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Fall Prevention Presented by: APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU)

Fall Prevention Presented by: APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU). December 2010 mp. Disclaimer.

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Fall Prevention Presented by: APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU)

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  1. Fall PreventionPresented by: APS HealthcareSouthwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit(HCQU) December 2010 mp

  2. Disclaimer Information or education provided by the HCQU is not intended to replace medical advice from the consumer’s personal care physician, existing facility policy or federal, state and local regulations/codes within the agency jurisdiction. The information provided is not all inclusive of the topic presented. Certificates for training hours will only be awarded to those who attend a training in its entirety. Attendees are responsible for submitting paperwork to their respective agencies.

  3. Note of Clarification While mental retardation (MR) is still recognized as a clinical diagnosis, in an effort to support the work of self-advocates, the APS SW PA HCQU will be using the terms intellectual and/or developmental disability (ID/DD) to replace mental retardation (MR) when feasible.

  4. Objectives List three causes of falls List three complications of falls List three ways to prevent falls

  5. Fall: Definition To come or drop down suddenly to a lower position. To leave a standing or erect position suddenly, whether voluntary or not

  6. Statistics Annually 16,000 deaths 75% occur in people over 64 500,000 hospitalizations 1.8 million emergency room visits 60% in home 30% in community 10% in institutions

  7. External Causes External causes are outside forces Environment Throw rugs Improper lighting Untied shoes

  8. Internal Causes Internal causes Inside forces Parkinson’s Disease Depression Advanced age History of falls

  9. Exercise: Vision Impairment

  10. Complications from Falling Complications Injuries/conditions Bathopobia (fear of falling) Head injury Fractures Rehabilitation services Greatly affect a person’s life

  11. Fall Prevention: External Factors Look for potential external causes Loose carpeting Unsecured throw rugs Low-level furniture Coffee table End table

  12. Fall Prevention: Internal Factors Be aware of internal causes Person does not respond when called Walking slower than usual Prevention is key

  13. Unpreventable Falls Most falls are preventable Unpreventable Seizures Acute causes

  14. Fall Prevention Plan – 9 Steps Designate a Team Develop Policy Identify People at Risk Create a Safe Environment Develop Method of Reporting Develop Post Fall Protocol for Care Develop Prevention Strategies Education Program Evaluation

  15. APS HCQU FALL PREVENTION PROGRAM RESOURCE MANUAL http://hcqu.apshealthcare.com/content/overview/ FallPreventionProgramResourceManual.pdf


  17. Summary Falls can be caused by external and internal factors Complications of falls can impact a person’s life Most falls are preventable Fall Prevention Plan

  18. References Guideline Helps Neurologists Identify Patients at High Risk of Falling, Caroline Cassels, Medscape Today. Retrieved on June 28, 2010 from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/569694 Where do Falls Occur?, The Doctor Oz Show, Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved on June 28, 2010 from http://ask.doctoroz.com/question/where-do-falls-occur Introduction: Obnubilation, WD. Retrieved on August 18, 2010, retrieved from http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/medical/obnubilation.htm

  19. References Steps in Development of a Fall Prevention Program, Fall Prevention Resource Manual, p.2-16, APS Healthcare Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (APS HCQU). Retrieved December 14, 2010 from http://hcqu.apshealthcare.com/content/overview/FallPreventionProgramResourceManual.pdf

  20. To register for future trainingsorfor more information on this or any other physical or behavioral health topic, please visit our website at www.hcqu.apshealthcare.com

  21. EvaluationPlease take a few moments to complete the evaluation form found in the back of your packets.Thank You!

  22. Test ReviewThere will be a test review after all tests have been completed and turned into the Instructor.

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