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Advancement Handbook October 11, 2004. Two Types of Advancement. Rank Advancement – Specific requirements all scouts must complete to move to the next rank Merit Badges – Requirements for 117 merit badges are badge specific – a scout chooses which badges he wants to work on.
Two Types of Advancement • Rank Advancement – Specific requirements all scouts must complete to move to the next rank • Merit Badges – Requirements for 117 merit badges are badge specific – a scout chooses which badges he wants to work on
Rank Advancement Scout Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Star Life Eagle Eagle Palms
Elective (102 total; 9 required for Eagle) in the areas of: Scoutcraft Outdoors (Nature-related) Recreational Activities Career Options Fine Arts Hobbies Eagle Required (12) Camping Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Communications Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving (Pick 1) Environmental Science Family Life First Aid Personal Fitness Personal Management Swimming or Cycling or Hiking (Pick 1) Merit Badges After Eagle requirements are fulfilled, additional Merit Badges count towards Eagle Palms.
You can work on Tenderfoot to First Class all at the same time (you don’t have to be a Tenderfoot to work on 2nd and 1st Class) Review the requirements for all ranks often! Many activities the troop has (for example, a camping trip) can fulfill one or more requirements. As you complete requirements, have an Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) or senior scout* sign and date the item in (the back of) your scout handbook. Then (if possible at the same meeting), take your scout handbook to the advancement chair so that progress can be logged in the troop records When you have completed all the requirements for a rank except your Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, contact troop leaders before the next meeting you plan to attend and let them know you need a SC and BOR. That way, they can arrange to have enough adults there to help you complete the last requirements for your rank! Always see the Advancement Chair to log your new rank after you have completed your BOR. Otherwise, you might not be recognized at the next Court of Honor (COH)! * A senior scout is defined as: Star rank or above, Troop Guide, Senior Patrol Leader, or Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Rank Advancement Signoffs: Scout to First Class
Rank Advancement Signoffs Star/Life/Eagle/Palms • Only ASMs can sign off your service and leadership requirements • Log your Merit Badges in your scout handbook as you earn them • When you have completed all the requirements for a rank except your Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, contact troop leaders before the next meeting you plan to attend and let them know you need a SC and BOR. That way, they can arrange to have enough adults there to help you complete the last requirements for your rank! • Always see the Advancement Chair to log your new rank after you have completed your BOR. Otherwise, you might not be recognized at the next Court of Honor (COH)! • Life Scouts will receive personal guidance regarding additional steps they must take to earn the highest rank in scouting
Merit Badge Overview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose Merit Badge Get Blue Card Your Info On Blue Card Find MB Counselor MB Counselor Info Work on requirements Individual requirements signoffs MB Counselor Badge Signoff Scoutmaster Badge Signoff 6. 7. 8. 9. Log Badge Advancement Chair Court of Honor MB Presentation 10. 11.
Merit Badges Blue Card Front Step 1: Choose a merit badge you would like to work on Step 2: Obtain a blue card from the Advancement Chair or an ASM The blue card looks like this: Blue Card Back
Merit Badges Step 3: Complete your personal information on the front and back of the card. Use Ink, not a pencil! • Your name and address • Check the “Boy Scout” box • This is Troop841 • Milton District • Atlanta Area Council • f Your name • Troop 841 • The name of the Merit Badge
Merit Badges Your Blue card should now look like this:
Merit Badges Step 4: Find out from the Advancement Chair who the merit Badge counselor(s) is/are for that badge. Also, the troop website has a list of Merit Badge Counselors at: www.troop841.com Step 5: Find a Merit Badge Counselor who will advise you, and fill in information about the counselor. Get him/her to indicate date badge started on the front of the card. The back of your Blue Card should now look like this.
Merit Badges Step 6: Begin working on your merit badge Step 7: As requirements are completed, have the Merit Badge Counselor indicate completed requirements on the middle section of the front of the blue card Repeat steps 6 & 7 until all requirements are complete MB Counselor notes date MB started (Step 5) Completed requirements signed off Blue Card Front
Blue Card Back Merit Badges Step 8: When all requirements are complete, have the Merit Badge Counselor sign and date the back of your Blue Card Step 9: Have the Scoutmaster sign both the front and the back of your Blue Card Blue Card Front
Merit Badges Step 10: Give your completed card to the advancement chair. (S)he will log the information into the troop’s records Step 11: Enjoy being recognized at the next Court of Honor!
Things to Remember: • Cutoff date for Court Of Honor (COH) recognition is 2 Mondays before the COH. Make sure you log your rank advancements and merit badges with the Advancement Chair by the announced date. All items logged after that date will not be awarded until the next COH. • [Note: the date the award was achieved is still the effective date – so if you earned First Class a day before the COH, that is the start date for working on the Star rank, NOT the date of the next COH.] • All merit badges started at summer camp must be completed within one year of the end of summer camp with the exception of Camping, Backpacking, Hiking, and Cycling, or at the discretion of the Merit Badge Counselor. The scout may be quizzed by the Merit Badge Counselor to demonstrate knowledge of subject matter. • Similarly, All merit badges started at NESA must be completed within one year of the date of the NESA session with the exception of Camping. • For (mostly Eagle) badges that require a 12 week or three month period of measuring, monitoring or recording, if an interruption of more than 3 weeks occurs, the time period must be restarted.