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GTSTRUDL Version 26 New Features Expected Future Enhancements

Presentation Outline. Status of Version 26GTSTRUDL Output Window EnhancementsNew pulldownsModified pulldowns. Presentation Outline (cont). New Features in Version 26GTMenuDynamicsFinite ElementGeneralReinforced Concrete DesignSteel DesignSteel Tables Utilities (Scope Editor)Installatio

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GTSTRUDL Version 26 New Features Expected Future Enhancements

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    1. GTSTRUDL Version 26 New Features & Expected Future Enhancements Drs. Leroy Z. Emkin and Kenneth (Mac) Will Founders and Co-Directors Computer Aided Structural Engineering Center Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355 U.S.A. Tel: +1-404-8942260 Fax: +1-404-8948014 email: casec@ce.gatech.edu Web Page: www.gtstrudl.gatech.edu

    2. Presentation Outline Status of Version 26 GTSTRUDL Output Window Enhancements New pulldowns Modified pulldowns

    3. Presentation Outline (cont) New Features in Version 26 GTMenu Dynamics Finite Element General Reinforced Concrete Design Steel Design Steel Tables Utilities (Scope Editor) Installation Procedure Prerelease Features Future Enhancements Demonstration of Version 26

    4. Version 26 Status Documentation Release and Installation Guides, Version 26 GTSTRUDL User Guide: Getting Started, Revision 6 GTSTRUDL User Guide: Analysis, Revision 2 Verification Manual, Version 26, October 2001 Software All applicable provisions of the U.S. NRC 10CFR21 and 10CFR50 QA/QC and Verification to be completed Beta testing and shipping date Will be sent out for Beta testing in August 2001. After one month of Beta testing and making changes as a result of Beta testing, software will then undergo QA Estimated shipping date is October 2001

    5. GTSTRUDL Output Window Import and Export features added under File You will be able to Import DXF files and data input files from STAAD which can then be converted into GTSTRUDL input. You will be able to Export a DXF file which contains the model data and a CIS/2 file which contains Geometry/Loading and Results. The new File pull-down is shown on the next slide.

    6. Output Window (cont) Import and Export

    7. Output Window (cont) New Dialog History (“dh”) button to keep track of the dialogs in the current session Allows you to quickly return to the bottom level of any pull-down menu without going through the entire tree. An example is shown on the next slide.

    8. Output Window (cont) Dialog History (dh) Button Example

    9. Output Window (cont) Graphical Selection of Joints, Members, and Elements As seen at the bottom of the previous slide, you will be able to graphically select joints, members, and elements in the dialogs in the GTSTRUDL Output Window. An example is shown on the next slide.

    10. Output Window (cont) Graphical Selection of Joints, Members, and Elements (cont)

    11. Output Window (cont) New Data Sheet for finite element modeling data as shown below and on the next slide.

    12. Output Window (cont) Data Sheet for Finite Element Modeling

    13. Output Window (cont) Data Sheet for Finite Element Modeling (cont) Columns for individual material properties such as E and Poisson may also be displayed. You can sort by ID, Type (SBHQ6, IPLQ, etc), Thickness, and Active Status. You can use the Filter option to limit the display to certain types of elements, thickness, or connectivity.

    14. Output Window (cont) New Commit button under: Modeling / Loads / New Loading Combinations which allows you to use the newly created loading combination as an Available without exiting the Load Combination dialog.

    15. Output Window (cont) Edit Existing Load Combinations You may now edit existing loading combinations. This new dialog is available under Modeling and then Loads as shown below:

    16. Output Window (cont) Edit Loading Combination Dialog

    17. Output Window (cont) New dialog for Create Automatic Load Combinations

    18. Output Window (cont) The Store Time History and Response Spectrum Dialogs now include a plotting function to display the input time history and response spectrum data.

    19. Output Window (cont)

    20. Output Window (cont) The Dynamic Load Dialogs also allow for the graphical display of time history and response spectrum data.

