powders and binded gauzes • Investigations of processes of developing coatings by thermal spraying, by physical deposition • Optimization of composition when fabricating materials and products; • Optimization of technological parameters; • Forecasting of operational criterion, determining the reasons for changing the properties when operating; • Materials identification POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
VOLUMES OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTION IN INSTITUTE OF POWDER METALLURGY POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
Schematic drawing of single tubular SOFC POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
The main ideology is: • to use an oxide ceramic cathode (air electrode) as a support element with plasma sprayed in consecutive order the layer of solid electrolyte (zirconium dioxide, stabilized by yttrium oxide) • anode layer (fuel electrode) – cermet from zirconium oxide • nickel with alloyed additives, improving its electric chemical and catalysis properties Thermal Spraying Deposition Route for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Producing • LSM (lanthanum-strontium manganite) and (ZrO2-Y2O3,YSZ) high-active powders will be synthesized by glycine-nitrate route; • LSM tubes with controlled porosity will be prepared by cold isostatic pressing and high-temperature sintering; POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 tubes used as current collectors and solid electrolyte film supports POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
dense electrolyte layer YSZ will be prepared by vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) on prefabricated substrate- LSM porous tubes; • Ni-CeO2-YSZ high-porous composite anode will be prepared by VPS, APS or flame spraying ; APS equipment VPS equipment POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
PMRI PP has carried out large complex of works for development of technology of plasma deposition of thermal sprayed coatings on a combustion chamber (Fig.1) and turbine blades of 1 and 2 stages (Fig.2). These developments have passed a number of tests at industrial enterprises which produce jet engines for civil and military aircraft. We have received more than 15 patents. • Developed thermal sprayed coatings of the composition: under-layer – MeCrAlX (where: Me – nickel, chromium or nickel-chromium alloy, and X – one or a composition of rare earth metals), coating layer – partially stabilized zircon oxide – ZrO2 enable to increase difference in temperatures on the coating surface and from the substrate of a blade from 50 to 70 OC at stationary working regime and 100-150 to 130-180 OC at peak regime. • Influence of structure, phase composition of initial materials, deposition regimes and the following of a coating on its structure and properties was determined . • The laws of chemical and phase composition of a multi-layer coating gradient and its (sizes and phases distribution and porosity) on its thermal shield (thermal impact) and heat exchange properties were determined. Combustion chamber of jet engineswith TBC coatings Microstructure of TBC plasma spraying coatings POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
YSZ-LSM cathodic boundary will be activated by a praseodymium oxide. Activator layer may be formed by impregnation of support LSM tubes with solution of water or alcohol praseodymium salts . LSM cathode surface activated cathode surface POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
Expected Results and Applications • . Low-cost technology for fabrication of self-contained generators of electric and thermal power of domestic and industrial purpose. • . SOFC-based generators of electric and thermal power for: • providing with power and warmth the individual habitation, temporary settlements, expeditions, medical units in field conditions etc.; • provision with power pumping stations on gas-petroleum pipe-line by the use of transferred fuel; • providing reliability of power supply in information and communication systems; • efficient providing with power and warmth under extraordinary situations. POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
List of Cooperation Partners in the CIS and Abroad 1. CIS Partners: • Institute of Physics State Solid Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; • Institute of Chemistry Physics Russian Academy of Sciences , Russia; • Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev; • Institute of Low Temperature National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Charkiv; • Institute of Monocristalls National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Charkiv; • Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev; • Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Almaty POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
List of Cooperation Partners in the CIS and Abroad 2.Foreign Partners: • Aachen University of Technology, Germany; • Drexel University, USA; • Luleo University of Technology, Sweden; • Tampere University, Finland; • Kyoto University, Japan; • Kurt-Schwabe-Institut Meinsberg, Germany; • Instituto di Scienze Fisiche Universita degli Studi di Ancona, Italy • Institute of Glass and Ceramics, Poland; • Indian Institute of Technology, India. POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
Type of Cooperation • Conducting of joint researches within the international scientific-technical programs. • Probeking of scientific research workers in main scientific centres of the country. • Conducting of parallel testing of developed ceramic materials in the specialised testing centres. • Acquaintance with the organisation of scientific activities, research equipment used and testing methods. • Direct contracts on researching and piloting work and on the delivery of materials and products. • Leasing of research and pilot equipment. POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by
Information for contact Powder Metallurgy Institute 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (375-17) 232-82-71, 232-82-42 , 239-98-01 Fax (375-17) 210-05-74, 232-56-91 E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by vityaz@srpmi.minsk.by Director of PMRI with PP Prof. Ilyuschenko A. Ph. Head of ceramic department Dr. Baray S.G. POWDER METALLURGY INSTITUTE 41, Platonov str., Minsk, 220071, Republic of Belarus Tel. (017) 232-82-71, 232 5691 Fax (8-017) 2100 574, E-Mail: alexil@ srpmi.belpak.minsk.by