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Presentation to the San Jacinto Watershed Council October 7, 2004

Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage (LEAPS) and Talega-Escondido / Valley-Serrano (TE/VS) Transmission Line Project. Presentation to the San Jacinto Watershed Council October 7, 2004. LEAPS & TEVS Transmission Line Project Map. Pump Storage Project Description.

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Presentation to the San Jacinto Watershed Council October 7, 2004

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  1. Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage (LEAPS)and Talega-Escondido / Valley-Serrano(TE/VS)Transmission Line Project Presentation to the San Jacinto Watershed Council October 7, 2004

  2. LEAPS & TEVS Transmission Line Project Map

  3. Pump Storage Project Description • Nominal 500 MW power project utilizing pump turbine machines • Upper reservoir in Morrell Canyon of the Cleveland National Forest • Lake Elsinore to be the lower reservoir with penstock tunnels for inlet/outfall • Power plant ~ 240 ft below the surface of Lake Elsinore • Advanced pump storage plant: • Pump lower reservoir water to upper reservoir during off peak energy periods • Return water through the turbines and generate power during peak energy periods • Will be one of the most efficient pump storage plants in the world Morrell Canyon

  4. Talega-Escondido / Valley-Serrano Transmission Line Project Description • 28.5 mile 500 kV transmission line • 1,600 MW design capacity • Most of the line runs through National Forest land • Application for line accepted by the US Forest Service • Language in current Energy Bill in Congress directs USFS and BLM to facilitate routing • USFS has agreed to work with FERC to permit both projects under FERC direction • This is the wires and non–wires solution to one of the most congested region in California

  5. Lake Elsinore Facts • Largest natural lake in Southern California  3,000 surface acres • Located 80 miles to Los Angeles & 40 miles to San Diego • State transferred ownership of lake to the City in 1993 • Project to improve inflow and outflow and lake health • Water improvement works completed in 1995: • Freshwater wells • 17,800 ft. earthen levee • 350 acres of wetland habitant

  6. Lake Management History • Until 1995, Lake Elsinore is part of California Park System. The State attempts to offset the Lake’s evaporation losses and control flooding for several decades with little or no success • In 1988 Lake Elsinore Management Authority (LEMA) was created to design a project to maintain lake levels and prevent future flooding • In 1993, a Bureau of Reclamation Loan of $26 million and local contributions of $13 million LEMA constructed the Lake Management project • 1995 State deeded the Lake over to EVMWD and the land under the Lake to the City of Lake Elsinore • 2000 State Proposition 13 passes creating the Lake Elsinore San Jacinto Watershed Authority (LESJWA) and appropriating $15 million for watershed cleanup in the Lake Elsinore San Jacinto Watershed

  7. LEAPS Project History • Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District “District” applied to FERC 3/92 • Application was pre-empted by adjoining cities of Anaheim, Azusa, Banning, Colton & Riverside • Agreement that District develop project • The Hydro Company agreed to develop project for District in 1997 • Enron North America was briefly involved, but no agreements were ever signed • Following a company directive to no longer develop assets and stating a lack of resources, they withdrew in March, 2001. • Supported by local Federal and State representatives

  8. Technology/Equipment • 2-Voith Siemens pump turbines • Each unit will pump water or generate power • When coupled with a 337,500 HP generator, each pump turbine produces 250 MW • 2 - Penstocks, each 18 ft. diameter • Power plant: • Total head at turbines » 1640 ft. • Lake will fluctuate 18” max. (over 16 hour period) • Water system flow: • Head Lake, Morrell is at 2,880 ft. elevation and will hold » 5,500 acre feet • Lower reservoir, Lake Elsinore at 1,240 ft. elevation, contains » 68,000 acre feet Turbine Wheel

  9. Easy LEAPS Performance Facts • 83.3% wire–to–wire efficiency for electricity storage • Pump for 1 hour (@ 600 MW) allows generation for 1 hour (@ 500 MW) • Daily maximums: • Generation: 12 hours at 500 MW • Storage: 12 hours at 600 MW • Nominal Storage: 6,000 MW Hours • Fully dispatchable in 15 seconds • Can operate for up to 18 continuous hours in emergency • Lake will fluxuate  6 inches to a maximum 18 inches

  10. Pumped Storage vs. Combustion Turbine Efficiency

  11. Turbine – Leaps Comparison

  12. Costs to EVMWD for Maintaining Lake Elsinore • Current projects • $15 million from LESJWA • Future projects • Initial capital from $11 million to $22 million • Annual operating costs from $2 million to $5 million • Costs depend on standards set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board • LEAPS is designed to substantially offset future expenses for Lake Management and provide a stable lake level

  13. Permitting History • 9/15/00 - Submitted preliminary application to FERC • 12/01/00 - Selected equipment supplier • 2/21/01 - FERC issued preliminary permit PN11858-000 • 4/23/01 - Initial consultation package to all agencies • 6/12/01 - Joint public meeting @ EVMVD • 9/09/03 - Draft FERC application distributed to 140 agencies and interested parties • 2/2/2004 - License Application filed with FERC • 9/9/2004 - FERC environmental scoping meetings @ EVMWD Headquarters

  14. Licensing Schedule* If Federal Energy Bill passes, requires decision on transmission corridor (at least) in 1 year max FERC license application submitted February 2004 Joint FERC-USFS-EVMWD NEPA/CEQA process FERC anticipates 6-12 months to receive FERC license and joint state environmental permits (USFS Cooperating Agency) Permits for Line and LEAPS may be issued concurrently or not Optimally, line operational around early-2007 Leaps Unit 1 on line late-2007 Leaps Unit 2 on line late-2008

  15. Public Benefits • Viable and less expensive transmission route through public lands and outside of CPUC process • Economic growth to area • Improve water quality and stabilize level of Lake Elsinore • Added recreational benefits • Electricity to San Diego and Los Angeles without creating air emissions • Fire fighting reservoir (and fire break?) in Cleveland National Forest • Visitor center will attract 200,000 annual visitors and generate perhaps $2 million annually • Will help the State use Renewable Energy resources more efficiently • Project can be completed in a real time frame

  16. Grid Benefits • Store off peak to sell on peak (renewables management) • Dispatchable in 15 seconds (with units spinning) • Black start in 10 minutes • Full range of Ancillary services • Provides regulation, load following and voltage support • Increased system reliability • Manage and firm wind and other renewables

  17. Cost Summary • LEAPS Total Cost:  $470 million • Transmission Line Total Cost:  $170 million • Total Combined Project:  $650 million

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