    21. Output Window (cont) A new Dialog for the input of nonlinear spring curve data has been implemented. Included is a plotting function for the graphical display of nonlinear spring curve data. This will be shown on the next slide. A new Dialog for the input of nonlinear spring element data has also been implemented which also contains a plotting function.

    22. Output Window (cont) New Nonlinear Spring Curve Dialog

    23. Output Window (cont) Nonlinear Spring Curve Display

    24. Output Window (cont) Text Output of Model Data A new Dialog for the text output of model data for joints, members, elements, and loads has been developed. Previously, multiple menu picks were needed. A comparison between Version 25 and 26 is shown on the next slide.

    25. Output Window (cont) Text Output of Model Data (cont)

    26. Output Window (cont) New Dialog for Text Output of Model Data (cont)

    27. Output Window (cont) New Data Sheet for joint displacements

    28. Output Window (cont) Joint Displacement Data Sheet (cont)

    29. Output Window (cont) A new Dialog for the graphical display of time history and steady state dynamic analysis results has been implemented. Displacements, velocities, accelerations, reactions, loads, and member forces can be displayed. The next slide shows the graphical display of time history displacements.

    30. Output Window (cont) Graphical display of the global-X displacement vs time at Joint 16 for Dynamic Load 1

    31. Output Window (cont) Steel Design Wizard has a new option which will perform a code check and then perform a design of any members that failed as shown on the next slide.

    32. Output Window (cont) Steel Design Wizard

    33. Output Window (cont) Copying and pasting in Data Sheets has been improved You will now receive a warning in the Startup Wizard if you requested a “Read Only” user dataset that doesn’t exist. The Activate/Inactivate Dialog under Modeling / Data Management now uses the standard list dialog.

    34. GTMenu Improvements The Menu Bar and the Button Bars have been changed. Results have been shifted from Display to a new selection on the Menu Bar. The ID button has been removed from the Button Bar and added under the Options pull-down on the Menu Bar. The Inquire button has been added to the button bar. These are shown on the next slide.

    35. GTMenu (cont) Revised Menu and Button Bars

    36. GTMenu (cont) Modified Create Dialog

    37. GTMenu (cont) Create Member Properties for table profiles has been changed: Tables are now organized by the code, country, or type of table. This has been done to make it easier to find the appropriate table. Now, you must select the table category first and then the available tables will be displayed. You may still have all tables displayed. The revised Table Sections for Member Property Groups is shown on the next slide.

    38. GTMenu (cont) Categories for Table Member Properties

    39. GTMenu (cont) Automatic splitting (Split at Intersections) of newly created members upon user request Create Members Only has been replaced by a Place Member dialog Members may now be placed using three methods: Connect End to End by stringing together existing joints Connect Start and End by selecting both start and end joints Specifying the start, length, and angle. You may specify the length of the member, the member’s orientation, and then the start (either an existing joint or coordinates). The member may be placed using an offset from an existing joint. The next slide will shown the new Place Member dialog and the Start, length, and angle dialog

    40. GTMenu (cont) Place Member Dialog

    41. GTMenu (cont) Member length, & angle dialog for Place Members

    42. GTMenu (cont) The Display Model dialog has been revised: The Mark Properties feature will now display all Section and Material Properties by default. The Mark Joint option now indicates that only supported dof’s will be labeled. The Orientation option has been removed under Draw Member. The Planar Axes for two-dimensional finite elements may now be displayed under Draw Element. The revised Draw Member dialog is shown on the next slide and the Planar Axes display is also shown.

    43. GTMenu (cont) Display Model

    44. GTMenu (cont) Finite element planar axes

    45. GTMenu (cont) Loads, and the corresponding deformed shape of the structure, generated by the Moving Load command may now be animated as the load moves across the structure. The new dialog is shown on the next slide.

    46. GTMenu (cont) Display Model – Moving Loads

    47. GTMenu (cont) New Results pull-down

    48. GTMenu (cont) Display Reactions

    49. GTMenu (cont) - Display Reactions

    50. GTMenu (cont) A new Inquire button has been added. The user can select a joint, member, or element and have all the model data displayed in the List Output box. Information displayed by the Inquire button in the List Output box can be selected and an edit dialog will then appear allowing you to edit the information.

    51. GTMenu (cont) Inquire button

    52. GTMenu (cont) Inquire and Edit Joint Data

    53. GTMenu (cont) Output from Inquire All

    54. GTMenu (cont) Editing using Inquire Output Double click on the information to be edited and the appropriate edit dialog will appear. Alternatively, you could select the information to be edited and click on the edit button at the bottom of the List Output from the Inquire Output. The next slide shows editing Joint Coordinates.

    55. GTMenu (cont) Editing using Inquire Output

    56. GTMenu (cont) The number of Views that can be defined has been increased from 100 to 1000. View information is now stored in a text file which can be restored and shared. The view text file (GTMenu_Views.txt) can be directly edited to create views of floors, elevations, or any other window on the structure. The start of the file is shown on the next slide.

    57. GTMenu (cont) GTMenu_Views.txt file

    58. Views can now be created of any cursor created Window in the Graphical Display area. Entire members and elements which are in the window will be displayed whenever the view is activated. The new view dialogs are shown on the next slides. GTMenu (cont)

    59. GTMenu (cont) New View dialog

    60. GTMenu (cont) New View dialog (cont)

    61. GTMenu (cont) In addition to the Hotkeys for zooming, rotating, and panning, new Hotkeys have been added to allow you to activate any view using the keyboard or to activate the Inquire function. Type in the view number to activate a view. You can also orient the view by typing “I” (Isometric), “XY”,”YZ”, or “XZ”. Type in “N” or “n” to activate the cursor for the Inquire function.

    62. GTMenu (cont) Hotkeys

    63. GTMenu (cont) The display of joints has been changed from an X to a solid circle. When selected, a joint will still be highlighted with an X to indicate selection. The input file generated by GTMenu will now contain dynamic mass – inertia of joints lumped or consistent, inertia of joints, and member added mass.

    64. GTMenu (cont) Default Color Dialog The default color dialog has been changed to cover less of the screen. The default colors have also been changed for some entities to improve black and white printing.

    65. GTMenu (cont) Text information on the screen and in the List Output box is now spelled out and is more understandable (fewer abbreviations).

    66. GTMenu (cont) The time required to bring an existing large model into GTMenu has been greatly reduced as shown below:

    67. GTMenu (cont) Reduced time to bring a large model into GTMenu (cont)

    68. Dynamics A friction damper truss and spring element which includes hysteretic damping has been implemented for nonlinear dynamic analysis

    69. Finite Elements The Von Mises stress can now be compared directly with the yield stress from the CALCULATE AVERAGE command. The CALCULATE RESULTANT command has been brought to release status.

    70. General PRINT MEMBER LENGTH SORTED command and Dialog menu option (see next slide) has been added to sort members by their length. Ascending and descending order with limits on the number of lines displayed or all members above or below a specified length. Consistency checking now looks for at least one support joint and at least 1 restraint in each global direction.

    71. General (cont) PRINT MEMBER LENGTH SORTED

    72. General (cont) STEEL TAKE OFF can now output information by profile (STEEL TAKE OFF BY PROFILE) or STEEL TAKE OFF ITEMIZE BY PROFILE.

    73. Reinforced Concrete Design ACI 318-99 for beams and columns will be implemented as a prerelease feature

    74. Steel Design Member deflection checks and redesign to satisfy user specified deflection limitations. Code check based on 1984 Indian Standard Code. Code name is IS800 Implemented cross sections are: I-shapes Channels Single and Double Angles Solid and Rectangular Bars Tees Pipes and structural tubing

    75. Steel Design (cont) New cross sections have been added to the EC3 code: Solid Round bars under axial force and biaxial bending Single angles under axial tension or compression Double angles under axial tension or compression

    76. Steel Design (cont) LIST CODE CHECK command will output the same information as available under the Results pull-down in GTMenu.

    77. Steel Shape Section Tables Long names are now available for profiles in tables BARS, RBAR, TEESM New Indian Standard Tables for IS800 code. The new tables are ISBEAMS, ISCOLUMN, ISCHAN, ISCHAMCP, ISEQANGL, and ISUNANGL. ‘TS’ has been added in front of the profile names in the AISC Metric TUBESM tables.

    78. Utilities (Scope Editor) Dashed lines from GTMenu deformed shapes and mode shapes will now appear in the Scope Editor. Text may now be rotated after it is created.

    79. Installation Procedure A new Password dialog is displayed when problems with the password are found. The new dialog will use Notepad to edit the existing password, or allow you to browse for another password file.

    80. Prerelease Features in Version 26 (Prerelease features in Version 25 which are still prerelease in Version 26) Dynamic Analysis External File to Improve Efficiency of Dynamic Analysis Results Computation Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Pushover Analysis

    81. Prerelease Features (cont) REFERENCE COORDINATE SYSTEM Command LRFD Design of Pipe and Structural Tube Cross Sections – additional provisions added European Tables Concrete Tables for Rectangular and Circular Cross Sections

    82. Prerelease Features (cont) Automatic Generation of Static Equivalent Earthquake Load FORM STATIC EARTHQUAKE LOAD 10 - ‘RS LOAD G.1’ FROM RMS OF RESPONSE - SPECTRA LOAD ‘G.1’ Based on FEMA Publication 273 SET ELEMENTS HASHED Used to accelerate input file processing especially for large models

    83. Future Enhancements Graphically specify joints and elements to be used with CALCULATE RESULTANT Option to draw deformed shape with curved lines for frame members Label Values on Diagrams and Envelopes automatically – max and mins Mirror option under Copy Model in GTMenu

    84. Future Enhancements (cont) Graphically display plastic hinge status and other pushover information. Click on a joint, member, and element and have more information shown in GTMenu. Create nonlinear spring and cable information in the input file created by GTMenu.

    85. Future Enhancements (cont) Label values of forces at ends of members in GTMenu Boundary outline option in GTMenu to show edges where only one finite element is attached. This is useful when model is built in pieces to be sure that the parts are connected together.

    86. Future Enhancements (cont) Multi-support excitation for transient analyses Plastic Hinge & Nonlinear Member End Spring Connections in Nonlinear Dynamics Automatic displacement control option in Pushover Analysis

    87. Future Enhancements (cont) Tees and channels added to LRFD2 code Code check will check member deflections using a Physical Member Automatic addition of maximum moment & shear location during SELECT & CHECK ACI 318-99 for tee cross sections and walls ACI 318-2001 design Dialogs for reinforced concrete design – design data, PROPORTION, & output of design results

    88. Future Enhancements (cont) Data Sheets for more results and load information Be able to use the Model Wizard with an existing structure. Control the numbering in the Model Wizard. Dialogs for Nonlinear cable elements

    89. Future Enhancements (cont) New Area Load command to automatically generate the loads on floor systems with one way decking. This command will automatically distribute the load acting on a floor to the members supporting the floor. Area loading will automatically be recomputed during analysis in the event that the geometry of the floor changed since it was first specified. Ability to specify Area Load graphically.

    90. Future Enhancements (cont) New User Interface The new user interface will include selection tools (in addition to the typed list of members, joints, etc.). You will be able to graphically select joints, members, and elements using the current dialogs. The Graphical Selection available in Version 26 is Phase I of this development. The command line interface will still be available

    91. Future Enhancements (cont) New User Interface (cont) Multiple windows with each window’s view, labeling, and annotation able to be saved and restored. Data Sheets and property pages will be available for editing

    92. What do we (The CASE Center) need? Functional specification for new features. New structural types to add to the Model Wizard. Other new Wizards to make it easier for you to use features (Cable analysis,…..)

    93. Demonstration of GTSTRUDL 26 Demonstration of a few new features in GTSTRUDL Version 26 next.

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